WWOOF Mexico



A form of mulching that leaves the grass or original ground covering intact before creating a garden bed. This is done because sod is one of the most biologically active layers in a yard. Leaving it will the microbial activity that is taking place to continue taking place while aiding your garden bed. Sounds like a good plan, but I wonder how it compares to the bio-intensive method of double-digging.

Views: 28

Comment by Niamaat on August 22, 2009 at 3:14pm
Humm...that's interesting. Maybe, double digging is dealing with the surface and below the surface about 60 cm. with the result being an aerated bed with whatever addenda were added during the double digging process.

It seems like the sheet mulch method is dealing with the surface and the air space above the original surface without disturbing the original surface with a shovel or a tilling fork. I love this idea as a way to make a super rich, super thick and vibrant topsoil deep enough to plant in and rich enough to nourish the "undisturbed" ground below.


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