WWOOF Mexico

Roberto Lepe's Comments

Messages Box (148 messages)

At 11:23am on December 13, 2017, Mareike Gerbig said…

Hi guys, we just saw your profile and and we would really like to join you. We are a couple from germany, and travel in central america. We both speak english and some spanish.
We love to work in nature and have quite some experience in gardening and building stuff. We are both positive and friendly persons and we always like to learn something new.

We are looking forward to get your answer, best regards
Markus and Mareike

At 3:02pm on March 3, 2018, Beni Evans said…

Hola Roberto 

Hope you are well.
We are a friendly and energetic couple from England interested in working on a farm or ecological project in Mexico. We are travelling around Central America and have worked already on a coffee farm in Costa Rica for 2 weeks. We really like the sound of what you are doing and would love to be a part of your project. Between us, we have experience in gardening and organic farming and speak English and Spanish. Eva has done WWOOFing in Spain and France and Beni is a gardener in the UK.
We are planning on being in Mexico for March and April before flying home and haven’t planned a route yet so if you are interested let us know your availability we can work from there :)
We are looking forward to hearing back from you.
Eva and Beni

At 3:13pm on March 17, 2018, Benny Talbot said…


I have been travelling with my girlfriend Alice through mexico and volunteering for the last three months. We speak reasonable Spanish. So far I havehad amazing experieces building traditional kitchens in juchitan, gardening in an etnobotanic garden in cholula, and monitoring monarch butterflies in michoacan.

Your project looks really interesting - Are you looking for volunteers at the moment? lf so, could you tell me a little more about what our main tasks would be?


Ps. Easiest to communicaticate via email on benny1848@gmail.com

At 10:00am on May 4, 2018, Clément Rosenberg said…

Hola Roberto !

We are Violette (23), Pablo (24) and Clément (26), three design students recently graduated from Paris.
To celebrate our new future, we’ve decided to travel together in Mexico. We will stay about two months, visiting Mexico City, Mérida and the Yucatan coast and so one.
But, we are also very excited to be part of a local project and that’s why we are interested in wwoofing.
Oaxaca seems to be an amazing area to discover the amazing richness of Mexican flora.
Learning a little from your wwoofing profile, we feel very close to your work ethic about sustainable farming and we are very curious about coffee culture.
We would be glad to be part of the adventure if you are interested.
Of course, we are not gardeners or farmers, but our studies made us tinkers and we are very curious about learning techniques. Also, we all grew up in the countryside and we feel close to gardening issues (Violette has made a project about plant's growing tutors) and plants life. 
We can help you for two weeks in between the 28th of may and the 15th of june approximately but Pablo has to come back earlier because his flight to France is on the 5th of june (he certainly has to leave on the 3rd or the 4th). Could it suits with your planning ?

We understand spanish but it's more difficult to speak the language. Pablo used to live in Guadalajara and Violette and I learned at school but we are not fluent jajaja

Kind regards,

Violette, Pablo and Clément (rosenbergclement@gmail.com)

At 6:51pm on May 26, 2018, Bhiany said…

Me presento: mi nombre es Bhiany, tengo 21 años y actualmente estoy viviendo en el estado de Hidalgo. La naturaleza, ecología y sostenibilidad son temas que realmente me apasionan, aunque no e podido adentrarme al 100 gracias a que actualmente estoy realizando una licenciatura en artes y me absorbe la mayor parte de mi tiempo. Es por ello que e decidido comenzar a poner manos a la obra en mis próximas vacaciones y en esa búsqueda encontré su granja, la cual creó un gran eco en mi. 
Estoy sumamente interesada en poder realizar un voluntariado de 2 semanas en el mes de junio con ustedes. Cabe destacar que tengo un gran entusiasmo por formar parte de su equipo, ya que las actividades que realizan han captado de una forma significante mi atención.  
Soy una persona entusiasta y muy curiosa dispuesta a realizar cualquier actividad que sea necesaria en su sitio. 

Espero que pueda obtener una pronta respuesta, ya que la fecha que tengo destinada para realizar el voluntariado se acerca. 

Gracias por su tiempo, un gran abrazo!. 


At 5:29pm on June 26, 2018, Luisa said…

Hola, me llamo Luisa. Estoy viviendo en Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo ahora. Tengo interese en trabajar en tu farm, por favor escribirme se hay disponibilidad. Hablo Portugues, Ingles y espanol.



At 1:58pm on June 27, 2018, Anna Lanchon said…

Hola Roberto !

My name is Anna, I'm a french-american 22 year old willing to discover working in farms.

This is my first experience as a wwoofer but I'm a fast learner and hardworker, not afraid of long hours. I've always wanted to work with nature and understand more about sustainable, organic and ecofriendly agriulture. Also a real coffee lover, I would really love to work in your farm and learn more about this agriculture. I will be in Mexico in November, my dates are flexible but if you have openings for one or 2 weeks I would be very happy to come and be a part of your team. 

Let me know if you have availabilities during that time !


Thank you so much,


At 11:36am on January 6, 2019, Gabrielle Pelletier said…
Saludos a Ustedes,

Somos una jovena pareja viajando desde Montreal. Los escribimos hoy porque estamos muy interesados a voluntar en su finca y queriamos saber si seria possible. Nos vamos de Montreal este martes el 8 de enero. Planeamos de viajar atrás de todo el Mexico y visitar las playas de Oaxaca. Todavía no sabemos exactamente nuestras destinaciones y horario porque ahora mismo estamos planeando cual fincas vamos a visitar y cuando visitarlas.

Habiendo viajado mucho en el pasado, hemos adquirido bastante conocimiento en muchos dominios, particularmente en el tema de la permacultura. Su filosofía y metodología son excelentes ejemplos de cómo la agricultura puede ser regenerativa en lugar de destructiva, como eso debería ser en la naturaleza. Esto dicho, estamos muy implicados en el descubrimiento de la verdadera sostenibilidad para la humanidad, así como en la comprensión de la salud y la vitalidad de una manera holística. Ambos somos fruitarianos, nuestra dieta consiste en frutas y hierbas. Tenemos una linda perra llamada Juniper que es amable y bien elevada. Poseemos todos los elementos esenciales para acampar, por lo que somos bastante autosuficientes, aunque el acceso a una cocina y un lugar seguro para dormir es muy apreciado. ¡Ambos somos músicos que disfrutamos la gente de mente abierta y con buenas vibras! Somos tranquilos y relajados, pero sabemos cómo trabajar duro y hacer las cosas bien. Nuestra salud es de gran importancia para nosotros, así que no fumamos ni bebemos ningún estupefaciente, estamos bien feliz respirando aire y tomando jugos de frutas. También disfrutamos de despertarnos y dormirnos con el ciclo solar.

Por favor, háganos saber si está interesado en que nos vayamos a quedar y trabajar en su hermosa granja y, si están de acuerdo, cuándo sería mejor que nos tenga y por cuánto tiempo.

Estamos ansiosos por saber de usted. 

Paz y amor,

Mateo y Gabriela

Mail: pelletier.gabrielle@yahoo.fr

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