Looking for volunteers all year long
- 8 days minimum stay -
Current Projects: trees for new hiking path, adding more hiking paths, finishing building a green house, creating a new garden, picking up fruit/nuts from trees, starting the tomato garden, help to build, daily task:feeding dogs/cats, maintaining guests rooms, doing dishes, watering trees helping to cook, etc.
The location of this work/exchange is in an old Hacienda at the base of the Volcano "La Malinche" National Park, the 6th highest mountain in Mexico. A 15- minutes bus ride from Huamantla, the hacienda is in a beautiful place in central Mexico. From the roof of the 17th Century ruins of the hacienda, volunteers and guests can see the great mountains surrounding the site of the hacienda. Mountains such as Pico de Orizaba and Iztaccihuatl which are more than 5000m (16,000 feet) in height.
We recently renovated the Hacienda with the idea to build a "Casa Rural" Bed & Breakfast Hacienda. We need your help to keep this project going.
The kind of help we are looking for is on small details that need to be done inside and outside the Hacienda. We are currently learning permaculture techniques and organic farming that would help us make a better and more sustainable Bed & Breakfast and home to live in. We have lots of new projects to start and need help finishing others. Example of projects: renovating a green house, finishing a volunteer room, creating an organic garden, front courtyard landscaping and recycling system. It would be great to have creative and healthy individuals to help with these projects, so we can learn together about environmentally-friendly construction, organic farming, vegetarian cooking, permaculture, etc.
Some of the work is hard manual work (like painting or moving large items) and some work is simple (like feeding the dogs or watering plants). Some of the work is garden related (creating a path around the Maguey trees, planting avocado trees, etc), some of the work is Bed and Breakfast related (helping with cooking and cleaning) and some of the work is renovating the hacienda (adding doors and windows, building roof, etc).
We (Mariana & Javier) are from Mexico, believe in sustaintable alternative tourism and try to have a relaxed and happy place. We enjoy being with people from different countries and learning about you. We like to travel to local towns where you are welcome to join us in your free time.
We wish to create a healthy, calm and relaxed environment. We kindly ask participants to restrain from smoking in and around the hacienda. Also, we ask participants to abstain from alcohol. The days off, participants are free to go out to the nearby cities of Tlaxcala, Huamantla or Puebla. This is a great place to read, spend a lot of "alone" time, do yoga and/or meditate.
Often participants are working alone on projects or spending time alone in the evening. We are a 5 member family, we have 4 dogs and a cat living in the hacienda who love the company of volunteers. We have a lot of space, so you can work and be alone if you want to.
We have a basic volunteer dormitory room with a dry toilet nearby. There is access to a hot-water shower. At the moment, we don't have a computer or WiFi available for volunteers. Volunteers are welcomed to go to an internet cafe in Huamantla to check emails on days off. Remember that this is a very old hacienda and that we are still far from being the Ritz Carlton!
We are high in the mountains, the nights are cold, unlike Cancun or Acapulco. Bring lots of warm clothes to work, live and sleep. Bring your own very warm sleeping bag.
Some days we have a clear schedule (especially when there are guests) and some days are very "Montessori" (you decide what you would like to do today!).
The workweek is about 40 hours, 6 or 7 days a week, more or less, deppending on guests. The free days are during week.
As for your food, we will share our kitchen and food with the volunteers for three very good mexican, non spicey, meals a day (until the volunteer room kitchen is ready.)If you are vegetarian theres no problem with that, we always have a lot of vegatables and fruit.
We have been working on the Hacienda Bed & Breakfast project for more than 3 years now and Phase I of the project is almost ready. At this point our expenses are more than our income. So if you have the possibility of donating a small amount towards your food or buying food to share with all volunteers, this would be highly appreciated.
The IMPORTANT thing is for you to decide to come to help us here because you feel that during your stay here, you will have a nice time, a good learning opportunity and a great sharing experience. And most importantly, you like to help!!
-Can work alone.
-Can spend time alone.
-Can be by himself/herself to be responsible for the place when we are away on guiding trips.
-Can work without supervision.
-Can stay with us a minimum of 8 days
-Can cook for himself/herself.
-No problems with using dry toilet.
-Ok with animals and insects (dogs, cats, spiders, etc).
-Ok with cold weather (to live, work and sleep).
-Ok with sharing a volunteer room with other genders.
-If volunteers are coming as a couple, we expect them to be able to work separately.
-Have read the above description of our volunteer program!
- Any volenteers wanting to do a placement, for a longer period of time, would be welcome to work on a specific project.
Due to the large amount of requests:
-Please expect a few days before receiving a reply, we dont have the best internet reception
-Send us an a message, and we will be in contact
-General format messages sent to lots of volunteer programs may or may not be replied.
If you have any questions please send us a message.
Everyone is welcome!
Due to the large amount of requests, please send us an email instead of using the board to write us:
© 2025 Created by WWOOF Mexico. Powered by
Messages Box (64 messages)
Hola soy Maryfer de Guadalajara, jalisco. Tengo 24 años.
Estoy viajando por todo Mexico hasta brasil visitando comunidades sustentables y lugares que comparten el mismo pensamiento de la vida en armonia con el planeta, y he leido todo sobre la casa malinche y me encantaría visitarlos un par de semanas o mas. Tengo experiencia previa como voluntaria residente por 4 meses en una granja en Michoacan, asi que conozco de eco consruccion, cocina vegetariana riquisima y plantacion!!
Me gustaria saber si me pudieran recibir como voluntaria y aparte hacer el documental de su granja en el mes de marzo-abril aproximadamente.
Les dejo mi mail fernandita6161@hotmail.com
Gracias y buen dia.
Hi Livingston,
Thanks for getting back to me - here's my email for sending over the questionnaire:
All the best,
Hej Brothers and Sisters,
I am comming to mexico pretty soon and would like to come to a place to work and learn some more spanish. I am very interessted in what you are doing. I would like to help you built the eco constructions and plant some avocado trees etc. I come from switzerland and I am a happy worker. Please let me know if you have some space guys. Cause I'm showing up in mex mid may.
love you,
I find that truly super super great! Here is my email adress: davidbo@sunrise.ch
so you have that, I am just finding out in the moment when to come over.. something like the 20th of may or something like that. How should I get there? I will land in Mexico City.
Many happy greetings from switzerland,
It is great what you do, La Pachamama :-)
I'm french and I'm travelling in Mexico since one month. I did wwoof in the sierra near to Chihuahua and in Europe too, and right now I'm in a woof a Chapala.
I'm 25 years old and I started a travel from Vancouver to the south... indefinitly! I studied in Geography and I have a master in rural planning, I'm really interested by sustainable agriculture. I'll want learn and share agricultural and cultural experiencies.
In 2008, I travelled from France to Togo in West Africa, making wwoof in Spain y in Togo I built a library working with the community. I have competences in organic agriculture, construction, arboriculture, work in the wine and with animals. I worked in an organisation for the protection of farmland in France. I learned this competences in differents ways, particularly working with my family and with my work.
I'm easy going, motived and always ready to work and learn.
I speak english and I learn spanish each day!
I'll can come in a couple of week and I have no plan so I can stay some weeks if you need.
Hola, soy Yoav, tengo 19 años, me encanta su proyecto, luce muy bien y me gustaría poder ir y ayudar y aprender. Estoy viajando por México. No tengo mucha experiencia pero sí ganas, así que espero por formar parte de la experiencia pronto. Muchas gracias. Suerte.
Yoav S.
Hablo espanol y un poco ingles. Mis ninos quieren aprender ingles.
Ademas se cocinar, plantear, cultivar y ayudar. Ademas ya se cosechar cocos, yoka, chinolas y pinas, porque trabajamos de momento en una finca en la Republica Dominicana.
Mi hija grande Hellen puede trabajar como un adulto. Ella es muy grande y fuerte para su edad. Me gusta mucho lo que haceis y vais a construir!
Es posible vivir y trabajar con vosotros como wwoofers?
Queda sitio? Queremos siempre dormir en una habitacion. A lo mejor, en una cama grande o cama doble. Tenemos un colchon de aire muy grande y ropa de cama
Puedes responderme pronto?
Querremos ir ahora o la semana que viene a Mexico y quedar alli para tres o seis meses en varias wwoof-farms. Si te gusta varias semanas. si quieres te envio en e-mail fotos de nosotros.
Me e-mail es: HellenViktoria@gmx.de
Me and my girlfriend Dyanna are travelling from Vancouver Canada. I've worked on farms in the past and she is an avid gardener and talented artist with everything! We would love to come volunteer at your B&B/farm sometime in the future. Our schedule is pretty go with the flow, but it would probably be around December, mid-December if we go. She speaks spanish and I'm a beginner but learning day by day.
Hola! Soy Kaleigh de EEUU (Olympia, WA). Estoy ahora en Mexico , en Palenque, Chiapas. Me parece hermosa su proyecto y me encantaria ayudar. Tengo el suerte de no tener ningun plan ahora. Asi que, si tienen espacio al principio de Octubre puedo venir ayudarles. Si tienen espacio, avisame y te mando mas informacion sobre mi si quieres.
Much love and thanks for your time,
Kaleigh kaleighbarks44@gmail.com
I see now that i never responded to your question about pictures!! of course you can use any pics i have on facebook! hope you are well and that the year has been beautifully productive ;)
Hey there!
I am about to embark upon a journey through mexico and central america in about a week and am very interested in working and helping with your hacienda. I'm a 27 year old female from the central coast of california, and like to think that i am good company and a very hard worker. My schedule is very flexible and open, and i believe i will be available to help sometime around april 26th(ish) until...well, until whenever. please let me know whenever you get a chance, thanks so much!
also, i apologize for writing a message on your wall as you specifically asked people not to, but it is my only recourse until my contact request is responded to :)
Hi! My name is Andrea and I’m a 21 year old student from California. I have been studying Spanish and I’m planning on WWOOFing in Mexico this summer. I am looking to stay at a farm for 3 weeks to a month. I would love to stay at your farm if you have room for me during June-July. I will arrive in Mexico city the first week of June. I have very little experience in organic farming but I’m very eager to learn. I’m a very hard worker, in good shape and speak basic Spanish. My email address is jposg@yahoo.com. Please get back to me and let me know. Thanks!
Hola! Mi nombre es Andrea y soy un chica con 21 añios de California. Yo soy esudiando Español en colegio y planio visitar en Mexico por este verano para ser WWOOFing. Yo quiero quedar en un granja por 3 semanas o por un mes. Yo me gustaría mucho quedar en tu granja si tu tienes espacio per mi. Llegare a Ciudad de Mexico en primera semana de Junio. Yo tengo muy poco experiencia en organico granja pero soy muy entusiasmada per aprender y soy muy fuerte trabajadora. Tengo buen condición física y yo hablo Español básico. Mi dirección de email es jposg@yahoo.com. Por favor escríbeme de vuelta y diceme si puedo ir a tu granja. Gracias!
Hola, la semana pasada les enviamos el siguiente mensaje por email. Es muy importante que respondan a wwoofmail@yahoo.com lo antes posible.
Hello, last week we sent you the following message via email. It is very important that you respond to it ASAP to wwoofmail@yahoo.com
Con la finalidad de mantener nuestras bases de datos al día y seguir mejorando nuestros servicios, les estamos contactando para verificar que permanezcan activos como parte de nuestras granjas de WWOOF Mexico. Quisiéramos también recordarles que todas las granjas pertenecientes a WWOOF deben cumplir con lo siguiente:
1- Los administradores de granjas deben comprometerse a responder a TODOS los emails un tiempo máximo de DOS SEMANAS. Deben responder a todos los correos que reciban de parte de los WWOOers, aun cuando sea solamente para rechazar una solicitud.
2-Como ya saben, uno de los principios básicos de WWOOF es que las granjas deben proporcionar alimento y hospedaje sin hacer ningún cobro. No se permitirá bajo ninguna circunstancia pedir dinero a los WWOOFers (cuota, colaboración, donativo, etc.). Todas las comidas y alojamiento adecuado deben brindarse de manera gratuita y a cambio únicamente de su trabajo en la granjas.
Les pedimos que respondan a este correo para asegurarnos que quieren seguir siendo listados y que estén enterados y de acuerdo con los requisitos. De no responder en un lapso de 2 semanas asumiremos que su granja se encuentra inactiva. Por favor tomen en cuenta que aquellas granjas que no deseen o no puedan acatar estas condiciones no serán listadas.
Quedamos a la espera de su respuesta y agradecemos su cooperación.
In order to keep our database up to date and keep improving our services, we are now contacting you to verify that you remain active as part of our WWOOF Mexico host farms. We would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to confirm your compliance regarding the responsibilities and rules of being a host farm.
1- We would like to remind you that all host farm managers must commit to answering ALL emails within TWO WEEKS at the most. Every email must be replied to, even if it is to turn them down when all spots have been filled.
2- As you know, one of WWOOF’s basic principles is for farms to provide food and a place to stay without charging WWOOFers. Please remember it is against our policy for farms to ask for money from WWOOFers under any circumstance (fees, contributions, donations, etc.). All meals and suitable accommodation must be provided free of charge and in exchange only for their work at the farm.
We ask that you please respond to this email so we can be sure you still want to be listed and that your farm will abide by these requirements. If we do not receive a response within 2 weeks’ time we will assume your farm is no longer active. Please note that those farms which are unable or unwilling to comply with these two conditions will not be listed.
We await your reply and thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Ernesto Garcia
WWOOF Latinamerica
Hello My girlfriend and me would like help you in B&B. We are free from the 10 august to 10 september (flexible). We are french and 32 years-old. We plant to do this same kind of project in France. In one word, we are motivated!!
Hola, estimados wwoof miembros!!
Eso es mi primero experiencia de escribir mensajes en esa página. Pues, por favor, disculparme para romper la forma de dirigirme a ustedes ( lo que probablemente existe:)
Soy ruso, sigo viajando por 2.5 años consecutivos con mi esposa - Natalia ( ella esta el miembro de WWOOF también, voy a enviar un enlace mas adelante).
Lo que pasa - nosotros estamos cansado de mover de una ciudad a otro, cansados de ritmo de las ciudades grandes y aun mas de ciudades pequeñas. Por eso queremos quedar por unas semanas en un lugar cercano de la madre-naturaleza.:)
A la verdad no tenemos mucha experiencia de trabajar en los ranchos, pero en otro lado, no puedo decir que nuestros conocimientos en esta área completamente inútil. Todos los rusos tienen una casa de campo con jardín de vegetales y verduras a veces con animales. Unas veces quedamos en los ranchos (pequeñas y grandes) de nuestros amigos en "couchsurfring". Por ejemplo, en Venezuela y Perú.
Yo creo, que nosotros somos trabajadores buenos, si no conocemos unas cosas, es muy sencillo de aprender. Tenemos mucha energía y listos para hacer cualquier trabajo 24/7. También hay mucho tiempo y podemos quedar en su rancho mínima de 3 semanas.
Por que su ranchoA la verdad, no se, ahorita estamos haciendo un recorrido en el México, y todo el tiempo yo tenia un sueno de trabajar exactamente en esa parte de la país.
Bueno, menos palabras mas acciones, solamente escribirnos los fechas ( cualquier...siempre listos! ahorita estamos en Monterrey y creo, que vamos a necesitar 10-15 días para llegar a su rancho de acá)
Quiero concluir toda la información de mi mensaje una vez mas para cosas ser mas claros.
Dos rusos - Alex
Y Natalia ( no se como enviarlo el enlace de su wwoof perfil, pero ella ha enviado un solicitud a su rancho hoy, comprobarlo...) su fb -
Los fechas.listos desde mañana, cualquier fecha.
Nuestros habilidades - todos los tipos de trabajo con los plantas, verduras, frutas. Trabajas sencillas con animales, habilidades de trabajo de construcción. Honestad, flexibilidad.:) Idiomas - ingles, español, ruso.
Creo que es todo, lo que quise escribirlos. Por favor, estimados señores y señoras - respondernos algo, hay esperanza de encontrarlos muy pronto para fructífero y interesante trabajo.
Atentamente Alex y Natalia
Hola Mariana,
do you have any need for help in December? I will be traveling through Mexico and I would love to dedicate a few weeks to a month in helping you. Please let me know if you can accomodate me in any way, thank you.
Hola Mariana,
I'm Li-Hsuan. I've got your mail, but I cannot send mail to you! I tried these two days but failed. The mail delivery software said that your mailbox is full. Maybe you should clean up your emailbox.
We are looking forward to see you too! But now we need to connect with you by eamil :P
Hi marina,
I'm Mathilde, I'm French and I'm 22. I'm in England in this time and I practise Wwoofing. I would like to came in Mexico in January. I'm interesting for your farm, I like to meet people, to learn a lot of things and I like outdoors work.
I would like to stay one months, I think arrive 7th January !
Thank you,
See you soon !
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