WWOOF Mexico

Gunilla Danielsson's Comments

Messages Box (16 messages)

At 7:08pm on January 19, 2010, Victor Klassen said…
You would be welcome, just let me know when you have an exact date. Victor Klassen
At 8:15pm on January 19, 2010, Bruno Giesemann said…
hey Gunilla,
thanks for your interest in working with us, it sounds just great!!
our web page is www.argovia.com.mx and we have like a ton of projects to work on, so let me know what else you need.
my email is bge@argovia.com.mx and I can send you a wwoof profile of the farm through there
best regards
At 9:18pm on January 19, 2010, humberto moro said…
When do you plan to come to Mexico?
At 1:51pm on January 20, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola gunilla, Gracias por su interes en participar del trabajo en nuestro proyecto.
Por el momento tenemos espacio solo a principios del mes de Febrero
entre el 1 al 18 de febrero.

si estan interesad@s en esa fecha, por favor escriban confirmando su interes.
gracias, bien dia
At 7:01pm on January 20, 2010, fabri said…
I'm Fabri and work with Renato...thanks for writing us.
You are most welcome, and march will be perfect, cos february we are full.
Hope to hear from you soon
At 8:32pm on January 20, 2010, humberto moro said…
Sorry to tell, we are not able to receive you on that period.
Thank you very much anyway.
Have a good trip
At 10:55pm on January 20, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
Are you willing to get down and dirty, sleep in a tent or teepee? If so let me know and I'll forward a questioneer and we'll go from there as to us being able to work together in harmony. naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com is the direct e mail. Adu, Terresa
At 8:50pm on January 22, 2010, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Hola Gunilla, gracias por el interes, yo tengo un viaje programado para los finales de febrero y no tengo seguro cuando regrese a la granja, dime por favor que dias tienes pensados estar aqui en el norte de Mexico y vere la forma para recibirte si es posible. Muchas gracias y seguimos en contacto.
At 8:22am on January 24, 2010, Victor Klassen said…
We have a woofer here now, and there is not much work unless you are willing to do some cleaning and painting. Or how about next week?
At 12:37pm on January 28, 2010, Melissa McNell said…

We do have space durring that time. Please e-mail me for more information at j9tinkham@gmail.com.

At 1:56pm on January 28, 2010, Victor Klassen said…
how about the last week in february. along with gardening you could help cook for a meditation retreat. If you want to meditate you could so that too.
At 12:30pm on February 2, 2010, Victor Klassen said…
a freak hailstorm destroyed our garden and so need some help immediately if you can come?
At 8:26am on February 7, 2010, Victor Klassen said…
welcome to come when you can, just let me know a day or so before.
At 9:47pm on February 13, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola gunilla, aun tienes interes en visitar nuestro proyecto...
como anda tu español porque aca se habla mayormente.
tengo fechas para marzo, ademas siempre son bienvenidas manos
para hacer rica comida.

te pido me corfirmes tu interes, gracias
At 6:21pm on February 15, 2010, Levi Rios said…
bien gunilla, entre el 14 y 15 se marzo por aca te estaremos esperando.
At 8:52pm on February 19, 2010, Rafael and Alison Hernandez said…
Hola Gunilla soy Rafael we have space in march

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