WWOOF Mexico

carlane racine
  • Female
  • québec
  • Canada
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms
  • Photos (3)
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Carlane racine's Contacts

  • Michaël Lafrancesca
  • Bosque Village
  • WWOOF Mexico

carlane racine's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I had a little garden one time in my backyard
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
That I like to know about cultures and I can bring a lot to those farms with my experiences in many different areas of

Who am I :)

What would I say about me... 

Extroverted,open minded,simple,mature,sociable et independant,I'm a girl who likes to live. I have many interests. I have no idea where i'm going,how my life will be, the thing is, isn't so much the destination that count but the travel in itself and to appreciate each moments that give us the chance to be who we are...so being happy!!!

In my adult life I'm an ER nurse working all around the province of Québec in Canada! And in other time, I bring people in canyons to go down waterfalls and play in the water (Of course all secured with a rope)  :) 

I speak mostly french and english, but I'm actually learning spanish (need to practice).

Lasts years a traveled a lot for work, but now, my boyfriend and I (you can see pictures of him in my album) want to travel for pleasure so it means, live with people and learn different of what we know. We want to get out of our confort zone!

We both traveled before  in Costa Rica, Nicargua, Panama, Argentina, Corsica, Australia (like those countries finishing with an "a") :P

So that's it! I don't what else to say, but if ever I think of something else, I'll let you know!

Have a nice day!!!

Carlane xx

carlane racine's Photos


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