WWOOF Mexico

Luis miguel mayagoitia medina's Comments

Messages Box (82 messages)

At 6:26pm on November 12, 2009, korby said…
Finally, I will maybe reach Mexico in the begining of next week... my girlfriend should come to mexico for a couple of weeks and would arrive in Mexico city in dec 1st... But I'd like to visit you before going to Mexico city, I'm not sure to can coming back after... Could I come for a few days.? I think I can be there around nov 17th and leave to reach Mexico city on nov 29th...

I can't be sure of this plan yet... but would it be ok for you.?
At 2:24pm on November 15, 2009, korby said…
yep, happy to know that I can visit you
I plan to leave the farm I'm staying tomorrow, monday. I'll take a bus to Tijuana, arrive in Tijuana tuesday morning and probably take a bus to Chihuahua on wednesday... Something like that...
I get no conection with my phone here...
I'll call you tomorrow on the way..
At 10:14pm on December 20, 2009, Bridget Catherine Frank said…
Hello there,

Our names are Bridget and Bonnie Frank, we are two sisters from Ontario
Canada who are very interested in wwoofing for you this new year.

Bonnie,21 spent the last seven months woofing at Golden Ears Farm just
outside of Camloops B.C. She helped establish the garden and greenhouse,as
well as helping with large crop care which was repetitive and involved heavy
lifting. She was an integral part of the growing, preparing and selling
fruits, vegetables and herbs for the market. Bonnie had the daily
responsibility of the caretaking of animals including, chickens, pigs,
peacocks, cats, and dogs. Also she assisted with the construction of the new
yoga and art studio from ground up. Bonnie also learned how to cook for 25
people and prepare for new wwoofers.

Bridget, 25 just completed her studies at University and was inspired by
Bonnie's experiences from the last year and is therefore eager to Wwoof as
well. Bridget hikes and camps on the escarpment regularly throughout the
summers. She has been working full-time as a waitress for the last seven
years and looks forward working with the earth.

We have grown up in a family of 6 with a close large extended family,45
cousins in total, this provides us with the skill of adapting and
compromising with others easily and happily. We love kids.

Bonnie and I are hoping one day to start a community based organic farm, so
we will take our education and work on your farm with genuine enthusiasm,
and an honest commitment.

We will be in Central America from January 15 till May 15, if you need us
during any of that time we will be happy to be there.

Please contact us as soon as possible as we will be awaiting your response,
Bridget and Bonnie Frank
At 12:58am on December 23, 2009, Paje Cormier said…
Hi! My name is Paje and i'm on my way down to Mexico, starting from Puerto Vallarta. I'm going to work my way down the coast, eventually to chiapas, puerto esdandito, and many other amazing spots.

I'm traveling with 2 other girls and possibly one more to make us 4. We are interested in working on your farm for at least the minimum desired stay, possibly more.

We all have experience farming, weeding, pruning, picking fruit, mulching, etc. Most of it in the Okanagan and Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada.

We are all interested in sustainable living, vegetarian life style, some of us eat fish occasionally. The out doors, music, co-creation, yoga, meditation, art, meeting new people as well as learning new things. Our goal is to eventually have our own communal & fully sustainable land to build and grow our future families on. Which makes WWOOFing especially amazing because it is helping us during our travels as well as preparing us for the future.

We will be in Mexico from Jan 1 until April . I'm excited to hearing from you!

At 11:52pm on December 23, 2009, Lindsey Bolling said…
Greetings Luis,
How are you this winter? How has the season been for you?
My name is Lindsey and I am from southeast Alaska. I will be traveling around Mexico for a few months and I am interested in the activities, crops, and the building techniques you are using. I am very familiar with Earth Ships in New Mexico and am eager to learn more. I will be in Mexico starting in early January until late February. Please let me know if there is room available and if so, more details about the crops, production that will be taking place. Thank you so much for your time,
Lindsey Bolling
At 7:03pm on December 30, 2009, Tyvian Vigrass said…
Hola Luis,
I have 6 weeks wwoofing in Mexico this year and would like another experience. I am travelling to Chihuahuha mid to late January. If you have some space i would be interested in 2 weeks or more to work for you. It's just me and a very hardworking happy attitude!
Muchas gracias y feliz navidad y año nuevo
At 2:53pm on January 19, 2010, Mieke DeVries said…
Hi there!
My name is Mieke, and I will be travelling through Mexico from February to May with my friend Rebecca. We would love to stay at your farm and help out sometime during this period; we are hard-working, eager, and interested to learn. Hope to hear from you soon!
At 9:00pm on January 19, 2010, Gunilla Danielsson said…
I´m a swedish woman of 28 years. I´m really interested in working in your farm, it sounds fun. If it´s possible for you I will arrive in the beginning of February or march. I´m a chef and wellness coach, have always been interested in the environment. I have worked 2 months wwoofing in Argentina in 2 farms. Looking forward to work in your ecological farm. I know spanish.

Looking forward to hear from you / Gunilla Danielsson
At 8:54am on January 22, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
my name is David Martini and I'm 26 years old. I'm from italy and I was studing Human Rights at the University. I also lived in a organic community, making permaculture and composting toilet. I have some rudiments about renouable energy.
I'm arriving on 26th january to Cancun and I would like to have an experience at your place. I can give more information about me and my situation if you are interested in. I'm really flexible either for the accomodation either for the meals, but I'm vegetarian ;-) ...
I speack perfect spanish and I have with me some organic seeds to share.
I live here my contacts:
e-mail: lacra3@gmail.com
skype: kolladavid
couchsurfing: http://www.couchsurfing.org/mapsurf.html?SEARCH[skip]=0&view=detail&sid=1a6707a3b263fa1337a1b2b435afcc9e

Looking forward to ear from you. Thanks
Best regards
At 1:34pm on January 22, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
Claro que quiero venirme para alla'...solo hay que ver cuando.
En la comunidad donde vivia en portugal tambien montamos temascal. Personalmente estoy carnal con unos componente de la asociacion Raices de la Tierra, que tienes punots en comun con ustedes.
En serio soy muy entusiasta en conocerlos y puedes ya meterme en los componentes...
le voy a enviar un poco de material chido que tengo a la mail del sitio.
Venga un abrazo
se me cuida
Hasta pronto
At 4:26pm on January 23, 2010, Moises Castillo Goytia said…
Mi nombre es Moises Castillo y me gustaria ser woofer junto con mi novia con uds para cualquier fecha a partir de marzo, abril o mayo, soy de Mexico , estudiante de artes en Oaxaca y mi novia es francocanadiense los dos tenemos experiencia en la agricultura organica hemos trabajado con algunas granjas en Canada y Mexico como voluntarios pues creemos que es una buena forma de aprender sobre el manejo sustentable y equilibrado de la agricultura que la base para una mejor manera de vivir con nuestro medio que es muy importante.

Gracias y espero verlos pronto...Delete Comment
At 4:11pm on January 31, 2010, mariana ugarte rocha said…
que onda luis, te he escrito en facebook un par de veces pero creoq ue no lo checas seguido, quisiera saber si tu proyecto es una ecoaldea. un abrazo!
At 11:58pm on February 2, 2010, Steph said…

I'm new at WWOOF and I saw your farm. I read your profile and all that you're doing sounds really interesting. I'm especially interested in your organic building techniques, construction, as well as the farming and agriculture. I hope to be in Mexico at the end of March. I'm very open minded to what I'll learn, and a hard-worker. I have some questions, so if you're interested, please contact me before then.

At 5:15pm on February 16, 2010, Adah Frase said…

I am a 24 year old, female hoping to find a farm that I can work on. I am currently in Mexico, and will be free to work starting in March. I have no other commitments so could potentially stay for as long as it works for both of us. I have worked on small sustainable farms for the past several years. At the last farm in North Carolina, I managed the CSA and the markets. I love to work hard, and am also hoping to learn about agriculture in Mexico.

Please let me know if you have openings!

Adah Frase
At 1:58pm on April 26, 2010, Christopher Lavelle said…

I'm a new WWOOFER and Mexico will be my first ever WWOOFING experience. I met a couple Mexicans last year and since then have read so much about the people, culture and lifestyle that I now want to experience Mexico.
I will be doing Soccer coaching in the U.S.A until August and then I hope to make my way to Santa Isable to you. I read the proyectoollintoyl web page and thought i would be an ideal place to learn and provide help with enthusiasm and motivation. I'm hard working and have just graduated in Environmental Geography. I look forward to hearing from you.

Chris Lavelle
At 10:08pm on May 16, 2010, Isela said…
Hola Luis!
somos isela y fernando de cd juarez, este verano tenemos pensado irnos de wwoofing y hemos leido acerca de la granja y quisieramos saber si habria espacio para estar un par de semanas a mediados/finales de junio? no tenemos mucha experiencia y tenemos muchas ganas de aprender
muchos saludos!!
At 2:49pm on May 17, 2010, Alper Yagci said…

I and my girlfriend Caterina would like to join your farm as volunteers between 12-28 June. Dates may be adjusted or prolonged, please let us know what suits you. We are friendly and hardworking people who are trying to see different parts of Mexico and improve our Spanish (upper intermediate). Caterina had experience with WWOOF farms before and as a graduate student interested in sustainable agriculture I want to start learning about it on the ground. We would be handy for garden work. Please let us know if you have space available. My email address is alper.yagci@yahoo.com.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
At 12:51am on May 30, 2010, Marie Goyette said…
soy Marie y soy de Canada (Québec). Voy a estar en Mexico del 9 de junio al fin de agosto, y me gustaria quedarme en la misma granja por al menos 6 semanas, idealmente del principio de mi viaje.. :) Tendriais lugar para mi? podriais darme mas informaciones sobre lo que hay a hacer, un poco mas sobre tu granja, cuantos personas se van a estar, fui a ver el sitio internet, sois una ONG, o una organisacion sin beneficio? si es el caso, podeis decirme sobre eso, etc.?

muchas gracias, y espero de tus noticias! :)
si tienes cualquiera preguntas, me lo pedis!

Marie marie.go4@mail.com
At 10:30pm on May 30, 2010, Marie Goyette said…
sorry, wrong email address... marie.go4@gmail.com
At 4:25pm on June 6, 2010, Guillermo Gomez said…

Nos encantaria (yo y mi novia) mucho trabajar con ustedes. Tenemos concocimientos y habilidades de agricultura sostenible de nivel basico y intermedio. Somos muy trabajadores y de buena onda. Hablamos ingles, frances, espanol y portugues. A parte de la agricultura, soy un buen cocinero, percusionista, se mucho de nutriccion y soy bueno con las computadoras.

Queremos apoyar proyectos de sostenibilidad, aprender mas y hacer amistades. Podemos empezar a finales de julio o al principio de agosto y trabajar por lo menos 1-2 meses.

Por favor escribame si tendra espacio y mas informacion sobre el trabajo disponible durante ese tiempo.


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