WWOOF Mexico

leslie volpi
  • Female
  • France
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  • Farms (13)
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Leslie volpi's Contacts

  • Kenn and Sandra Quinn
  • Javier Zamora Rios
  • Edward  Briseno Mills
  • luis miguel mayagoitia medina
  • humberto moro
  • WWOOF Mexico

leslie volpi's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
animatrice en association de défense des terres agricoles
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
Je suis enthousiaste et motivée pour partager de beaux moments!!!

Messages Box (15 messages)

At 10:15pm on March 16, 2011, Melissa McNell said…

We may have space but I will need to know dates you would be interested and we do require a 2 week minimum since we are really remote.



At 1:53pm on March 19, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
We will need to coordinate a ride into the ranch so let me check on the dates that work for us and we can go from there..Melissa
At 12:36am on March 25, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
The 5th will work for us..Melissa
At 2:53pm on April 1, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
It is best to meet in Yepachi--Carlos Lozano and his wife Margarita have a store at the entrance to town (from Chihuahua) and love to host engish speakers--so we can meet you there--the bus stops several places in Yepachi but just ask for Carlos' store--and confirm with us before you leave so we can meet you..Cindy Tolle
At 6:56pm on April 2, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
OK--tell Carlos and Margarita that you are friends of Cindy and they will show you where to stay in town--Lucy's Hotel is great good food and cheap--Cindy Tolle
At 11:51am on April 5, 2011, Melissa McNell said…
Leslie--Bob is leaving Chihuahua around noon today and will be there in Yepachi around 5ish--look for him in a red tundra with South Dakota plates--another person Shestin is arriving by bus today and will go into the ranch too..Melissa
At 7:45am on May 8, 2011, Edward Briseno Mills said…

Hola Leslie,

I'm sorry say I will soon have a full house of volunteers here at Holy Mole! but June is open if your interested then.

sweet travels,


At 10:14pm on May 15, 2011, Federico Barcelo Aspeitia said…

Hello Leslie

You can work with us with the chickens and fruit trees :)

Please tell me when you can come (better monday or wensdey) and for at least 2 weeks (you can stay as you want) but tell me, because there is people interested.

See you


At 9:28pm on May 17, 2011, Federico Barcelo Aspeitia said…


30 may is ok for us

You can stay for 2 weeks or more, but tell me how much for schedule

Please send me your email


At 4:01pm on May 19, 2011, Aidan Fleming said…

hey leslie, aidan here, i am currently wwoofing with Edward in Erongaricuaro, if you want to confirm with Edward your stay here you can contact him directly at erongaed@yahoo.com.


Hope all goes well,



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