WWOOF Mexico

Hello! My name is Trillium, I am 17 years old (18 end of Oct.), I just graduated high school, and I grew up in a small town in Montana. I've been raised with an agricultural background, and today this is where many of my interests lay. I am taking a year's break between high school and college to do some traveling and international experiencing. In addition to gaining more agricultural experience, one of my goals is to improve my Spanish. I am searching for an "adventure" during this year off from school, and I am seeking this adventure through WWOOF. I am looking for a safe place to go and work. I don't mind being isolated, however I would like assurance of certain accommodations such as a sturdy roof over my head, shower, electricity, and a standard way to prepare meals. If anybody has any advice or farm recommendations to offer, or experiences to share, please feel free to add me as a contact so we can communicate!

Thank you :)

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