WWOOF Mexico

Victoria A. Vargas's Comments

Messages Box (57 messages)

At 6:35pm on March 10, 2014, Dave Horn said…

Hey Rodrigo!

Thank you so much for your generosity. I have been reading about the culinary scene in Baja for the past several months and am so interested in it that I decided to go stay there for several weeks.  My goals are to learn about organic farming, to visit El Valle de Guadalupe wine country and Rancho La Puerta wellness resort, to explore the local cuisine of Baja and hopefully to work at a good restaurant if I can to learn as much as possible while I'm there.  As a chef, I am so excited to experience the Baja food culture as it seems to combine my favorite cuisines (Mexican and Mediterranean).  I will be travelling from April 1st - May 18th and would love to stay with you for as long as I am welcome.  I'm very hardworking, passionate and eager to learn.  Please feel free to email me directly at chefdavehorn@gmail.com and my cell phone number is 724-757-2180.  

At 7:22pm on April 11, 2014, Rio Alexander Tattersall said…

Hey Rodrigo! Me, Sunny, and Eva are currently in Tijuana.. We got held up because it was very difficult finding the immigration office to get out passports stamped. We are going to stay one more night at our friends house here, and leave early tomorrow. We may take the toll road because we heard it was safer... How would we get to the ranch from the toll road? I hope this doesn't complicate things too much. If all goes as planned we will see you tomorrow!

Rio T

At 7:23pm on April 21, 2014, Rio Alexander Tattersall said…

Rodrigo, Maribel, y familia!

Muchas gracias por todo! We had a great time at the ranch! It would be nice to stay in touch. My blog is www.pedaltheglobe.blogspot.com and Eva's is www.finsandwheels.blogspot.com.. It would be nice to come by the ranch again some day. Until then much love and peace. 

Rio T

At 10:55am on May 4, 2014, Victoria A. Vargas said…

directions to the ranch, cross the border and take the exit to Rosarito libre (no toll road or free road) go passed La Gloria which is uphill on the cement highway then theres a downhill until you get to the first streetlight with a pedestrian bridge here you just past a large gas station with an oxxo store that was on your right hand and now you are at the stoplight with the pedestrian bridge and on the corner theres a Zeta gas station next to the bridge make a Right turn before passing the bridge and on this block before going up the hill theres two ranch entrances take the one on the left where there are a lot of telephone poles and keep to your left on the dirt road until you see a pair of white houses with green trim......home 661 100 0000 cell 664 194 7514...see u soon...


At 1:24pm on May 23, 2014, wildflower said…

Hola Rodrigo! Nos encantaria venir a ayudar con todos el trabajo que tienen pendiente, mi pareja sabe de construccion con strawbell u otros materiales y yo tengo conocimiento en recoleccion de semillas..tendrian lugar para nosotros en principios de julio? Solo un detalle me falta, queremos que nuestro hijos aprendan esta forma de vida y prepararlos para el futuro...pudieran ser bienvenidos tambien ellos?

Gracias por leer mi mensaje


At 12:36pm on May 27, 2014, Cesar Omar Rivas said…

Hi, and thnaks for contact me.

I barely saw the message and i would be glad to help you and support you in every proyect.

I will be staying in TJ with some friends this summer but this is where you can contact me,

I'll be glad to help you and if you can send me any cell phone so we can get in touch.

Thanks and blessings

At 2:50am on June 2, 2014, Luke Geling said…

hello rodrigo thanks for your comment on my profile... it sounds interessting and i will contact you when i´m back in mexico at the end of the year (around november).

best wishes luke

At 11:18am on June 5, 2014, Jenny Chen said…

Hi Rodrigo!

My name is Jenny Chen, and I just graduated from the University of
Pennsylvania (in Philadelphia, a city in the northeastern United
States) in May, and am planning to travel to Mexico during the summer
before I begin work in the fall! I'll be in Mexico City from June 9 -
June 15. I would love an opportunity to volunteer on your farm and
learn more about sustainable agriculture! For the past 4 years, I've
worked on various urban and rural farms in the northeastern and
midwestern United States, and have a lot of experience with vegetable
production and large-scale composting. I would love to contribute my
labor and experience, and also have an opportunity to practice my very
beginner Spanish (as well as do a language exchange if anyone is
interested in practicing English or learning Mandarin Chinese)!

Some more details about me...I'm 22, Chinese-American, and will be
arriving in Mexico City in just a week! I am free to wwoof starting
June 16 and would be happy to volunteer for a month or more if that
works for you. My dates are flexible - I'll be available to help out
any time between June 16 and July 25! Let me know what works best for
you :)

Looking forward to hearing back!

Jenny Chen

At 4:33pm on June 6, 2014, Jenny Chen said…

Hi Rodrigo!

My name is Jenny Chen, and I just graduated from college in Philadelphia, a city in the northeastern United States. I am planning to travel to Mexico during the summer before I begin work in the fall! I'll be in Mexico City from June 9 -June 15. I would love an opportunity to volunteer on your farm and learn more about sustainable agriculture and working with the local community! For the past 4 years, I've worked on various urban and rural farms in the northeastern and midwestern United States (many connected with schools!), and have a lot of experience with vegetable production, teaching, and large-scale composting. I would love to contribute my labor and experience, and also have an opportunity to practice my Spanish (as well as do a language exchange if anyone is
interested in practicing English or learning Mandarin Chinese)!

Some more details about me...I'm 22, Chinese-American, and will be arriving in Mexico City in just a few days! I am free to wwoof starting June 16 and would be happy to volunteer for at least 2 weeks if that works for you. My dates are flexible - I'll be available to help out any time between June 16 and July 11! Let me know what works best for
you :)

Looking forward to hearing back!
Jenny Chen

At 11:10am on June 21, 2014, Irène Potron said…


Soy Irene, una estudiante francesa de 20 años. Estoy en México desde mayo y actualmente estoy haciendo my práctica profesional en Ciudad Valles, SLP.

Después voy a hacer mi primera experiencia de WWOOFing en una granja de spirulina; y después me gustaría trabajar en su granja si es posible, del  15 de Julio al 15 de Agosto.

Yo no tengo mucha experiencia en trabajar en granjas pero aprendo rápidamente y trabajo duro. Me interesa mucho la agricultura ecológica y sustentable. Además intento vivir de esta manera y está muy importante para mí respetar al planeta.  Hablo español, inglés y francés.

Por favor envíame un email por cualquiera información necesitada, y estoy esperando su respuesta a irene.potron@gmail.com.

Muchas gracias y hasta pronto!


At 11:09am on June 22, 2014, Chau Cu said…

Hi Rodrigo. Thank you for your message. I would love to help out with your farm. I am currently working at a plasma donation center, and will leave for Mexico at the beginning of July. I am interested in volunteering for 3 weeks. Hope to hear from you.


At 4:31pm on July 12, 2014, Heather Howard said…

Hello Mr. Aguilar,

My friend and I are seeking a simple lifestyle with purposeful work, and are interested in volunteering at your farm. We both have several years of farming experience and can help with a variety of the tasks that you require, including landscaping, planting and caring for crops, construction and carpentry projects, animal care, and much more. We are both college-educated individuals who bring a variety of skills to the table, and have no limitations regarding travel dates or length of stay. We are dedicated to a long-term sustainable lifestyle and wish to continue learning as much as we can about permaculture and sustainable communities. If you are seeking two motivated and capable volunteers, we would love to speak with you!

At 1:34pm on October 11, 2014, Phil Garozzo said…

G'day Rodrigo ! Que tal todo? 

Soy Australiano y voy wwoofing y viajando por Mexico. De hecho empece en Los Estados Unidos, bajando por tierra visitando granjas y aprendiendo mientras iba. Llevo casi un año!

De momento me encuentro en Sinaloa con destino California de donde vuelo a Australia. Después de un año es hora de regresarme. Pero sigo con mi pasión por el jardín y la vida sostenible en Australia donde continuo a viajar y conocer y aprender de la gente haciendo lo bueno.

Me interesa mucho tu lugar porque mayormente vegetales son mi fuerte. Bueno, de hecho diría que mi fuerte es crear composta y sistemas para utilizarla. Mejorando la salud de la tierra es algo que me emociona tanto !

Me encantaria conocer que vegetales manejan y como. Eso de sintetizar tu propio fertilizante me late tambien.

Te digo que estoy disponible a trabajar! Inmediatamente si me pueden recibir.. Espero que si. 

Ahorita no tengo telefono, pero mi correo es phil.garozzo@gmail.com y eso lo checo siempre.

Espero que se encuentren con mucho animo por ahi!

Un salud y abrazo,

Phil Garozzo


At 2:20am on October 21, 2014, Dimitris Lambros said…

Hello Rodrigo,

In parallel to my industrial engineering studies, after a short term at the Athenian University of Agriculture (that I decided not to complete for ideological reasons), I developed a very strong interest in permaculture techniques and worked in several organic farms, some of them following Massanobu Fukuoka principles (such as Panagiotis Manikis).

Planning to travel next December in Mexico following my interest for zapatism movement and community, this trip would be such a great opportunity to join and volunteer in an organic farm for a month.

Could I join your community to work as a volunteer? 

Meanwhile, I stay at your disposal for further information.

My e-mail address is:  Dimitrislambros@live.be


Many thanks and best regards, 


Dimitris Lambros

At 3:53pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

Hi Rodriguo !

My name is Boris. I am 28. I come from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I play accordeon and like coocking.

I am available now and for two or three week

See you later !

At 11:37pm on October 31, 2014, Christopher Angelo Ponzi said…

Hola Rodrigo!

How are you? My name is Christopher, I am a 27 year-old writer and semi-experienced wwoofer that speaks Spanish, here is my page http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/ChristopherAngeloPonzi

and my personal website (www.ponzidream.co)

I lived/worked on an organic vineyard in Argentina for 2 months wwoofing. I would love to discuss potentially staying from Nov 9/10th for 3 weeks to a month (maybe more) at your farm. I have some knowledge in gardening/agriculture but love to learn, I am strong, love the outdoors and working with animals. Como dije que yo puedo hablar espanol, por lo menos mejor que la mayoria de los gringos :). Ahora estoy en california y tengos planes a visitar Mexico en cualquer manera.

I would love to talk further details and have a few questions. Please feel free to e-mail me at caponzi@gmail.com, skype me at christopherponzi, or call me at 310-525-8125. Thank you!

Christopher Ponzi

At 3:23pm on January 7, 2015, Cristian Zampieri said…
Hello Rodrigo , We Cristian and Irene , and we were married 31 years . We are Italian but we live in Toronto , there will remain a long time so we want to know the Mexico its people and its culture . We will be happy to provide you with our forces for foolish projects . We can get them from you if you can after January 18 and we have no time limits. thanks for your availability , good job
At 3:26pm on January 7, 2015, Cristian Zampieri said…
Hello Rodrigo , We Cristian and Irene , and we were married 31 years . We are Italian but we live in Toronto , there will remain a long time so we want to know the Mexico its people and its culture . We will be happy to provide you with our forces for foolish projects . We can get them from you if you can after January 18 and we have no time limits. thanks for your availability , good job
At 7:55am on January 23, 2015, kunjabihari adhikari said…

Hola Rodrigo,

Your place sounds like it has great potential.
I recently acquired Bill Mollison's book on Permaculture Design and am eager to put this knowledge into practice. Whatever I am lacking in experience I will make up for with enthusiasm. I do have much experience in the kitchen. I learned how to cook in India (vegetarian).
If you have any openings in the next few months please let me know.

Yours, Kunjabihari [kunjabiharin@gmail.com]

At 7:57am on January 28, 2015, kunjabihari adhikari said…

Hola Rodrigo, Maribel, y familia!

Thanks so much for your response. I am in LA at the moment, trying to plan this upcoming journey. Perhaps I can get a train to SanDiego and then travel by bus to your place.

Please remind me which farm is yours. If I do a search for 'Playas de Rosarito' under 'View Farms' I don't get any matches. The way the website is designed I cannot get to your farm page from your profile info page.

Looking forward to seeing you and your community in the near future.

Yours, Kunja

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