WWOOF Mexico

Marie Goyette
  • Female
  • Montréal, Qc
  • Canada
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
  • Photos (3)
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  • WWOOF Mexico

Marie Goyette's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
none, though I lived on an animal farm for a couple months.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
staying for a long time in one place while travelling is for me the best way to travel, the way you learn the most! That's why wwoofing interest me so much! Even without having much experience in agriculture, I'm very interested in it, particularly in sustainable one, which I try to apply in my day to day life in the city! Not to mention I very willing to learn and work hard! Also I'm in medschool, so everything about health or medecinal plants interests me, event if I don't know much about it yet!

Marie Goyette's Photos

Messages Box (9 messages)

At 4:24pm on May 30, 2010, YIIMTII ECORETREAT CENTER said…
Gracias Marie por tu interés en Yiimtii, lamentablemente estaremos saliendo de viaje en esas fechas, ojalá que encuentres el lugar ideal para quedarte... Te deseo toda la suerte del mundo en tu camino,
At 5:52pm on June 1, 2010, Renato Dorfman said…
Hi you are very welcome there are pleanty of things to do we are careing for our gardens watering biofertizing, prunig, weeding ,feeding our chikens and dogs comsposting planting and sowing the food we eat and general lanscaping
we have a comon kitchen and a dorm for wwofers
At 5:52pm on June 1, 2010, Renato Dorfman said…
hope tpmeet you soon blessing
At 9:37pm on June 1, 2010, Wally Carlson said…
Hola Marie,
It seems you have found a farm - very good. Enjoy your time in Mexico...
At 12:24am on June 2, 2010, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Hola, Marie eres bienvenida a quedarte aqui, estamos esperando 2 woofers para los primeros dias de Junio, pero no han confirmado, hoy en dia solo somos 2 personas trabajando aqui y lo que estamos haciendo es construccion y un poco de agricultura, referente a si somos una ONG, no lo somos, somos parte de una asociacion civil llamada agricultura sustentable y evolucion la cual esta localizada en Bachiniva, Chihuahua y que es la semilla de el centro en el que trabajamos, por cierto eres invitada a esta, tambien. Esta es nuestra pagina ( seguimos trabajando en publicarla en ingles):
www.wix.com/proyectoollinyotl/home y el telefono de aqui es (01152) 614 4550014, por favor escribenos para hacernos saber tus planes.

Gracias por el interes
At 1:20pm on June 7, 2010, Wally Carlson said…
Hola Marie,
I'm not sure of what we will be doing yet in July and August. Right now it is some fence maintenance. We will probably only have one wwoofer at a time during the rainy season. Glad you found a place to volunteer. Have a great experience.
At 9:09am on June 8, 2010, Levi Rios said…
hola marie, gracias por contactarnos. Mira en este momento tengo espacio y necesito un Voluntario mas para hacerse cargo de poner agua a las plantas y hortalizas.
Me interesa mucho que sea lo mas pronto posible porque hace falta la lluvia y necesitamos regar...gracias
mi celfon es 3311 5505 28
que estes bien.
At 5:57pm on June 16, 2010, luis miguel mayagoitia medina said…
Ok, si te desides en darte una vuelta en el Norte de Mexico aqui puedes llegar.
At 12:39pm on July 2, 2010, Daniel Trigo said…
Salut Marie
We have a smal eco hotel www.casablatha.com and a property in a small mayan village www.ecopueblitomaya.com. We are developing organic orchards on both places. The hotel is located in holbox a small island in the caribbean very much preserved and where we want guest to discover the beauty of harvesting their own food. In the small village we are helping them adopting organic practices and creating a small comunity supported agriculture scheme. Let me know if you are interested?
I work in an agriculture businessyou can take a look at the site as well www.guayabe.com

Best Daniel

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