please contact humberto moro, youll find him on this site, he has a farm in guadalajara we have a project near by and since you work with wood ypull love it, we have horses fishing and adobe building!! or send me an email and ill tell you about it!
bye byeee
Bianca and Sophie: I will write back in English since I do not know how good your spanish is although your note is in perfect Spanish. Here in Yiimtii it is only my husband my 11/2 year old daughter and me, I have been building a Cabin almost by myself and for sure would love to have your help. We can be a girl building team!!! You can be camping and we provide humble and simple foods, we mostly eat from the land. We share our kitchen and dinning space so help is also required in simple tasks as cooking, washing dishes and sweeping. You can stay a minimum of a week if you'd like. Please contact me at and if you want to check out our webpage at
Hope to hear from you, safe travels and good luck,Marytere
Bianca and Sophie: I write back just to tell you that I would love to learn some carpentry techniques from you since I am a self taught "carpenter" because of the need of construction we have here on the farm and retreat center... I am architect by profession so I kind of got the knack of carpentry after working on professional wood scale models for some time. We would love if you can confirm since there is another couple of volunteers from our friend's place that want to come too but we rather have only 2 volunteers at a time, and to tell you the truth I'd rather be working with you now at building my cabin and then receive these other volunteers in 3 months that they will be coming this way again. So, anyway, sorry for all the bla bla, just please let me know if you are interested. We also have a huge organic orchard and lots of good books, my husband would be happy to share all of his knowledge with you too.
Hope to see you soon, Marytere.
Please answer at
Bianca, me regresan el mail que te mande. Nuestro telefono es un celular 0449585837738 si hablas de Pochutla o 0459585837738 si hablas de fuera del area. Vamos a estar el lunes en Pochutla, llevare el telefono prendido, y si no, nos vemos en la tienda de ZIMAT, enfrente a la terminal de autobuses a la 1pm. Hasta Pronto, Marytere
Messages Box (6 messages)
bye byeee
Hope to hear from you, safe travels and good luck,Marytere
Hope to see you soon, Marytere.
Please answer at
We need help making a compost bin on the roof. Do you have experience doing that?
Best regards, kippy
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