WWOOF Mexico

Melissa McNell's Comments

Messages Box (200 messages)

At 10:54am on January 14, 2009, Rose Kinsley said…
Hello Melissa,

My name is Rose Kinsley. Your project sounds really interesting! Has this school been running for a long time?
I'll be in Mexico for the first three weeks of March and was wondering if you needed any help during that time. I was "wwoofing" in Hawaii for a few month earlier this year and wish to continue learning about organic farming and sustainable living. I have experience with working in the garden, harvesting, composting, etc. I've also lived in Alaska (where my husband is from) and have great experience with the outdoors and subsistence. I've worked in a museum where I've been part of many educational and outreach projects. I love working outside, learning, and being part of a dynamic community. I'm a very hard worker and am motivated and willing to learn. I have great organizational skills and would be happy to help you in any ways possible. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you and have a great day!

At 1:32pm on January 21, 2009, Thomas Quinn said…
Hi Melissa,

My name is Thomas, I'm looking for a place to do some wwoofing from February till the beginning of may. I do have a little experience from last year working in costa rica, though it was only for a week and I would really like to get a better complete understanding of perma culture gardening and well everything that needs to be done to keep a farm going, as it's my goal to start my own farm here in Canada. From what I gather from your farm's bio, you have everything I could ask for. And would love to come join your family for a while, and would appreciate any further information.

Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon,

At 8:26pm on January 22, 2009, Thomas Quinn said…
Hi Melissa, I couldn't find your email on here, but mine is tom_quinn_55@hotmail.com,

talk to you soon,
At 5:42pm on January 26, 2009, MARIE TARTERET said…
hola melissa ! Me llamo Marie, tengo 23 anos y vengo de una pequena y rural isla al oeste de Francia. Hablo ingles, estoy aprendo espanol y estoy actualmente viajando en el Guatemala. He visto a la descripcion de su farma, y me gustaria implicarme en sus proyectos, y encontrar a otras personas para compartir a los diferentes conocidos. Quiero saber si es posible trabajar en su farma dentro de tres semanas y para 1 mes *depende de sus necesidades* Estoy esperando por su respuesta, muchas gracias y hasta luego !
At 1:07pm on January 31, 2009, Chantale Castonguay said…

Yo soy una chica canadiense de 30 años y quiero hacer WWOOFing en su granja en marzo y abril.

Yo acabo de terminar de estudiar en estudios hispánicos y tengo el plan de viajar a México. Me encantan los proyectos comunitarios y tengo mucha motivación para hacer cualquier trabajo que tengan disponible aunque tengo una preferencia para la construcción o la agricultura. Me interesa la protección del medio ambiente y amo mucho a la naturaleza.

Tengo experiencia en organización de grupo y un conocimiento bastante amplio de las dinámicas de grupo y me llevo bien con la gente en general. Di talleres de Comunicación No-Violenta también.

Hago yoga y artes marciales y me cuido bien la salud y la alimentación.

Quiero saber si hubiera espacio en su granja en marzo/abril para dos personas (mi novio y yo) y cuántos voluntarios tienen en este momento.

Mi correo es chantaletten@yahoo.es

At 8:54pm on January 31, 2009, James Davies said…

I live in Madison, WI and am looking at WWOOFing for a month this summer anytime between May 17th and July 17th, my wife may join me, but she has not figured out her work schedule yet.

I have been WWOOFing once previously at an orange grove in Florida.

I am very interested in learning about and helping humans to achieve a more sustainable relationship with the planet. This fall I will be starting law school with a focus on Environmental Law.

In addition to my interest in organic farming and sustainable living I am eager to improve/learn Spanish.

my e-mail address is thejamesomatic@gmail.com
At 3:18pm on February 9, 2009, Rose Spieler said…
Hello, my name is Rose and my friend Max and I would love to volunteer on your farm, if there is room at all and a need for us. We are hard workers, new to WWOOFing but very excited to learn all that we can! This sounds like a wonderful place and a great opprotunity. We were hoping to get going on our journey (we are in Minnesota right now) to Mexico in late march or april. Please let us know if you would be interested in having us, and when would work for you!
At 7:07pm on February 13, 2009, Kevin Edwards said…
Hi, my name is Kevin and I would love to volunteer on your farm. I don't have much farming experience but am excited to learn as much as I can and help suport your projects. I could arrive anytime in March or April and would like to stay for about a month. Let me know if and when I can come work with you.
At 3:26pm on February 19, 2009, Megan said…
I am thinking of coming to Mexico sometime in March to do a bit of travelling and volunteering. The last 2 winters I have been in Mexico & Costa Rica wwoofing, last year at Rancho El Chuzo; relatively close to you, I think. Also in the summers I work with a family that grows organic food.

How are things looking for you--will you be receiving volunteers in the near future?
At 12:48pm on February 20, 2009, nick threndyle said…
We are Nick Threndyle and Chantelle Smith,a couple from Victoria BC, Canada. We are currently travelling by van around Mexico, and are very interested in spending some time WWOOFing. We are primarily interested in learning about cob and natural construction. We are also interested in organic growing and sustainable living practices. We have a background in organic food distribution, and I grew up on a farm and have experience with animal husbandry and operating farm equipment. We both live our lives as enviromentally friendly as possible. Chantelle and I are both artistic and are interested in the creative aspects of natural building as well. I speak passable Spanish and Chantelle is in the process of learning. We would love the opportunity to join you at your homestead and contribute to its operation. We live out of our van so we do not require accomadation. Please contact us and let us know if you have space available.
At 1:45am on February 25, 2009, Garrett Carr said…
Hola, mi amigo y yo viajamos a central y Sudamérica de los EEUU sin obligaciones de tiempo y buscamos granjas en nuestra manera. Probablemente permaneceríamos un par de semanas a la vez, pero, porque no estamos sujetados a la hora, si usted nos necesita más tiempo, adoraríamos permanecer. ¿Qué preguntas tiene usted para nosotros, y que debemos saber?

Hi, my friend and I are traveling through central and south america from the US with no real time obligations and we are looking for farms on our way down to stay with. We would most likely only stay a couple of weeks at a time, but as I said we aren't tied down on time so if you need us longer and/or we get along we'd love to stick around! What questions do you have for us and what should we know?

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
At 7:40pm on February 26, 2009, nick threndyle said…
Hi Melissa, We're still interested in the possibility of volunteering with your farm. We've been through some really rough terrain in our van, driving up flowing rivers and really bad back roads. How long is the way into your farm, and is it completely impassable? We may decide to park our van in an estacionamiento to come and volunteer, as your farm sounds like just what we're looking for in an area of Mexico we'd really like to explore. If there's space for us we are are definately motivated to try to get there.
Que le vaya bien,
Nick and Chantelle
At 7:27pm on February 27, 2009, nick threndyle said…
Hi Melissa, No, it´s only rear wheel. I guess we would find a place to store it. We´re in Aguacalientes right now. We would probably like to arrive mid March, although we´re flexible. We´re looking for a place to learn natural building techniques, especially cob. If we could arrange to volunteer when you have a natural building project we could work on then we will find a way to get to your farm.
Nick and Chantelle
At 12:46pm on February 28, 2009, Hanna Hernandez said…
Hola, estoy interesada en irme de voluntaria a su ecoaldea todo el mes de junio o julio (el que a ustedes les convenga mas). Soy psicologa, pintora y estoy aprendiendo hidroponia y cultivo biointensivo. Quisiera saber mas sobre su ecoaldea y que requisitos necesito para ser voluntaria. Por supuesto que estoy dispuesta a trabajar los dias y las horas que ustedes requieran.

Las 6,825 hectareas de conservacion que mensionan, son de ustedes? Estan protegidas bajo algun régimen de areas nturales protegidas?

At 2:30pm on March 11, 2009, Jesse said…
I plan on leaving for Mexico from Los Angeles in mid April and would love to make a stop at your farm to get my hands dirty for a while. I've got loads of experience in everything from complicated construction projects to gardening. I am able bodied and willing to work. It looks like I'll be traveling alone for the time being, so I'll only need accommodation for one. If you can use my services let me know and we'll get something set in stone.
At 8:23pm on March 11, 2009, Zachary Everett said…
Hello Melissa.

We, a couple from Europe (27/28) are very interested in volunteering at your farm.
We worked in Ecuador for one month on a permaculture farm. There we felt in love with the concept of sustainable development / permaculture and we really would like to learn more about it.
Our work experience are taking care of animals, building a greenhouse (with adobe) and other construction work, composting and mulching etc.
We lived in a community where everybody had his daily duties (like: checking water tanks and filters, milking the goat, watering the plants, cleaning... ). We even tried to make our own cheese, but it was still in learning-experience process.

Do you have a place for two hard working wwoofers? We would be in about 2 weeks around your area.

If you do have any other questions, please email us.

Thanks, Helene and Thomas
At 12:16pm on March 12, 2009, Jesse said…
I went ahead and sent you an email to the address you gave me yesterday. if you need me to do anything else please let me know. i'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
At 11:54am on March 15, 2009, Garrett Carr said…
Hola, mi amigo y yo viajamos a central y Sudamérica de los EEUU sin obligaciones de tiempo y buscamos granjas en nuestra manera. Probablemente permaneceríamos un par de semanas a la vez, pero, porque no estamos sujetados a la hora, si usted nos necesita más tiempo, adoraríamos permanecer. ¿Qué preguntas tiene usted para nosotros, y que debemos saber?

Hi, my friend and I are traveling through central and south america from the US with no real time obligations and we are looking for farms on our way down to stay with. We would most likely only stay a couple of weeks at a time, but as I said we aren't tied down on time so if you need us longer and/or we get along we'd love to stick around! What questions do you have for us and what should we know?

Between the two of us we are familiar with grassroots organization and would be very interested in learning sustainable living as well as educating children so we can bring our skills back to the US. I have several years of landscaping and a few years of childcare experience. My friend has 4+ years of experience in mentoring children with learning and physical disabilities. We can be at the farm as soon as a few weeks but we can plan around being there later when there may be a position available. Thanks!

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
At 10:39pm on March 17, 2009, Julie said…
Hola Melissa,

Tengo interes en trabajar en tu granja en julio. Your farm sounds like a great place to learn sustainability and farming. I also love to rock climb, and I'm belay-certified. I do have some wood working experience, if that's at all helpful. I will be spending April through June at a Spanish school in Guatemala, so I should be quite proficient in Spanish by July. I would be available to work for a few weeks any time in July, let me know if that's a possibility.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
At 5:06pm on March 24, 2009, Peter Duignan said…
I´m interested in working on your farm for a month from the first or second week in april. i feel that i could bring alot to the project as i´ve studied Horticulture and just finished my degree at home in Ireland. I´ve worked in the industry for the last 6 or 7 years, the last 3 of which have been self employed. Most of the work i do at home is in Landscape Construction (design and build) and involves alot of masonary work as well as working with timber and some plumbing (of water features etc.) I come from a farming backround and i´m used to working with animals.
I have a good understanding of organic practices from my studies and I am kean to put them into action and ofcourse learn more. I´m in Guatemala at the moment and will be in Mexico within the week. i´m prepared to make my way to the project as soon as there is space availble for me.

thanks in advance and I hope to here from you soon,


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