WWOOF Mexico

Volunteer Coordinator
  • Female
  • Juluchuca, Guerrero
  • Mexico

Volunteer Coordinator's Contacts

  • Caroline White
  • Pauvla Ri
  • Giuliana y Germán
  • Riley Cahill
  • Rachel Nerys Cook
  • Sondra Wayman
  • Tristan Borresen
  • Grace
  • Elodie Fayaud
  • Andy Ollove
  • Ruth Overend
  • Amandine & Charline
  • Fumat Simon
  • Ben James Slatky
  • Amanda Charniak

Volunteer Coordinator's Farms


Volunteer Coordinator's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Operate a sustainable boutique hotel in Mexico based on the values of organics, permaculture and regeneration. Site has 200 acres including a hotel, garden, orchard, coastal forest restoration, mangrove restoration, archeological site, turtle sanctuary and community engagement project and more.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
We are looking for hard working WWOOFers who want to commit to at least 12 weeks to work on on our project in areas of organic gardening, permaculture design, forest restoration, mangrove restoration, general care and management of farm from roads and fences to general community engagement and impact. If you are interested in some great experience, working hard and reaping the rewards of hard work, then please contact the volunteer coordinator at volunteer@playaviva.com for more information about how you want to contribute and be part of the effort.

Volunteer Coordinator's Photos

Messages Box (23 messages)

At 7:53pm on April 27, 2015, Caley Cross said…

Hola David,

Thank you very much for getting back to me with the application for Playa Viva. I was wondering how many wwoofers you usually have at one time? 

At 3:27pm on May 19, 2015, Ivonne Astudillo said…

Hi David!

My name is Ivonne and I plan to Woof through Mexico this summer. I will be in Mexico by mid-June and would love it if I had the chance to help on your farm. I am a very hard worker and a quick learner. I love to learn new things and I feel this would be a great opportunity for me. I speak Spanish but I hope to improve it while I'm their. If you have any questions about me, please feel free to contact me at ivonneastudillo93@gmail.com

Thank you.

At 1:31pm on May 20, 2015, Clint Shannon said…
Hola David,
I'm a college student from the States, and I plan on coming to WWOOF in Mexico around the fourth week of June.
I have some gardening experience from working my own and collaborating in community gardens. However, I still have plenty to learn and am excited to do so.
I am learning Spanish and look forward to speaking it. Language immersion is part of the reason I want to WWOOF in Mexico.
Your place seems very respectable. Your use permaculture and restoration has me very interested. love the opportunity to work hard, get the intrinsic benefit of knowing it's for something worthwhile, learn from the projects you have going on, and become friends with your community!
I hope you everyone around is have a wonderful spring so far, and I look forward to hearing back from you!
Best regards,
At 4:56pm on September 1, 2015, Bonnie Orr said…

Hello David,

My name is Bonnie Orr, I am a 23 year college graduate who is seeking to learn how to life simply by caring for the beautiful land that our world has to offer.  I speak some Spanish, and I am excited to learn more.  I am athletic, open minded, fun, hard-working, and a lover of all things natural.  

Please e-mail me and tell me more about how you can use my varied skills on your farm. 


Thank you!


At 2:15pm on October 31, 2015, Jimena Gracia said…

Hola David!! 

Mi nombre es Jime (23 años), soy originalmente de Guadalajara. Mi amiga y yo estamos buscando un proyecto de agricultura en la naturaleza por 3-4 semanas en el mes de Noviembre. Mi amiga se llama Alex (22 años) y es de Nueva York y se entiende muy bien en español. Estudiamos arte juntas en la universidad en los estados unidos. Ahora estamos viviendo en DF y queremos vivir por algunas semanas en una parte diferente de este hermoso país y aprender sobre la sostenibilidad y el cultivo de alimentos. Hemos leido mucho sobre la permacultura y lo queremos experienciar directamente. Somos amables y atentas, nos gusta conocer a otras personas y queremos enseñar y aprender mucho sobre el arte y la agricultura ecológica. 

Gracias y saludos :) 


At 2:32pm on November 9, 2015, Fumat Simon said…
Buenas tardes David,

Estoy viajando con un amigo a traves mexico y vamos a llegar en el estado de guerrero por el mes de diciembre o enero. Tenemos une pequeña esperencia de wwoofing en una granja cerca de playa del carmen y vamos a trabajar en una otra cerca de Mexico DF.
Te parece posible para estas fechas ?


At 2:40pm on November 11, 2015, Dany Poulin-Lelievre said…

Hola David,


Soy un viajero apasionado de lenguas y de naturaleza. Estoy viajando por América Central para mejorar mi español y quería saber si ustedes iban a necesitar ayuda entre el 18 de noviembre y el 18 de diciembre 2015. Si es el caso que necesitan ayuda, simplemente contésteme y les voy a hablar de mí un poco más si lo desean. Por el momento, sólo es suficiente decir que ya he trabajado en muchas fincas y que creo tener muchas de las características que ustedes están buscando en sus voluntarios, e igualmente, creo que ustedes tienen mucho de lo que yo busco en las fincas que me acojan. Me tendría que ir el 15 de diciembre para pasar las vacaciones de Navidad con una buena amiga de Puebla, pero si nos caemos bien : ), quizá podría volver en enero si todavía necesitan ayuda.





At 5:21pm on November 11, 2015, Dany Poulin-Lelievre said…

Muchas gracias por su presta respuesta David. Sólo quería avisarle que acabo de llenar el formulario (que sea dicho de paso me pareció muy bien hecho).



At 5:44am on November 12, 2015, Philippa Gist said…

Hello David!

My friend Hattie and I are are arriving in Mexico city and are planning on travelling south through Mexico. Your project sounds extremely interesting, we both have degrees in Zoology and are excited to build on our degrees with some hands on experience. We both have very basic Spanish but are very keen to learn more. My friend Hattie has cycled from Vancouver all the way to Mexico and I am meeting her in the city. She has lots of wwoofing experience and tales to tell! We hope that you can also learn from much of the things we have to offer too. Hattie has experience working with bees amongst many other things and I am a keen artist and cook. We have both studied and worked with marine ecosystems which is where our interests lie. We are both very interested in sustainable simple natural living and would love to come and lend some helping hands and meet some likeminded fun people!

We would be looking to arrive around late February time and stay for a good period of time. My email address is pippagist@hotmail.com and it would be great to hear back from you!

Many thanks,

Phili and Hattie

At 2:20pm on December 9, 2015, lucia pannier said…

Dear David,

Soy una chica belga y ya tengo 4 anos viviendo en Mexico. Soy biologa y siempre me ha gustado mucho la permacultura, por eso me llamo mucho la atencion tu granja :) tengo experiencia con WWOOF trabajando por 8 meses en Italia en varios tipos de granjas. Tambien en casa de mis papas siempre ayudaba en el jardin, tienen muchas frutas y verduras.

Podria ir a ayudarles con mucho gusto y energia! El problema que yo veo es que solo puedo por una semana (la proxima semana) hasta el 20 de diciembre, tal vez es poco tiempo. Me avisas por favor en lucipannier@gmail.com si estan interesados en aceptarme como WWOOFER desde este fin de semana. 

Muchas gracias! Luci

At 1:35pm on December 28, 2015, Alfonso ADC said…
Hola David,
Somos una pareja española sociables y trabajadores. Amantes de la naturaleza y de la vida san. No tenemos planes fijos ni ataduras, pudriendo estar presentes un buen tiempo. Ahorita estamos al ladito de vosotros en sayulitas.
Alfonso es bilingue en español y ingles. Tambien se manejar el diseño grafico, y gran amante de la permacultura, los ultimos 7 meses e estado trabajando la tierra siempre de manera ecologica y natural.
Maria tiene grandes habilidades como maquilladora. Y a trabajado en la área de limpieza y el orden de hostales centros públicos y casas particulares.Y tambien le fascina la permacultura.  
gracias por vuestro tiempo.
deseando oír algo en respuesta de nuestra pequeña presentación.
mucho amor y luz en su camino
feliz navidad
Maria y Alfonos 
At 9:51pm on December 28, 2015, Amandine & Charline said…
Hi everyone! We are two Belgium girls travelling around America!
On the road since 3 years, we are loving it! We crossed canada from east to west. We are now going down the west coast of Mexico after a few month of work in the us.
We are both passionate by ecology, capitalism, and dreaming of our own paradise with veggie, wildlife, and especially sustainability.
We recently fund out about woofing, and would like to use it to make our travel benefits for everyone. Our goal is to learn for our future as well as helping people out building their own project.
We are getting good in Spanish, we learned it two month last year in Mexico. Spending a lot of time with families this year it's getting better. But still difficult to share ideas about ecology and deep conversations. Looking forward to improve it.
We also rescued a pup "pakal" last year in Mexico, since than he is now travelling with us and enjoying his country. He is a sweet dog, very well trained, and friendly with everyone, kids, other dogs and animals.
We are looking forward to travel from farm to farm while exploring Mexico and Central America.
We were hitchhiking all the way until two month ago. The comfort won, we bought a small van to be able to have more freedom and a small house. We really hope to be part of your project if you wish.
Charline and Amandine
At 2:08pm on December 30, 2015, Volunteer Coordinator said…

Hi Amandine and Charline.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Playa Viva, Juluchuca, Guerrero, Mexico.

The next step would be to have one or both of you fill out our online volunteer application on the following web page and then to arrange for an interview over skype.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


At 9:41am on October 5, 2016, Elodie Fayaud said…



We are a  french couple (Guillaume-29 years old and Elodie-27) travelling all around Mexico

during 2 months ; we are very interested by your farm and your project.


Guillaume has skills in gardening, spirulina farming. I have skills in social work and dietetics.


We have scholar level in spanish but we like to learn quickly !! we also speak english and portuguese.


We like to make new experiences, to learn from each other (especially concerning permaculture and eco-lodging).

We are very motivated !


We will be in mexico on December


Do you still have some places for us ?

Moreover we would like to have more details about few points :



2 : can you describe shortly the work to do at yours ( hours per day / days per week/meals per day)


3 : do you have minimum/maximum stay required ? we would like to stay two or three weeks if  possible


4 : for the  lodging of volunteers, do you have private rooms or dorms ?

Thanks you

email: elodiefaya@hotmail.fr

At 11:20am on September 29, 2017, LaRae Godoy said…

Hola David,

Hope this message reaches you in a good place on the farm. I am spending 4.5 months in Mexico this year visiting family first in Barra De Navidad, Jalisco and then looking for a community to join in Jan/Feb on a farm for at least 3 weeks. I work well outdoors in dirt, with animals and people. I have had a compost at one time and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to know if you need any volunteers at the top of 2018. Looking forward to hearing about your farm and it's needs. Also my Spanish is very basic but I am hoping the 2 months with family first will spruce it up. 

Email: laraegodoy@yahoo.com

Phone +01 (626) 614-6780


At 8:49am on January 3, 2018, Federico Calut said…

Hola David,

Mi nombre es Federico y voy a estar en febrero por México. Quería saber si tienen disponibilidad para que los visite y pueda trabajar con ustedes. Tengo experiencia en cultivos orgánicos y en plantación de arboles nativos. Todo lo que pueda ser de ayuda, con gusto lo haré. Espero su respuesta y desde ya, muchas gracias. Saludos!

At 6:35am on January 18, 2018, Melissa Harvey said…

Hi David!

Your project sounds wonderful!  I love the idea of mangrove restoration!  I have been a professional gardener for the last 13 years, for the last 8 I have been running my own business.  I take care of big estates and do everything from weeding and pruning to mulch and installation. I am very dedicated to the environment and can't think of a more wonderful way to spend my winter sabbatical. 

Last year I WWOFed in Panama, and it was a wonderful experience. 

I'm really looking forward to doing it again.

I am a hard worker, a self starter, and a joyful spirit. I love to sing and dance while I work!  My years of experience make me a quick study of new plants and their habits and needs.  Please take a look at my profile and see if you think we will fit. I have been working on my Spanish, and while my verb tenses are not always correct, I am able to have basic conversations. I am still working and studying everyday using Duolingo. I hope you have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you!



At 6:36am on January 18, 2018, Melissa Harvey said…

Oh! I would like to visit from Feb 7 to March 7!

At 2:58pm on February 6, 2018, Evandro Patricio said…
Hi!! Your farm sounds fascinating. I would love to wwoof with you guys! I am looking for a place to spend 3-6months so i can truly learn, improve my skills and enjoy the day-to-day life of an organic farm. i speak fluent english, spanish and portuguese and I do very well with physical labor! I am looking to start my stay around the 25th of February. Please let me know if you would happen to have some space for me. Thanks!!
At 8:31pm on March 24, 2018, Anton Simon Ruebsamen said…

Hola David,
Nora y yo somos estudiantes, de Alemania. Ella estudia psicología y yo medicina. En el momento estamos viajando por Oaxaca. Su rancho nos llamo la atención y nos alegraría mucho si nos dan la posibilidad de trabajar en sus tierras durante una o dos semanas, apartir del 29. Marzo. No nos da miedo mancharnos con tierra ni tememos el calor:) Vivimamos juntos en casa y a nosotros dos nos gusta el trabajo en el campo con animales tanto que con plantas. Hablamos castellano, ingles y por supuesto alemán.

Nos quedamos atentamente en espera a su amable respuesta,
Saludos cordiales,
Nora y Anton Simon

Whatsapp: 0049159 03894606
mail: forsbach.n@gmail.com

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