WWOOF Mexico

¡Hola Leon!

Somos Nina & Sami, dos muchilleros de Alemania.

We are very interested to work at your farm, cause thats exactly what we want to learn. we love to work outside and learn more about farming and permaculture. Also we practice Yoga and meditation and we are curious to learn more about. 

We love the idea of self-supporting, in an ecological way. we are dreaming about having a eco village some day, too. so thats why we are travelling in mexico. we want to make some experience and get inspirated by projects like yours.

so we are willing to work and to learn every day and respect the way of kharma amd dharma in your village. we also have experience with working on farms and natural building like superadope. 

we are right now in cancun but want to leave as soon as possibel. so just let us know when and how we can get to your farm if you are interested!

hope to see you soon



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