WWOOF Mexico

EnriqueFuentes LaBellota-120510-031

ust a brief update on what’s happening at the ranch.  Once again, some time has passed since our last news letter update. I will definitely have to rectify that.

Rancho La Bellota is well underway with group activity this fine Spring Season.  We’re still hoping for more rain this year, and our fingers are crossed for some heavy April showers next month!  Our oats fields sure could use a good soak, not to mention all the plants, and trees in the entire area.

My personal goal this year is to get that vegetable garden going, so I informed Raul of my plans which went over very well, and after this last frost, we began planting.  Right now, we have green peppers, Anaheim peppers, onions, corn radishes, garlic, zucchini, and tomatoes.  Let’s not forget the fig trees, the apricots or peaches either.  I’ve also just planted a beautiful bed of Marigolds right next to the Rosemary which will be a perfect border along the fence line to the garden.

Although we are more than 80% self sustainable, I wanted to go that extra 20% to full self sustainability, and finally I’ve reached that goal.  The garden is thriving, and we’re very excited about it because all the vegetables from the garden will be used for cooking meals for our guests.  By the way, the hens are extremely busy this Spring and we have tons of eggs which we use in the kitchen too.  Last weekend I brought back 10 dozen to pass out to family members simply because we were over run with eggs!   Let’s hope the hens stay busy.  :)

I’m also working on a future plan to continue with my line of natural skin care products.  Three weeks ago, we planted 120 lavender plants in the area behind the outdoor patio area off to the right and down the slope.  So for those of you who are familiar with the ranch set up, next time your drive in, hopefully by May or June, you’ll see blooming English, and Spanish Lavender flowers waving in the wind; a striking contrast with the different purple tones of the flowers.

We have yet another project in the works which also involves plants.  We’re looking at starting a Baja California Native Plant Nursery which will coincide with water conservation, and appreciation of the beautiful blooming flowers and shrubs Baja California has to offer.  These plants will look just as lovely in any garden, particularly in the city because these plants are hearty, and accustomed to dry conditions.  That means less water will be required to maintain them, and since we’re in current drought conditions, this is an excellent means of taking care of our environment, particularly our water supply, which is vital to our well-being, and over all health.

Baja California is a land of distinct beauty, and wonder.  I think we should all look more closely at the natural environment we live in, no matter where we are on the globe, in appreciation of life, and the amazing beauty which surrounds us.

If your thinking this sounds like a lot of work you’re absolutely right, but, its work that Raul and I thoroughly enjoy, and the rewards are priceless.  At the end of the day, we may feel a few aches and pains, but as my Dad used to say, they’re good aches, and pains. That means we put in a good day of hard work, and we accomplished a lot.  All we have to do is look around, and the rewards of our hard work lay everywhere we turn.

On another note, Ricky is now in Riverside County doing a 6 month internship at an Equine Specialist Hospital.  He’s assisting in surgeries, and I might add some very complicated surgeries which involve the newest of technology within veterinarian medicine.  He’ll be graduating the university this June, so I will be announcing the date of his graduation party which will be held at the ranch. It’s Barbacoa time folks, and time to congratulate Ricky on a job well done.  Five years of hard work, and dedication.

Thank you for reading our news letter and I promise to keep you all up to date more regularly!

With affection,

Raul and Caroline Aguiar, Rancho La Bellota    

Ranch Blog Site is: http://celticsouldotorg.wordpress.com/

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