What are the dates you would like to come and help at the ranch and how long would you like to stay ??
Best Regards,
At 10:55am on November 21, 2014, jorge lezama said…
Hello xinran welcome to mexico.Those dates are good however if u come we probably will be moving around since we have alot of holidays in december. Since my family lives in the nearby cities we will also be visiting them which could be great but sometimes people dont like it that way. So im doing some work with the community and planting some things though most of the time im doing organic fertilizers organic pesticides and fungi prevention tecniques for my costumers so if u want u can help me out with that. There is room and bed but and food. We dont have hot water but we are in the tropics so there is plenty of sun.
u could take a bus to palenque and i could pick u up there. There are routes to the farm but i could pick u up at the bus station
my cell is 9931600996.
U could either call me or send me a whats app so we can comunivate better.
hola Xinran .. we have room for you, just let me know the date before you arrival, we make handcraft whit wood and buildings, 9841646925 my cel. whatts app only
buena suerte
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Hello Xinran,
What are the dates you would like to come and help at the ranch and how long would you like to stay ??
Best Regards,
u could take a bus to palenque and i could pick u up there. There are routes to the farm but i could pick u up at the bus station
my cell is 9931600996.
U could either call me or send me a whats app so we can comunivate better.
Muchos saludos nos vemos!
Hola Xinran Xu
I will be in need of help in May of this coming year
let me know if this works for you.
hola Xinran .. we have room for you, just let me know the date before you arrival, we make handcraft whit wood and buildings, 9841646925 my cel. whatts app only
buena suerte
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