WWOOF Mexico

Martin Rheaume
  • Male
  • United States

Martin Rheaume's Contacts

  • Ginjol
  • Lisa Whitt
  • Mayra
  • Carlos Loria Borges
  • Harmony Woodward
  • Federico Barcelo Aspeitia
  • leon shlejter
  • Tona Luisa Osher
  • cecile fabien daviaud
  • Daniel Trigo
  • Edward  Briseno Mills
  • Rogelio y Nievska
  • luis miguel mayagoitia medina
  • humberto moro
  • Melissa McNell

Martin Rheaume's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have had my own large gardens on various occasions. http://indiancreekgardens.blogspot.com/
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Hola soy Martin. Soy de EE.UU y tengo 30 años. Estoy dando clases de inglés en Guadalajara, pero quiero explorar otras opciones.

Martin Rheaume's Photos

Messages Box (3 messages)

At 11:15pm on May 27, 2012, Tona Luisa Osher said…

Hola Martin. Luz verde. Lllamame al 739 395 5019 a cualquier hora. Placticamos por fon. El espacio esta libre ahora. Mi mail es t_osher@yahoo.com. Gracias por preguntar.

At 10:45pm on June 6, 2012, Carlos Loria Borges said…

Hola Martin.   como estas! i am not sure if you send us a request?  we got an email from you? if so you will be welcome to joy us. at this moment we have some space for you,  please replay back to carlosbolo@yahoo.com

 looking forward to hearing  from you,


At 8:47am on June 10, 2012, Melissa McNell said…

Hi Martin--we do have space so let us know if you are interested and when--thanks Melissa

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