WWOOF Mexico

  • 43, Male
  • Castaic, CA
  • United States

Jesse's Contacts

  • WWOOF Mexico

Jesse's Farms


Jesse's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
medicinal plants,gardening, farming, cultivation and propagation techniques, hydroponic gardening, handyman
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
i am looking for a place to offer my skills and knowlage and enthusiasm, in exchange for a laid back environment in which to stay and work on my art.

Jesse's Photos

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 4:56pm on March 11, 2009, Melissa McNell said…
Hey shoot me an e-mail at melissa@tutuaca.org, I have a questionaire i would like for you to fill out so I can get to know you a bit better. Also, we require a two week min. stay.
At 3:07pm on June 11, 2009, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Hello, My name is Gaspar and I am part of a farm in Santa Isabel, Chihuahua, Mexico. I would like to invited you to our farm to work with us. This is the webside where you can have a general idea of what we do.
Please if you are interested contact us through WWOOF Mexico.
(Just copy and paste in the explorer browser).

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