WWOOF Mexico

Sofia Clevit's Comments

Messages Box (51 messages)

At 2:31pm on July 20, 2014, Gerardo Arturo Hernandez said…

Hello Sofia,

My name is Gerardo Hernandez. I am going down to Mexico with my friend Sam and really want experience your farm. We both have reliable experiences in planting, and are willing to learn anything from you and your team. I hope I will hear from you soon.

By the way here is my email ghernandez7529@gmail.com


At 2:37pm on July 20, 2014, Gerardo Arturo Hernandez said…

P.S I forgot to mention that we are both from the United States.

At 9:18am on July 27, 2014, Robert Sewell said…

Hola Sofia,

Me llamo Rob. Soy Australiano y vivo en Barceona (España) con mi mujer Alai y nuestros dos hijos, Lander (3 años y medio) y Naia (2 años).

Quería saber si las familias son bienvenidas en vuestro proyecto.

Estamos planeando un viaje a México de 2-3 meses entre octubre y diciembre de 2014. El verano pasado, pasamos unos días ayudando en un proyecto de permacultura en el norte de España (campa paja - http://www.permaculturacantabria.com/campamentos/campa-paja-2014). Nos gustaría mucho repetir la experiencia en un proyecto adecuado.

Nos gustaría participar en todo lo posible, trabajando y aprendiendo, dentro de los límites que viajar con niños permite, y estaríamos felices de quedarnos hasta un mes si fuese necesario.

Si las familias son bienvenidas y necesitiais voluntarios en algún momento durante esos meses, nos encantaría formar parte de vuestro proyecto. Espero noticias vuestras.

Un saludo,


At 8:53pm on July 30, 2014, BLAKE GRIFFITH said…

Your farm seems really nice! Me gusta coffee! My girlfriend and I are in Tampico so we could start soon. Below is an explanation of my skills and situation, it is very similar to a comment I made on another farm page :).

Halblo poquito español! Perro estoy emocianado practicando mi
español y trabajar en tu granja! Veracruz es muy bonita!

Yo soy 25, mi novia es 19. Podemos comenzar en una semana. Me puedo
quedar hasta  18 Septiembre. Mi novia puede permanecer hasta 21 de
Agosto.  Vivíamos en una "housing co-op" (http://www.iccaustin.coop/).
Trabajamos en el jardín y compost para la casa.

Estamos en Tampico. Somos de Austin Texas. So  estudiantes de la
física y mathematica.

En Inglés:
Hello! I'm excited to learn more spanish and to learn about farming!
Verecruz looks so beautiful!

I'm 25, and I'm with my girlfriend (http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/CANDACEBEHRLE). We can start a week from
now since we are currently in Tampico. I can stay until September
18th, she can stay until August 21st.

We both lived in a housing co-op where we worked in the garden and the
compost. We grew food for the house. I also have worked "off-the-grid"
as a commercial salmon fisherman in Alaska (but this was not a very
sustainable job). We are both from Austin Texas where we are/were students
in math and physics.
A little more about myself. I have a lot of experience with manual and
mildly skilled labor. I've been a mover, fisherman, machinist, and I think
sailing experience might count although I've never been paid for it.

More skilled labor:
I have graduated with a physics degree and I feel comfortable working
with home wiring and electronics. I've also worked a lot on
motorcycles recently so I know my way around engines. And most
recently I was employed as a programmer.

We were originally planning on sailing a small sail boat along the
atlantic coast of mexico this summer however our boat had problems
that were too expensive to fix so we have decided to go wwoofing
instead. We are currently couch surfing in Tampico, but we are going
to Mexico city in a few days.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Blake y Candace

At 8:54pm on July 30, 2014, BLAKE GRIFFITH said…

Also my partner Candace speaks French (better than I speak spanish).

At 9:43pm on July 30, 2014, BLAKE GRIFFITH said…

Oops, I didn't see your comment stating that you could not accept more wwoofers. Good luck!

At 8:54am on August 10, 2014, Skyler Banfill said…

Hello Sofia,

You have such a beautiful home. My name is Skyler Banfill. I have been selling and working in the coffee business for the past two years. I have also worked construction previously. Not only am I able to live in the mountains, but that is where I am happiest, and I thrive. Although I choose to speak as much of myself as I can in this introduction, I can assure you that I am a soft, warm personality that gets along with everyone. I am a student at West Virginia University in the USA. I have taken several years of Spanish and communicate and understand well (not fluently) but I am always improving and will always do my best (in anything) to become better. I am looking to be in the area around September 9th and if you are interested in the possibility of having me work (hard, diligently, and with a smile) on your farm, I would be able to work for one month to two months starting on or around that date.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you, be well,



At 10:18am on September 1, 2014, Martin Pelz said…

hello sofia,

my name is martin and i´m from germany. i saw your farm on the platform and just want to know, if there is a possibility to assist you and your family. i have allready a little experience in building houses with wood/rock and also in planting. in germany i worked voluntarily with animals on a animal sanctuary. this is my first journey to america and also my first experience with woofing.currently i´m in mexico d.f. studying the language. hope to hear from you soon. best wishes, martin

At 11:13am on September 1, 2014, Martin Pelz said…

hello dear, thanks for your quickly reply.it is a pity to hear that, but i´m still curious. i would like to get more information about the other farm/family.martin

At 1:40am on September 24, 2014, FABIAN BOECHL said…

Dear Sofia Clevit, 

my Name is Fabian , I am farmer from Germany. With my family we produce milk and crops (weat, ray) in a coop. I studied agricultural engineering  and rural development in Berlin. This year I finished my Master degree and would like to visit some friends from Mexico. I want to combine my trip to Mexico also with visiting farms in Mexico. Therefore wwoofing is a great thing! :)


About my expectations: 

As a farmer I know how hardwork is farming. Agriculture is hard work, but still I like to work with animals and crops. But hoenstly I have no experience in tropical farming.// Would be great if you/ your family could offer me such an expericence in Mex! 


3 weeks in oktober 2014.

hope to hear from you!



At 9:23am on September 24, 2014, Sofia Clevit said…

Hello 'a tout le monde!

Actually in 2014 we don't have space for wwoof in our coffee farm. Until the next year.

Please contact to me at sofia.clevit@gmail.com if you desire another information about place for wwoof in my country, or in Veracruz.

Best Regards! and Blessings

At 11:47pm on October 8, 2014, Nadine Speirs said…

Hi Sofia,

Are you accepting potential volunteers yet?  Sounds like you have a great project planned and my son and I would love to help sometime January/February 2015

I look forward to hearing from you.

Nadine & Sam

At 4:05pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

Hi Sofia !

My name is Boris. I am 28. I come from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I play accordeon and like coocking.

I am available now and for three week

See you later !

At 8:18pm on November 24, 2014, Martina Massarone said…

Hello, I'm Martina Massarone, from Italy and I'm going to come in Mexico with a friend of mine, Claudia Fiorina (who is WWOOF member as well). We would like to work in your farm because we are interested in what you do and because we would like to live that kind of experience. We are not still sure on the exact day of our arrival, but we are gonna be there approximately the begininning of December. Do you maybe need workers for that period? If you are interested in, we will let you know the exact day of our arrival as soon as possible. Thank you for the opportunity.

Best Regards.

Martina & Claudia

At 4:05pm on January 3, 2015, Wallon Maxime said…
Hi we are Grégoire Tison and Maxime Wallon. Belgians.
We are two wwoofers, we are in case of emergency, because we were in a farm to stay 6 months but it didn't work out. (Too long for the farmer). So now we are without any farm.
Do you think it is possible to take us for 2 weeks, starting around the 5th of January? (If you prefer a bit later no problem).
We are really good workers and ready to give our hands to your project.
Thanks for your help and your quick reply.
Grégoire and Maxime
At 10:09pm on January 3, 2015, Florence said…

Hola Sofia, Me llamo gabriel, soy de san francisco california. Me gusta crecer cafe y comida. En jamaica trabaje con un granjero de cafe por 2 meses. Voy por guatemala de ciudad de mexico y quiero trabajar contigo en enero. Es buena para ti? cuidate


At 6:00pm on January 4, 2015, Frida Losciale said…

Hola Sofia,

Hope you are well, I would love to come and work for you now in january if there is a possibilety. I ve been working for a coffee farm her in mexico before and I really loved it thats why I would love to come and learn more things. I speek a little bit of spanish and are looking for a chance to learn more. I would like to work for 3 weeks and start as soon as possible. My email adress is: frida@losciale.com

Thank you!


At 1:06am on January 5, 2015, Edgar Patiño said…
Hola Sof! Me interesa mucho tu proyecto suena increible; me encanta el cafe, acabo de graduarme de arquitectura y tengo experiencia en construcción con adobe y madera. Se un poco de permacultura . Me encanta trabajar con las manos. Espero pueda ayudarte; estoy disponible apartir de febrero
At 11:15pm on January 14, 2015, Carson Michael Turner said…

Hello! My name is Carson, I'm a student from the United States and I would like to help on your farm in Veracruz this summer. I will be available from early May until early August. I speak only enough Spanish to get around, but I study every day. I am also a musician and have a background in visual art, which you mentioned in your ad. I don't have much experience in farm work, but I've done plenty of labor and grew up in a rural area. I also learn very quickly and don't have any problems following instruction. I would be coming to work, study, and learn more about Spanish and southern Mexico. 

Please, let me know if I can help! Thanks. 

At 12:20pm on January 19, 2015, kunjabihari adhikari said…

Hi Sofia,

Just curious how big a part does vegetarianism play in your community? I have lived for so long with vegetarians that I am worried I won't fit in without that being a part of the community.

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