WWOOF Mexico

  • Female
  • Pittsfield, MA
  • United States

Rebekah's Contacts

  • Kippy Nigh
  • WWOOF Mexico

Rebekah's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I've worked in small scale, sustainable agriculture for five years. I'm experienced in organic vegetable production and dairy. I currently run an educational, urban agriculture not-for-profit in a multicultural, low-income neighborhood. I really want to spend my winter in Mexico, studying Spanish and farming!
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better, Other
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?

Rebekah's Photos

Messages Box (5 messages)

At 10:53am on May 30, 2010, Melissa McNell said…
Hi Rebekah--

Alejandro is the ranch manager in Tutuaca. If you can forward me your email address--I will get it to him and the 2 of you can see if the fit is good.

Thanks Melissa
At 11:36pm on June 7, 2010, WWOOF Mexico said…
Rebekah, the forums in our website are intended for WWOOFers to exchange information on their experiencies. Another thing you can do is contact WWOOFers who have been to the farms that interest you.
At 7:41pm on August 14, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hi Rebekah,
November - March would be good for us. How much experience do you have growing vegetables? I´ll put you in contact with some of our volunteers, if you can give me your email. Saludos, kippy
At 12:57pm on August 19, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Rebekah, We will be away Nov 1-10 and also Nov 23-30. A good time for you to come would be Nov. 15. i have not had time to look up the emails of former volunteers. We have had mostly positive experiences, with only one difficult person in four years of hosting. She was the only exception. i have to go now, but i can write you next week with contact info. kippy
At 7:54am on September 2, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hi Rebekah! Your work looks beautiful. You´ve found meaningful work! We also work with kids at their school gardens. Spanish is necessary for that. Study up, so you can help there, too! I´ll send you some photos if you give me your email. kippy

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