WWOOF Mexico

Whitney Grover
  • Female
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (1)
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Whitney Grover's Contacts

  • Don and Wendy Graves
  • Carina Gibson
  • Alexandre McGraw
  • Lisa Cervantes
  • Roberto Lepe
  • Donna McDermott
  • WWOOF Mexico

Whitney Grover's Farms


Whitney Grover's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
My experience is in Urban Agriculture and gardening. I teach a backyard composting class at a local demonstration garden, volunteer in community gardens around the city, and have experience gardening at home. So I know a bit about organic and sustainable growing on a small scale, but I'm looking forward to experiencing the day to day of a larger scale operation.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I love to learn! And I'm a hard worker. I'm excited to learn about organic farming but I also want to learn about Mexican culture.

Messages Box (9 messages)

At 12:22pm on September 12, 2015, Roberto Lepe said…

Yes, you are welcome! We just Ask with stays less than 3 months 55 pesos per day for meals. (less than 3.14 dollars.)

Best Regards. R.

At 4:23pm on September 24, 2015, Don and Wendy Graves said…

We are planning on being in Oaxaca at the end of October, with hopes of WWOOFing in mid-November. We have not yet WWOOFed, but are looking forward to the experience.  When are you planning on WWOOFing? 

At 2:22pm on September 25, 2015, Donna McDermott said…

Hi Whitney, I haven't wwoofed in Mexico yet, so I can't speak personally about any farms. 

At 8:18am on September 26, 2015, Carina Gibson said…

Hi Whitney

No, I never did wwoof there, so I can't really say about their farm. Good luck though!

At 7:21pm on September 27, 2015, Don and Wendy Graves said…

Hey, Whitney!  It looks like you are doing your homework to find out what you are in for!  Wendy and I have not yet heard back from this farm, but are really interested.  What 's the trick to get a response from them?  We'll be in Mexico for 3 months and want to WWOOF on at least 3 farms.   

At 1:25pm on October 10, 2015, Whitney Grover said…

I wrote to the main contact, Roberto Lepe, and he actually responded right away. But then I asked some questions about details of the stay and suggestions for getting there and he didn't really answer my questions, which is why I reached out to all the folks subscribing to the farm. I wrote him in English, maybe I'll try in Spanish soon? Anyway, good luck! 

At 11:27am on October 11, 2015, Don and Wendy Graves said…

We tried again in Spanish and he got right back to us.  Twice!  We will be there for two weeks beginning November 15'ish  We'll keep you posted! 

At 7:21pm on December 10, 2015, Don and Wendy Graves said…

Hey, Whitney!  Wendy and I enjoyed our stay, but there is lots for you to think about before you go.  e-mail us at wdgraves@frontier.com and we can discuss.  It would probably be better to talk on the phone, so if you want to talk, you could send your # (or we can send ours).  Would love to discuss our experience.  Don and Wendy   

At 2:29pm on January 6, 2016, Ben James Slatky said…

Hi Whitney,

I'm considering working at the coffee farm in San Juan Lachao. It looks like you were as well. I was wondering if you ended up visiting the farm, and, if so, how was your experience?


Ben Slatky

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