WWOOF Mexico

Delphine Craplet
  • Female
  • Ile de France
  • France
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (3)
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  • Photo Albums

Delphine Craplet's Contacts

  • humberto moro
  • Levi Rios

Delphine Craplet's Farms


Delphine Craplet's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
For the past 4 years, I've been working for a fair trade NGO (www.artisansdumonde.org) as a graphic designer. This NGO militates through fair trade, education and politicals compains. It encourages all kind of sustainable projects in agriculture and the art and craft industry.
I've got some experiences in farm work. When I was younger, I harvested grapes. Since I was a child, I spent my holidays in the mountains, helping my parents to make hay and prepare the wood for winter. I've also taken part in building wood cabins and stone terraces.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I want to change my life and to live closer to nature. I quit my job, my computer and my urban life to go on a big trip but not just as a basic tourist. I want to meet local people, to share work and knowledge, and to learn more about organic agriculture.
It's the soul of Mexico that attracts me - it's huge history of mixed civilisations and cultures.

When I'm working, I give the best of myself. That's why it is so important to me to believe in what I do.
I like team work but I can also be very independant.
I'm creative, handy and strong.

Messages Box (6 messages)

At 11:43am on February 20, 2010, Bernardo Garcia said…
Hello Delphine,
We do need alot of help!
Let us know as soon as you can about your cooming or not.
Please write us to our email and if you have a chance have a look to the blog of El Chuzo
Reegards and good trip!
At 9:44pm on March 11, 2010, humberto moro said…
Gracias por tu interés en nuestra granja, por el momento estamos completos para esas fechas y no podemos recibir mas Wwoofers.
Que tengas un buen viaje
At 7:27pm on March 12, 2010, Wally Carlson said…
Hola Delphine,
We ask for a minimum stay of 3 weeks. If you are interested in coming in April please contact us at our email: hwallycarlson@hotmail.com
At 9:45am on March 14, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola delphine, gracias por tu interes en compartir trabajo con nosotros.
En este momento tenemos trabajo de ecoconstruccion y estaras bienvenida
a participar. Por favor confirma tu interes y la fecha en la que puedes venir.
que tengas buen dia.
At 3:05pm on March 15, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola delphina, abril me parece bien en que fechas llegarias.
seguimos en contacto
At 10:48pm on April 5, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola delfina, puedes encribirme a levisrios@hotmail.com para enviarte
las instrucciones de como llegar.


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