WWOOF Mexico

While in the dorm with my friend, I started talking to him about his summer plans. He told me about WWOOF; I could feel my eyes open wide as he described his experience. I started talking to my parents about my summer plans which included WWOOF. Since they were initially resistant, I tried every trick I knew so my parents would allow me to go. It has kind of worked :D

I am really excited about the opportunity to WWOOF because it falls in line with my passions. I am a spanish student in my 4th year and seek every opportunity to practice. This is the first reason I want to WWOOF in Mexico. Next, I love everything outdoors. I go backpacking, climbing, and dabble unsuccessfully in mountain biking. It is the spirit of adventure in each of these activities that creates a feeling of joy in me. The same warmth bubbles in my stomach when I think of traveling. Thirdly, I want to study International Development when I go to a university. My family always encouraged me to find my passion in the world; my goal is to leave the world as a better place than how it was when I arrived. When I was young, I was fortunate enough to travel to several latin american countries. I became enamored with everything about them. Finally, I am passionate about the food industry. My mother was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and since then my eyes have been opening to the dark reality of the food industry. I have changed my diet significantly and look forward to learning more about organic farming to help me out in the future.

More to come...

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