WWOOF Mexico

Mariana ugarte rocha's Comments

Messages Box (48 messages)

At 3:09pm on April 4, 2010, Ricardo Avila said…
Que tal Mariana, sigues buscando voluntarios?... acabo de volver a Guadalajara despues de una termporada en Canada y estoy en busca de comunidades alternativas a las que pueda ir a compartir y aprender, tengo algo de experiencia en permacultura, carpinteria, y me encanta el trabajo con animales y naturaleza. Soy cocinero, he trabajado en cocinas por los ultimos 7 años y actualmente me especializo en comida organica, vegana y crudivegana, dando talleres y promoviendo esta cultura y sus beneficios. Espero poder colavorar con su proyecto.

Saludos y mis mejores energias para ti y los valientes que junto contigo crean la diferencia.

At 1:58pm on April 5, 2010, Adah Frase said…
Hi, I am cuurently working on a farm outside of Guadalajara. I am looking for another place to work and live. I have several years experience growing food and love to work hard. I have 3 more months that I can be in Mexico so I can stay for a longer time if it works out for both of us. I would love to learn more about construction too. I am very excited that you have animal, especially horses!
Please let me know what you think
cheers Adah
At 5:27pm on April 7, 2010, Ricardo Avila said…
Hola Mariana, que gusto tener noticias tuyas tan pronto, quiero preguntarte si existe alguna posivilidad de que aceptaras a una persona mas ( Flor ) los dos estamos listos para irnos lo antes posible, espero tu respuesta.

At 4:14pm on April 9, 2010, Ricardo Avila said…
Perfecto Mariana muchas gracias, llegaremos el martes 13, nos vemos pronto!
At 1:13pm on April 12, 2010, Adah Frase said…
Hi Mariana,
Thanks for your responce. I will be quite busy here for about another month I think. So my visit may not be until later, but please tell me more about your farm. How much land do you have? How long have you been growing? Do you sell produce at markets? What animals do you have? What is epected from wwoofers? Thanks a lot
At 12:41pm on April 13, 2010, Ricardo Avila said…
Llegamos hoy los vemos en un rato!

Flor y Ricardo
At 10:24pm on April 20, 2010, Rodrigo Katan said…
Peque recibi tu mensaje. Como te va por alla? En q puedo ayudarte y cuanto tiempo m necesitas? Lo que sea para eso estamos. Yo ahorita estoy comprometido realizando unos proyectos para unos gringos ( toy sacando $$ para comprarme mi terreno y levantar mi propia granja) entonces estoy aca en san miguel y podria estar alla en mayo es muy tarde para ese entonces??? :s

Aunq si es algo urgente hay unos colaboradores mios muy buenos q podrian or a ayudarte mientras llego

Porfa dime como estas q has hecho por alla y como esta el movimiento alli y que puedo hacer por ti ya sabes q aqui tienes un hermano del alma
At 6:17pm on April 21, 2010, Rodrigo Katan said…
Por cierto si puedes pasame un tel donde pueda llamarte ya sea de casa y/o celular para irnos poniendo de acuerdo el mio es: 473 110 6931 y mi mail es: rodrigo.shiva@gmail.com
At 11:11pm on April 21, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
Orale Mariana!
soy David, el chico italiano a cuien le escribiste hace un rato...disculpa revise' mi perfil solo hoy.
precisamente3 me voy para jalisco en unos dias...con rumbo a nayarit. me gustaria conocer el proyecto y aportar con lo que pueda y sepa...
soy buen trabajador y tengo experiencia en la permacultura. Cuento con una respuesta con un contacto de telefono y una direccion asi qque pueda contactarme directamente con ustedes y ver que se puede concretar.
un saludo verde
hasta pronto
At 11:43am on April 22, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
Gracias por la pronteza de tu respuesta Mariana!
voy a ententar llamarte esta tarde de queretaro, ahora estoy en el df.
si nosotros seriamos dos, talvez podriamos venir en un primer momento por un dia o mas y luego (tenemos una ceremonia en nayarit el proximo fin de semana) bajarnos y quedarnos por mas tiempo. en estos dias nos puedes encontrar a este contacto 4421270168 (Delfino) o si no funciona al 4422436167. Traigo con migo semillas organicas de mais rojo y morado si necesitan.
Estoy contento de poder llegar al empezar de un proyecto, hace todo mas facil para realizarse :-)
un saludo y hasta pronto
At 7:47pm on April 25, 2010, Daniel Londoño said…
Hola Mariana,
manana salimos de raid rumbo a guadalajara.no se' cuantas horas seran para llegar..si acaso no alcanzo volvemos a hablarnos por correo o por mail...sabes si hayu trasportes para ferreria desde guadalajara como (precio,hora,sitio) agarrarlos?
si no inventamos el camino...
a ver si lo logro a la ida de pasar a visitarlòos porque tenemos unos amigos que suben a santa maria del oro esta semana y no se que dia...si no pasamos de regreso.
Soy curioso de ver que podamos hacer junt@s. Hasta pronto

At 1:38pm on April 29, 2010, Alice said…
ah mariana!!...
i've tried to get in contact with you through facebook but i've stumbled upon you on the wwoof-ing website which is great...
i was recommended to you by however the time didn't suit...
i was wondering if your farm in Nido de Aguilas Finca had any room for me for two to three weeks starting after the 20th of june as that's when i arrive in mexico...
i'm hard working...and although i have no previous wwoofing experience i'm willing to learn and add to my knowledge and skills...
i like a challenge and find things more enjoyable that as well...
i hope to hear from you soon...
At 1:40pm on April 29, 2010, Alice said…
sorry the message stuffed up in the middle...
what i wanted to say was that humberto Guadalajara, Jalisco recommended ou to me because at the time i was looking for did not suit humbrto at the farm...
but yes...
get back to me when you can..
At 2:32pm on May 7, 2010, Adah Frase said…
Hi Mariana
I hope you are well. My sister is coming to visit me and I am wondering if the both of us could join you around the 2nd week of June for about a week. How close are you to Guadalajara? We are both hard working, and fun loving! How many horses do you have? I saw the pictures, it looks great!
Take care
At 4:46pm on May 9, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
If your hardworking wwoofer is good sleeping in a Tipi and can adjust to my back to the basics life style I can handle one or maybe two if they are compatible to a simple , easy daily routine.
I will be in town again on Tuesday the 11th for your reply and to forward my questionarre for the propective helping hands. Be Peace-filled, Terresa
At 10:18pm on May 9, 2010, Wally Carlson said…
I'm sorry Mariana but we are expecting more wwoofers on Tuesday and then we will be full. Best to you.
At 3:41pm on May 20, 2010, Renato Dorfman said…
hola Mariana soy Renato de la aldea organica en puerto morelos me encantaria conocerte ya que estas tan cerca, yo tambien soy artista ,, por otro lado me escribieron unos voluntarios para ver si podian venir , solo queria saber si tu los conoces y si es asi que les digas que claro tenemos espacio aqui y mucho que hacer
saludos Renato
At 6:22pm on August 10, 2010, Nate (and Roo) said…
Hey! Where are you guys? What are you guys doing these days? Roo and I are talking about possibly coming back to Mexico...
Hope everything is great wherever you are!
xo, Nate
At 12:50am on October 6, 2010, sean said…
Hello Mariana,

I couldn't help but notice while browsing your description of this farm near Guadalajara. I would love to know more and if you guys will need any help in the next few months or after?
As of now starting next week I will be on a farm outside of San Miguel and following a lucid itenerary plan after that with the intention of learning as much about farming as I can and all farm life in general while getting to know the continent, culture, and rural areas, and hopefully learn much more of the Spanish language. As for myself, I am a traveling musician who plays guitar,sings, and makes up songs.
I hope to hear from you. ))
take care,
At 12:30am on February 2, 2011, Marco Philippi said…

Hey Mariana, I read about your farm on Daniel Londonos page...It sounds amazing!

How is it going? Are you still taking wwoofers?

I'm in Guadalajara right now to work in my spanish but want to get out of the city into the country soon..I don't have much experience in farm work but i'm a hard worker and quick learner and i love nature, animals and, as a passionate cook, good and healthy food :)

Would be great to hear from you..

cheers, Marco

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