WWOOF Mexico

Fam in Muzquiz, Coahuila


Fam in Muzquiz, Coahuila

Host ID: MEX0086

IF YOU WISH TO WWOOF AT THIS FARM, CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTACT THE FARM ADMINISTRATOR: http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/OctavioGuillermoBermudezFinan?xg_source=profiles_memberList
Members: 29
Latest Activity: Dec 11, 2017

It is a 70,000 acre, holistically managed, producing, grass-fed cattle ranch. It is in a semi-desert area and is 3 hrs. driving from the closest town. There are lots of activities, horseback riding, herding cattle, fencing, etc. We also have a small group of milking cows where we make butter and cheese. We do have electricity and internet (it is via satellite and does not work well all the time) but no cell service available, communication can be a problem sometimes. Since we are pretty isolated some foods can be difficult to get by, but mostly typical regional foods.

Members (29)


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