WWOOF Mexico

Sofia Clevit's Comments

Messages Box (51 messages)

At 7:20pm on March 10, 2015, Wallon Maxime said…
Hi, we are Grégoire and Maxime.
We are Belgians. We are two young motivated wwoofers.

Your Eco-project seems to be really interesting!! Lots of things to do which we could enjoy to help you. We are able to construct a lot of stuff and would to lurn also how to build cabañas (we learn fast).

Do you think it is possible to take us for 3 weeks starting around the 2nd of April ?

We are really good workers and ready to give our hands to your project :)

Thanks for your quick reply.

Greg and Max
At 11:16am on May 24, 2015, Marie-Ève Dubé-Claveau said…

Bonjour Sofia!

My name is Marie-Ève and i'm travelling with my lover Matisse. We are really interested in growing organic food, and though we don't have much experience, we're good learners and hard workers, respecful of our environnement (that includes humans, wildlife and dishes too). We'd love to share your way of living. Where we come from, we lived with a community similar in purpose and beliefs, we worked on an earthship project. If you have the kindness to share your knowledge with us, it could help us to make our own eco farm self-sustainable project someday. We truly believe in a self-sustainable and healthy way of living in balance with others and with nature, in order to build alternative community. We wish to learn spanish.  Also, I'm playing violin and Matisse is learning to juggle, so we enjoy art and we'd love to share as you'll share with us (if you accept us). I have experience in alternative education and arts with children. We come to learn and share, thats our main purpose (not to be in vacation  :) ) 

We can be there in the early June for 2 weeks to one month. Please, if you need and want our help, if you trust us, you can contact us on woof or on my email: violon_58@hotmail.com

Thank you,

Marie-Ève and Matisse    

At 5:54am on September 21, 2015, bouguet yannick said…

buenos días estoy actualmente preparando un viaje a México para principios de noviembre y n que serán nunca ir a América central j gustará hacer el woofing durante quatro semanas antes de ir sobre las carreteras. por esta razón le escribo y le propongo pues mis servicios     

al esperar una respuesta por vuestra parte ustedes hola y le doy cantina coordinada.

Mon metier est elagueur "taille et soins de l arbre"

At 2:42pm on November 11, 2015, Dany Poulin-Lelievre said…

Hola Sofia,


Soy un viajero apasionado de lenguas y de naturaleza. Estoy viajando por América Central para mejorar mi español y quería saber si ustedes iban a necesitar ayuda entre el 18 de noviembre y el 15 de diciembre 2015. Si es el caso que necesitan ayuda, simplemente contésteme y les voy a hablar de mí un poco más si lo desean. Por el momento, sólo es suficiente decir que ya he trabajado en muchas fincas y que creo tener muchas de las características que ustedes están buscando en sus voluntarios, e igualmente, creo que ustedes tienen mucho de lo que yo busco en las fincas que me acojan. Me tendría que ir el 15 de diciembre para pasar las vacaciones de Navidad con una buena amiga de Puebla, pero si nos caemos bien : ), quizá podría volver en enero si todavía necesitan ayuda.





At 5:35pm on November 15, 2015, Zac Auger-Côté said…
Hello Sofia!

I am a french Cannadian from Toronto Ontario. I speak english and french fluently and I have been learning spannish.

I was an apprentice carpenter in a co op program for a full year and while working as a camp counsellor, I have taken the initiative to construct much needed stairs out of rocks and soil. I have also constructed bridges out of wood for the camp. Although my experience farming is limited I work hard and learn quickly.

I am available to start working on november 23 and can stay at least until december 20, if there is sufficient work I can extend my stay.

You can reach me at zac.augercote@gmail.com
Thank you for your time!
At 12:25pm on November 27, 2015, bouguet yannick said…

buenos días estoy actualmente preparando un viaje a México para principios de diciembre y n que serán nunca ir a América central j gustará hacer el woofing durante quatro semanas antes de ir sobre las carreteras. por esta razón le escribo y le propongo pues mis servicios     

al esperar una respuesta por vuestra parte ustedes hola y le doy cantina coordinada

my mail. bougs8375@hotmail.fr

At 6:50pm on February 2, 2016, Ondrej Durik said…
Hola Sofia:)
My name is Ondrej, I am a 24 y old Slovakian.
Me and my friend Arabella (http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/ArabellaLevinsky?xg_source=profiles_memberList) are about to travel and volunteer throughout the Latin America, starting in Mexico, slowly working our way south.
Our schedule is very flexible, as we do not have a strongly set plan.
Are you accepting volunteers beginning the middle of March /April?
In the beginning, we are interested in the short stay, but as I said the scheduling is flexible, so if both you and us are happy with the situation, we might stay longer eventually, if possible.
I don't have any farming experience yet, but I am fully capable of preforming manual work, I am a fast learner and I have good communication skills (mi espanol no es mal), so I can be a valuable help in any situation. I respect and love all living things including the Earth. We both have full backpacking equipment, including hammocks, tents and sleeping bags. Looking forward to your response, I hope to meet you in person as well! Thank you, have a wonderful day.
Best regards,
At 3:16pm on February 6, 2018, Evandro Patricio said…
Hi Sofia!! Your farm sounds fascinating. I would love to wwoof with you guys! I am looking for a place to spend 3-6months so i can truly learn, improve my skills and enjoy the day-to-day life of an organic farm. i speak fluent english, spanish and portuguese and I do very well with physical labor! I am looking to start my stay around the 25th of February. Please let me know if you would happen to have some space for me. Thanks!!
At 12:58am on June 6, 2018, Jacob Michael Tressel said…

"Hola Señora Clevit, Me llamo es Jacob Tressel y soy un graduado del Universidad de Portland. En mi tiempo ahí, estudio trabajo social, y especifica los topicas del inmigracion y agricultura."

At 12:59am on June 6, 2018, Jacob Michael Tressel said…

Hola Señora Clevit, Me llamo es Jacob Tressel y soy un graduado del Universidad de Portland. En mi tiempo ahí, estudio trabajo social, y especifica los topicas del inmigracion y agricultura.

At 5:40pm on June 6, 2018, Bhiany said…

Hola, muy buenas tardes.
Me presento: me llamo Bhiany Guzmán, y me gustaría recibir información a cerca de los voluntariados que ofrecen, estoy sumamente interesada en poder realizar un voluntariado de 2 semanas a finales del mes de junio con ustedes.
Cabe destacar que tengo un gran entusiasmo por formar parte de su equipo, ya que las actividades que realizan han captado de una forma significante mi atención.
Tengo un gran entusiasmo por aprender de su granja y a la vez compartir mis conocimientos con bases artísticas.

Espero que pueda obtener una pronta respuesta.
Por su atención, muchas gracias.


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