WWOOF Mexico

Martina Massarone
  • Female
  • Govone (CN) postal code 12040
  • Italy
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (1)
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  • Photo Albums

Martina Massarone's Contacts

  • Lino Carlin
  • Sofia Clevit
  • Ginjol
  • leon shlejter
  • hostel solferino paradise
  • Kippy Nigh

Martina Massarone's Farms


Martina Massarone's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
no previous experience
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm a girl who is studying at the Genova University and I'm attending the bachelor degree in Pedagogy and Science of Education. I have been working as waitress for some years and I also have a small beekeeping business at my place. I grew up in the countryside so I know what agriculture work is. I hope to live an important life experience by working with WWOOF.

Messages Box (5 messages)

At 12:09pm on September 1, 2014, Ginjol said…

Hi  Martina but untill genuary we dont have space to have wwoofers, if you are arround  in this dates tell me, have fun

At 4:22pm on September 2, 2014, hostel solferino paradise said…

hola...we have room for you just let me know the date before you come, buen viaje


At 11:14am on November 10, 2014, hostel solferino paradise said…

HOLA... toman el camion de cancun  hacia chiquila y se bajan en solferino que es el pueblo antes de llegar a chiquila, se bajan del camion 2 calles despues del parque y caminan una calle a la izquierda, es muy facil cualquier persona les da informes si preguntan por el hostel de buacanero... buen viaje!!!

At 1:09pm on November 29, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Martina,
Ahorita estamos completos hasta nuevo aviso, pero gracias por ofrecer tu ayuda.
Buen viaje!
At 9:22am on August 8, 2018, Sofia Clevit said…

Desde México, invitación abierta a colaborar en el proyecto de una escuela rural en el Itsmo de Oaxaca (Sierra Madre Occidental), más info en mensaje provado: sofia.clevit@gmail.com 

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