WWOOF Mexico

Lina Schwarz
  • Female
  • 12045
  • Germany
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  • Farms (15)
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Lina Schwarz's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
wwoof in Spain and Mexiko
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I love nature and Mexiko!!!!

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 10:25pm on September 20, 2010, Tona Luisa Osher said…
Hola Lina. Hay tiempo y espacio ahora. There's time and space right now if you want to come. Sunny in the morning till around 2PM, so we''ll have to dedicate the mornings early. Then the rains set in (aftermath of coastal hurricanes ), so come prepared for rain. I have rubber boots, tools and lots to do. Please let me know, soon as you decide. Tepoztlan nearby is a creative hub of artisans, pueblo people and cultural activities of a wide gamut. You will enjoy it here. You bring food, offer a small donation towards gas and electric and you will be housed in a sustainable, artistic home. See tonaosher.blogspot.com/ Hope you come. Sincerely, Tona
At 7:02pm on September 21, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola LINA, gracias por tu enteres en trabajar en nuestro proyecto.
En este momento estamos preparando las siembras para el otoño-invierno y tenemos varios trabajos. Tenemos espacio y actividades.
Me gustaría me confirmes tu participación y me digas las fechas tentativas de
tu visita.
gracias y estamos en comunicación.
levi rios
At 9:35am on September 26, 2010, ISrael said…
Hola Lina.
Muchas gracias por escribirnos. En casa podríamos recibierte a partir del siguiente mes, octubre. Las actividades que realizamos en estas fechas tienen que ver con las vacas, la construcción de una cabaña con adobe (haciendo los tabiques) y lo referente al pequeño huerto. Si tienes ánimos de pasar, nos confirmas y adelante.
Salud y buen viaje.


Visita: http://maps.google.com.mx/maps?hl=es&q=tonaya+jalisco&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Tonaya,+JAL&gl=mx&ei=0VmfTKqkCYb0swPDzOTVAQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA
At 11:18pm on January 12, 2011, Tona Luisa Osher said…
Dear Lina...Are you still available in the region of Morelos? Call or write t_osher@yahoo.com or 739 3955019 as soon as you can. Thank you. You are needed and appreciated.Sincerely, T.

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