WWOOF Mexico

Terresa Beck's Comments

Messages Box (140 messages)

At 6:04am on July 17, 2015, Rosemary Gist said…

Dear Terresa,

I hope this finds you well!

My name is Rosie Gist, I am 27 years old and currently live in London. Through working in the coffee industry for the past 3 years- where I have learnt a lot about direct trading, growing, crop maintenance and sustainability- and also having spent time in India and Nepal (where the connection between growing and consumers was really made transparent to me, first hand, for the first time), I am keen to immerse myself in hands-on experience and learn more about organic growing.

While I am a keen gardener and grower at home- I have transformed our rented back garden over the past year and a half and am now growing mange tout, basil, peas, tomatoes, chives, sage and sunflowers in the space- my knowledge so far is limited and my learning directed by as-and-when the space and season requires it. Should you still be taking volunteers at your amazing farm in San Miguel de Allende, it would be a wonderful opportunity to work with and learn from you and your land.

I arrive in Mexico at the beginning of October 2015 and look to spend time in central Mexico until the beginning of November. Do you have any availability at that time and would you be keen to communicate further? I'd ideally be looking to work for 2-3 weeks.

Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you soon. In the meantime, keep well.

Best wishes,


At 10:15pm on September 23, 2015, Ellen Henry said…


I would love to see more photos of your farm. Please upload some when you have the opportunity.

I worked a season with my daughter in an extensive asparagus field.  We cut every other day, weeded every other day.  The farm supplied to local restaurants.  I am not familiar with other types of food, but the work must be very similar.  How many hours to you expect your workers to do in a day?  At what time of day?

I plan to live permanently in Baja by late fall next year.  But for now I need to live simply  and get tired from a day's work.  I am very interested in sustainable living.  I want to experience it, to live it.  I also do not speak Spanish.  Although I do understand many words if spoken moderately.

I look forward to your photos. 



At 3:05pm on November 16, 2015, Loïc Ollivault said…

Hi Terresa,

We are a couple coming to Mexico next wednesday.
We will be available at the end of November until Christmas, and we will be glad to work with you in your farm in San Miguel. We love to take care of vegetables, and we also want to learn more about ecologic life styles. We speak french, english and a correct spanish.

We invite you to look at our profile to know us a little more.

Take care, hope to hear more about you.

Lolo and Nini

At 1:13pm on December 4, 2015, Adele Hunter said…

Hola Terresa,

Your profile seems very peaceful and appealing! My name is Adele I am a 26 year old Canadian. I have been volunteering on farms for a while now. The goal in mind as always been to learn how to build a self-sustaining organic farm that takes as little as possible away from the earth. I would love the opportunity to learn from you and your land. Also I would like to mention I am no stranger to hard work and I love doing it, it's a great feeling at the end of the day to be able to see all you have accomplished. 

I would love to visit in January if there is any space available. If not please yet me know any other dates that are open, my schedule tends to be flexible as a traveling wwoofer.

Hope to hear from you,


Adele H. 

At 1:14pm on December 4, 2015, Adele Hunter said…

Forgot my contact into in the last message, sorry. E-mail is adeleann27@gmail.com

At 4:08pm on December 4, 2015, Fumat Simon said…
Buenas tardes Terresa, como estas ?

Me llamo Simón, soy francés y tengo 24. Estoy viajando con un amigo a través México y vamos a llegar en el estado de guanajuato por el fin del mes de diciembre. Queremos encontrar una granja como la tuya por 2 o 3 semanas (hasta el 15 de enero mas o menos). Tenemos 2 experiencias de wwoofing : una cerca de playa del Carmen (perros,gatos,gallineas,...) y una en el sur del DF (trabajo de la tierra, plantas,...). Estamos aprendiendo el español, nos gusta trabajar y podemos hacer comida también.
Para escribirme : Simon.fumat@gmail.con


At 6:50am on January 2, 2016, Eleanore Jehung said…
My name is EJ and I am interested in Wwoofing from Friday 1/22 through Sunday 1/31 ( give or take a day or so).  Are you hosting any volunteers during those days?
A little about me - I am a California native.  I have previous wwoofing experience in Japan.  I am looking into expanding my experience in Central America.  I enjoy learning about subsistence farming, and doing hands-on activities such as growing vegetables / crops, harvesting mushrooms, and helping out at a local farmers market.  
I speak English, Korean, and Japanese.  My Spanish is elementary level, but I'm striving to improve a bit by bit every day =)
Looking forward to hearing from you,
At 8:02am on February 7, 2016, Violaine Lamouret said…
Hola! Me llamo Violaine y estoy muy interesada en ayudar en la la granja algunas semanas. Soy francesa y vivi en Canada los dos ultimos anos pero queria irme al sur durante el invierno, y tambien disfrutar de mi viaje para aprender la agricultura. Los ultimos meses complete un certificado en permacultura que me apasionaba pero era muy teorico y mi meta ahora es de trabajar y aprender. Ademas tengo muchas ganas de ver mas ejemplos de vidas off grid y autosustenables porque es lo que quiero suceder por mi vida tambien.
Estoy en Guadalajara en este momento, me gusteria mucho empezar el wwoofing la proxima semana o dos o tres semanas mas tarde despues de otra granja, y puedo quedarme dos, tres o mas semanas dependiendo de sus necesidades. Hablo ingles con fluidez y intento progresar en espanol!
Muchas gracias por su interes,
At 8:03am on February 7, 2016, Violaine Lamouret said…
Mi email es violainelamouret@gmail.com !
At 3:07am on October 21, 2016, pauliac elodie said…


I will be very happy to get chance to work at your farm.

I can start the 6 of december until the 18 of decembe.

Do you think if it s possible?

At 3:42pm on November 18, 2016, MARTA PUERTAS NORIEGA said…

Hello Terresa! 

Me llamo Marta, estoy ahora mismo en Querétaro. Tengo muchas ganas de aprender a cultivar orgánicamente. No tengo experiencia previa, pero si muchas ganas de aprender. Puedo estar 2 semanas, o quizá más, dependiendo. Hablo inglés, viví 1 año en Canadá y otro en Nueva Zelanda. 

Mi email es mpuertasn@gmail.com

A la espera de sus noticias. Gracias

At 9:53am on December 1, 2016, Abraham Arredondo Zamarripa said…

Buenos día.

Soy Abraham estoy interesado en su granja. Acabo de iniciarme en esto así que aun no sé muy bien como funciona, pero quisiera comunicarme con usted o ustedes para más información. Yo estudio antropología y tengo 22 años. Espero su respuesta.

Gracias y saludos cordiales.  

At 8:55pm on January 11, 2017, Adrian Martinez Lopez said…

Hola,  mi nombre es Adrian de Queretaro (Mexico) y me gustaría mucho contribuir con ustedes, no tengo mucha experiencia solo un gran espíritu por aprender sobre nuestro medio ambiente y como podemos estar mas en amornia con el. 

Tengo oportunidad de ir en febrero.


At 1:37pm on February 6, 2017, Georgina Isabel Margalli Peral said…
Podrías darme un correo para ponerme en contacto contigo? Muchas gracias!
At 11:44pm on May 29, 2017, Pam Bradbury said…

I'm very interested in working at your farm this coming summer. I have read through your farm information page and it looks like it would be a fabulous fit. I would be traveling with my children, ages 10 and 8. Both are strong workers on their farm in the Pacific Northwest. I speak fluent Spanish and teach English at our local Elementary so I am available during our summer break, basically anytime between the last week of June and the beginning of September. My goal would be to work with your farm for a week or two as you have availability. Please let me know if you have space for us and when during those months might work best?

At 4:55pm on September 30, 2017, Jose Chagolla Calderón said…

Hello Teresa!!, this is José.

After reading many books (like 5) about permaculture, organic farming and eco-building; and visiting a couple of farms here in México... I want to get more experience, interchange ideas while I help other people's project.

About eating, I eat a lot of vegetables (no meat) and I can cook happily (if it's necesary), even more, I have researched a lot about how to keep healthy by eating health stuff...

Please, let me know if I can join to your team.

I let you my email expecting your answer. jose.chagolla@gmail.com


At 7:16pm on October 16, 2017, Hela Sarasvati said…

Hi Teresa i am now in Guanajuato i would like to know your place and help, it looks so nice and interesting project. we are gonna be all month but we can get to know each other and make a comidment for 2 weeks. We are a cople and we have one year traveling around Mexico to all ecovillage as woofing and doing workshops in permaculture and circus. 

At 1:19pm on October 20, 2017, Hela Sarasvati said…

hola aun estan sin recibir woofers? 

At 8:00pm on November 18, 2017, Dylan Stein said…

Hola Terresa,

My girlfriend and I are in Jalisco for the month of January and are very interested in WWOOFing on your farm for two weeks. We own and operate a small organic vegetable farm in Oregon and want to learn from other farms and practice our Spanish. We are hard working, fun loving and easy going. We have lots of experience working with plants, animals and light construction.  Let us know if we can help you out--(we have done a lot of WWOOFing abroad in New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Israel, US).

Muchas Gracias,

Dylan and Eden

At 11:39am on July 20, 2018, Bidet yuna said…

hello, my name is yuna a french girl. if i contact you today it's because i come to Mexico in september. I would like to help you, 2 weeks, if you need help.

Your farm and your project life interresting me. I'm farmer's daughter (Agora goats) and i did 5 years a training to be veterinary assistante. 

I have expériences in construction, in vegetable and animals. 

I'm at your disposal if you have questions. 



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