WWOOF Mexico

Tina Rosa
  • Female
  • San Miguel de Allende
  • Mexico
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
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Tina Rosa's Contacts

  • Puja Deverakonda
  • Alexey and Natalia
  • Ana Cristina Hernandez
  • Chris Runge
  • Carolina Cortez
  • Christine Munoz
  • Ramiro Mata
  • Anna C Walker
  • Susan Mandy Hillel Mckelvey
  • abigail wermer
  • Jose Filiberto Hernandez
  • Elizabeth Tipton
  • Daniel Londoño
  • Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa
  • WWOOF Mexico

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Messages Box (43 messages)

At 6:28pm on May 26, 2009, Niamaat said…
I trust that yo uare well and found a caretaker for your property in your absence. Best wishes,
At 6:30pm on May 26, 2009, Niamaat said…
Oh, I am looking for a wwoofing opportunity one bus ride away from Santiago de Queretaro however I am not in a position to give money for rent. If the caretaker needs help please let me know and I can give, for example 5 hours of labor 5 days a week and be given access to food, potable water, blace to shower, sleep, wash clothes... commonwealth_solutions at yahoo dot com
At 3:22pm on May 27, 2009, Niamaat said…
Wow! Glad THAT experience is over. Hopefully you have been able to arrange something with your neighbors to at least make sure that the property is not being violated in your absence.

Thanks for your good wishes.

I was a bit nervous about not having heard from the farm in Tepoztlan since I sent my application (which contained questions) and since I emailed requesting the name of the stop I should get off the bus.

Now I'm okay. I'll just buy a phone card and call. Hopefully someone can pick me up from Cuernavaca. And hopefully the food issue can be resolved amicably. Well, that's the only way, no?

Thanks for your response.

Best wishes to you always.
At 8:58am on August 6, 2009, Minerva Rosas said…

Me llamo Minerva soy de Barcelona y estoy interesada en tu granja. Tengo disponibilidad apartir de octubre/noviembre hasta...Dios quiera! Tengo ganas de aprender, colaborar, ayudar con la comunidad, además de viajar a México. He estudiado naturopatia he realizado cursos de masaje, reflexologia, etc con lo cual podría poner un granito de arena. Se inglés aunque no me defiendo mucho, pero muchisimas ganas de poder aprender-lo de una vez!
Gracias por todo!
Espero recibir noticias...
At 8:02pm on August 8, 2009, Antonio Elugardo said…
HI Tina!
I am very interested in working at your farm.
I have worked with plants and animals all my life as well as teaching guitar, yoga.
I am learning Ayurvedic healing right now.
I lived in Gto before and absolutely love its charms.
Please contact me as soon as you can.
I will be living their extensively beginning in September.
At 4:51pm on January 5, 2010, Aaron Russ said…
Hi my name is Aaron. I will not be able to wor on the farm at your times you need. But I{m travelling through San miguel in the coming weeks and could share some info about riase beds, done some myself. Or I would love to check out this what sounds amazing little paradise.
let me know and i can make a stop by and offer any recommendations
I{m from Canada this is where I{ve gained most of my knowledge.
At 12:35am on February 3, 2010, Steph said…

I was wondering if you've found anyone to take care of your flower beds? I'm a new WWOOFER and I have beginner's experience with gardening -but I'm willing to learn and apply myself to the techniques regularly.

Although there will probably be better qualified volunteers, I thought I should still send you a message, just in case you will still need someone at the time. I will be in Mexico around the time of your absence, and before then too!

I can do half of the rent for all of that time and plant your flowerbeds, all I will need is to meet you and get possible instructions from you. Some info on me: I'm 24, really interested in organic farming and sustainability and I'm especially interested in the Mexican culture! I'm a very dependable person too.

Contact me if you're interested in my volunteer services. Hope to hear from you soon!

At 11:21am on February 6, 2010, Gary Finnegan & Beth Friedeberg said…
Me and Beth are coming to beautiful mexico soon, would love to meet you guys and spend some time on your farm.
We've Wwoofed in Portugal and really enjoyed ourselfs. I would like to say were hard workers who want as much experience in as many aspects on the farm as possible. we're flying in to Mexico City and working our way up to Baja California with no solid plans so if you have space on your farm for one or two weeks between the 15th of feb and the first of april we love to come.
If you could let us know as soon as poss so we can make plans
At 2:17pm on March 2, 2010, Jared wilkinson said…
Hola Tina!
My name is Field Keeling. A friend and I are going to be traveling around your area in the beginning of May until your return. I know you will possibly need assistance a month before then but wanted to let you know that if you want two hardworking, willing-to-learn, fairly experienced men around the farm from May 2nd until Oct. - we would love to help! Please give me a shout if so. Have a great day!
At 8:46pm on March 15, 2010, Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa said…
we would be interested in helping you out on this project, we have wwoofed in hawaii, also lately with grupo ecologico de la costa verde in san pancho, nayarit.
please contact us if you still need assistance.

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