WWOOF Mexico

Shannon Ayako Martin
  • Female
  • Galway
  • Ireland
  • Blog Posts
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Shannon Ayako Martin's Contacts

  • jorge lezama
  • Lino Carlin
  • hostel solferino paradise
  • Javier Zamora Rios
  • WWOOF Mexico

Shannon Ayako Martin's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I went to the Greenschool in Bali, Indonesia for a year. It was an amazing learning experience that opened my mind. Here, I took subjects such as global perspectives and enviromental management, subjects I hadn´t really ever heard of or known about before. In regards to farming, I have very little experience but I´m eager to learn.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
At the moment, I´m teaching English in a language school in Metepec, Estado de Mexico. I´ve fallen in love with the country and I´m now finding it difficult to leave so I thought WWOOFING seemed like the perfect solution.

Messages Box (3 messages)

At 12:11pm on July 26, 2014, jorge lezama said…
Hola shanon me gustaria mucho atenderte. Pero en agosto y septiembre tengo q ir a alemania pienso irme el 20 de agosto pero si pasan por aqui o por palenque podemoa vernos . Regreso en octubre a finales y podria atenderlos a finales de octubre para q se queden cuanto tiempo gusten y aprendamos de ambos. Saludos
At 11:56am on September 26, 2014, Edward Briseno Mills said…

Sorry will not be hosting until April of next year

At 8:19am on October 13, 2014, Anand Dílvar said…


Youu are welcome to come play, work and share with us.

Please e-mail me when you have more definitive plans.


Dílvar superate@yahoo.com

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