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Wanted a warm and friendly farm where <i can utilize my reiki skill right along with learning about sustainable agriculture and community living and hopefully strawbale construction.
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Messages Box (4 messages)
hola Chris,
We did not start our planing of biodynamic garden but we want to start soon. We will soon start a room with compacted heart and strawbale. What was your plan, time and month to come?
Martine, farm in Izamal
Hola Martine.
I just arrived in mexico City from Cuba and have been adjusting to capitalism for a couple of days. I am totally ready to leave Mexico City after 4 days here. What is a usual time frame to stay at the farm . I can help in any way possible but would need directions for the bus. I beleieve from what I can figure out you are about 16 hours away.I was thinking if you needed help now or later on in the month. What works for you. I am agre3at vegetarian cook have a zest for life love to learn and would be very interested in medicinal plants and strawbale construction.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly
Hello Chris, you will be welcome just please let know some time before you let you know our availability .
here is my personal email carlosbolo@yahoo.com
Hola Chris,,,luz verde. Necesito alguien inmediatamente, especialmente finales de marzo. Llame al 01 739 3955019 o escribe t_osher@yahoo.com.
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