WWOOF Mexico

Farm in Xochilmilco, Mexico City, Mexico


Farm in Xochilmilco, Mexico City, Mexico

Farm´s name: "Granja la Loma"    


Owners name: David Ramírez Melo

Email address for contact: dabvyd@gmail.com 

Phone number: 0445514882154

Farm´s location: Xochimilco in México City, México

Farm´s characteristics: The farm is located  on the outskirt of México city, on a little town called San Luis Tlaxialtemalco (xochimilco). The main activities in this town are: typical and sustainable agriculture and flower production, as well as tourism.

The farm is located on an eight acre property, with big gardens and were we need help with all sort of activities such as: soil amendment or compost production, maintaining the gardens, collecting vegetables from our crops. The main activity is to check on our free range chickens which we sell. we raise 15 different breeds of chickens, such as: polish, cornish, silkie, cochin, sebright etc... we also raise pheasants, peacocks and African geese. The place we have available is a house suitable for 2 persons with bathroom, kitchen, dorm room and a big living room.

We need someone to take care of all the chickens, that means: feeding them, changing their water and checking on them. It usually takes from 3 to 4 hours a day. Our place is located at a 45 min ride from downtown, so it´s really easy to travel around. There´s public transportation as well.

IF YOU WISH TO WWOOF AT THIS FARM, CLICK THIS LINK TO CONTACT THE FARM ADMINISTRATOR: http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/DavidRamirezMeloFM?xg_source=profiles_memberList
Name: Farm in Xochilmilco, Mexico City, Mexico
Members: 24
Latest Activity: Jul 17, 2018


Comment by Maartje Stephanus on October 10, 2016 at 12:01am

Dear David, 

 I am a student Human Geography at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For my final bachelor project I want to do research in the possibilities of sustainable agriculture for mega cities. In this case I want to do field work in Mexico city and for me especially the Chinampas seem  to be very interesting in investigating ways of sustainable agriculture in sub-urban areas.

I am very interested in sustainable agriculture because in think  that if we want to go towards a sustainable earth we have to look at the ways we use our soil. Key figures are for me in this case the farmers. Me myself grew up on an organic (dynamic) farm in the Netherlands and developed a great interest in agriculture as a way to create a sustainable world.

For my project I would love to work at an organic farm in the middle of the Chinampas at the end of November (around the 20th). I do have experience in farming in the Netherlands and I worked on an organic farm in Argentina for 3 weeks. A side note is that because of my project I will not  be able to work full days, I hope this is not a problem, and maybe we can come to an agreement.

I looking forward to hear from you.

Kind Regards,

Maartje Stephanus

Comment by Ritsuko Ishii on September 6, 2017 at 9:02am
Me llamo Ritsko Ishii, soy japonesa. Mucho gusto.
Ahora estoy planeando un viaje por Me'xico. Aprovechando esta ocacio'n queri'a trabajar en su granja, si fuera posible.
Los japoneses no tienen vacaciones largas como europeos, pue's puedo estar en su granja solo una semana, del di'a 18 de septiembre.
Vivo en una gran ciudad, Tokio, pue's estoy muy lejos de la naturareza. Pero tengo intere's de la vida autosuficiente. Hace muchos an~os en Japo'n soy miembreo de un grupo de agricultula organica que produce soya no-transge'nica y arroz de especie original. No tengo conocimiento como produce los alimentos, pero como una consumidora queri'a hacer lo que pueda posible.
Me encanta Me'xico, pue's de vez en cuando viajo por alla, pero como una viajera es difi'cil buscar los alimentos organicos. Queri'a saber como es la agricultura mexicana. 
Espero su respuesta.
Un abrazo de Ritsuko de Japo'n
Comment by Max Böhme on September 26, 2017 at 2:12pm
Hola David,

This is Max from Leipzig, Germany. I am 21 years young.

Actually I plan to travel around in Mexico for 6 months. I wish to be involved in Mexican culture, and learn how to farm in an ecological way. Therefore I would like to stay at your farm around mid of April for about 2 weeks. I am starting my journey in the mid of January in Tijuana and travel down the Peninsula Baja Califonia where I hopefully stay at two farms. After that it's my plan to go to Puerto Vallarta and stay there on another farm before I will go to Mexicó City. Your farm sounds quite interesiting to me because it's the near to one of the biggest cities in the country. All the other farms are placed more or less in the raw nature and it would be a good alternation to help at your farm I think.

Furthermore if my plans gonna work I will have a few experiences in farming when I arrive in Mexicó City. I am healthy, fit and willing to help and learn wherever I can. Unfortunately my spanish is very amateurishly, but my English is good. And I am willing to learn Spanish whenever I can.


Looking forward to your response
Best regards from Germany!

Gracias, Max

E-Mail: boehme.max@web.de

Comment by Luisa Willmann on May 31, 2018 at 8:41am

Hola David, un mesaje aquí con mi cuenta wwoofing mexico- Te envio un email. Saludos, Luisa


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