WWOOF Mexico

Fabri's Comments

Messages Box (60 messages)

At 7:57am on January 21, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
Ciao Fabri!!!
ho visto che Porto Morelos è giusto sotto Cancun (vero?). Sto pensando di venire a trovarvi martedì sera, il giorno in cui arrivo, per vedere se e come posso essere utile.
Sai come posso arrivare facilmente dall'aeroporto internazionale (quali bus prendere e dove scendere). Grazie un salutone
A presto
At 9:27am on January 21, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
grazie per la prontezza.ti faccio sapere se ci sono dei cambiamenti, altrimenti ci vediamo direttamente martedì sera.
At 9:13pm on January 21, 2010, Maxime Poilane said…
Hola Fabri, Que onda, wai???
Si, claro! Estoy ahora a Santiaguito Etla cerca de Oaxaca. Esta bien chido! Es mas un refugio animales que una granja... Hay muchas cosas a hacer aqui, y a aprender tambien.
Hay una buena ando. Espero poder te ver aqui antes que yo voy en Michoacan. Estoy aqua para 3 semanas todavia. No se si yo voy a regresar en Quintana Roo. Porque creo que yo voy a tomar un avion en Mexico DF para regresar en Francia en principio de Marzo, pero si yo busco un boleto, porque ahora son bien caro!!!
Hasta luego amigo y que vaya bien.
Saludas a Renato para mi!
At 5:13pm on January 23, 2010, Marianne Guay said…
Gracias! so we will see you sunday if we decided to take a taxi, or munday if we decide to stay the night in cancùn. The adress is esquina calle 8 ?? if I say that to the taxi its ok?
muchas gracias
hasta prùnto
At 3:22pm on February 19, 2010, Colette Thomas said…
Hola Fabri!
I will see if I can bring some seedlings for the vegetable beds. I will arrive in Puerto Morelos on March 1st - probably late afternoon and will give you a call. I plan on working with you the entire month of March. I really appreciate it!

Muchas gracias!

At 6:26pm on February 19, 2010, Julia Heinrich said…
hola Fabri,

I may have time to spend a couple of weeks working you after all, from the 23rd of February to the 11th of March, when I fly back to Germany. So let me know if you still have room for me, that would be great! but if you´re too annoyed with me and my constantly changing plans, I would totally understand too ;)

hope to hear from you,

muchas gracias!

At 8:33am on February 27, 2010, Megan Schooley said…
hola fabri! i will be getting into cancun at 4:30 this Wednesday March 3rd. i'll take a bus to puerto morelos so i'll be there in the evening sometime. where exactly is the farm located? i can only stay until the 17th (2 weeks), but can return to the farm again after about the 25th or 26th of march. can't wait to meet you and play in the dirt!

At 12:06pm on March 2, 2010, Colette Thomas said…
Hola Fabri y Renato!

I took a cab in yesterday, but could not get a hold of you so I did not know where to go. Also, I lost my wallet a couple days ago and had very little money left on me yesterday so I took a temporary cleaning job in town and will stay until I can take care of my wallet missing. I hope I will be able to still come help out this month. I just don't know when I will be able to do it yet. I am so sorry for the inconvenience. I will be in touch.

Muchas gracias!

At 1:34pm on March 2, 2010, Tara Nichol said…
Hola Fabri. Gracias para tu respuesto. Voy a llegar a Play del Carmen esta Viernes para quedarme una semana. De repente puedo visitar tu granja en las proximas semanas, podemos hablar de los posibilidades trabajando mas adelante. Me gustaria ver tu trabajo si tienes tiempo para un "tour". Si no egual, hablamos quando tienes mas espacio.
Espero que las cosas va bien por alla.
At 10:15am on March 3, 2010, Julie Demeulemeester said…
OK that's great! If you´ve got a bed for me than I´m definitely willing to come at the 17th of march. I will stay untill the end of march (30th).
Is that allright?
Could you give me some more information about what the tasks will be? (just curious;-)
looking forward to meet you guys!
At 11:50am on March 10, 2010, Tara Nichol said…
Hola Fabri. Estoy aqui en Mexico, que bonito el pais! Quiero visitarte qalquier dia.. Si me puedes escribir tu direction y un buen dia para ti seria bien. Si prefieres escribeme por correos a taranichol10@yahoo.ca
Gracias, tara
At 10:58pm on March 11, 2010, Julie Demeulemeester said…
Hola Fabi,

great! You can definitely count on my participation and arrival on the 17th of march, more like in the evening. I´ll probably send a message later to ask how to get there from the airport of Cancun.
So see you soon!
Greetings from Potrero del Chico (Monterrey)
At 6:35pm on March 15, 2010, BAYO FREDERIC said…
hola fabri, disculpe pero no teniamos internet antes, tenemos una tienda de campaña para dormir. Tenemos un vuelo por cancun el 25 de Marzo pero pensamos venir a puerto morelos el 1 de Abril. Pensamos quedar dos semanas en tu granja. Nos vemos
Hasta luego
fred y Emilie
At 9:52pm on March 18, 2010, Monika A Roy said…
Hola Fabri, okay so i am in the yucatan now and am available to come march 21 up til april 10th or so - i have camping gear if space is low. let me know what the situation is and also how exactly to get to the farm. look forward to seeing you!
At 11:29am on March 20, 2010, Monika A Roy said…
thanks for the info fabri, also - i think i might be coming in today (march 20th) instead of tomorrow, just to let you know, see you soon!
At 12:31pm on March 28, 2010, BAYO FREDERIC said…
hola fabri, llegaremos a tu granja por el 1 de Abril, ¿Donde podemos encontrarnos ? Pienso que lo mejor es en Puerto Morelos por la fin de la tarde, pero puedes decirnos exactamente donde es la granja y llegaremos solo. Como tu quieres. Gracias
Hasta pronto
Fred y Emilie.
At 8:54pm on April 6, 2010, Caitlin E Green said…
Muchas gracias!
I look forward to meeting and working with you soon
At 5:58am on April 8, 2010, Zuzanna Bukowski said…
Hola Fabri,
muchas gracias!!! Entonces nos vemos en un mes.
Necesito algo como una tienda de campana o teneis una hamaca para mi? Pienso que voy a venir el 12 de mayo, pero puede ser que llegare un o dos dias antes. Te escribere cuando lo se exactamente.
Saludos, hasta pronto.
At 1:03am on May 9, 2010, Caitlin E Green said…
Hola Fabri--No puedo esperar llegar en Puerto Morelos!
Tengo un poco preguntas: Anyone there from the U.S.? I plan to bring a sleeping bag, will I also need a tent? What are the basic necessities to pack? (I have a wonderful yet somewhat neurotic family worried about safety) Is traveling alone okay from the airport? they mentioned taxis being incredibly unsafe--is this true? If so--might there be another way to travel from the airport. Sorry for the massive amount of questions!
Muchas muchas gracias.
I look forward to hearing from you :)
Best, Caitlin
At 12:27pm on May 12, 2010, A. Dennise Maggiani said…
hoLA fABRICIO, son Dennise recuerdas? aun he seguido de voluntaria en otras granjas conociendo un poco de todo, estas en puerto MOrelos vdd?, aun hay espacio?,, seria cosa de llevar tienda de campaña no?, hay disponibilidad para ir?,, saludos

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