WWOOF Mexico

Melissa McNell's Comments

Messages Box (200 messages)

At 4:13pm on August 16, 2014, Zoe Hawthorne-Loizeaux said…

Hi Melissa!

We are a fun, loving mother-daughter duo traveling in Mexico to learn more about our neighbors to the south and how to live in harmony with the earth. We are passionate about healthy soil and food systems.

In Colorado we have a urban farm consisting of chickens, aquaponics, and an organic vegetable and herb garden. We want to bring back new techniques to our little farm as well as contribute to the work on yours. 

We speak Spanish and English. We are easy going and hard workers.


We will be able to come to your farm in September

Hope to see you soon!

Zoe and Lynn Hawthorne



“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” –Alfred Austin

At 1:56pm on August 28, 2014, Tobias Stolz said…

Hi Melissa. If you accept WWOOFers on short notice, I would love to come to your farm in September. I could stay for a month or longer if I like it. I don't have much experience and it would be my first time WWOOFing, but I look forward to working hard and learning about permaculture. Please let me know if it's possible. Regards, Tobias

(I am fluent in Spanish)

At 1:55am on October 23, 2014, Dimitris Lambros said…

Hello Melissa,

In parallel to my industrial engineering studies, after a short term at the Athenian University of Agriculture (that I decided not to complete for ideological reasons), I developed a very strong interest in permaculture techniques and worked in several organic farms, some of them following Massanobu Fukuoka principles (such as Panagiotis Manikis).

Planning to travel next December in Mexico following my interest for zapatism movement and community, this trip would be such a great opportunity to join and volunteer in an organic farm for a month.

Could I join your community to work as a volunteer? 

Meanwhile, I stay at your disposal for further information.

My e-mail address is:  Dimitrislambros@live.be


Many thanks and best regards, 


Dimitris Lambros


At 2:55pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

My name is Boris. Icome from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I am available now and for two or three week.

In french i will live in my farm. That is why i work in different farm. I can see different organisation and choice that i prefer.

see you later !

At 9:09am on October 28, 2014, Melissa McNell said…

Hi Boris--what dates would you like to visit our farm??


At 4:23pm on November 1, 2014, Kiva Stevens said…


My name is Kiva Stevens and my partner Zach and I are looking to WWOOF at a farm in the Oaxaca área. We are both from the USA and are recent graduates in ecology/biology. We have had several jobs working in the conservation field with wildlife, river and fish surveys, and restoration. We think that your environmental education program would be a great fit for us! We are hard workers and love to be outside. I have wwoofed in Guatemala and Hawaii and have worked on numerous farms previously. We are currently in Puerto Vallarta and would be available whenever you need us.I speak convesational spanish and my partner speaks a little spanish. We are both in our mid 20s.

My email is kivasteve@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Muchas gracias!

Kiva and Zach

At 12:17pm on November 10, 2014, Gabriel A. Solis said…


Will you be looking for volunteers in January 2015? I'm from El Paso, TX and I am very interested.

Thank you,

At 12:06pm on December 1, 2014, Andrew DiMezza said…

Howdy Melissa, 

                my girlfriend Kat and I are interested in working on your farm for 3 to 4 weeks starting January 5th.  We both graduated college, myself in biotechnology and her in symbolic systems (aka artificial intelligence) and decided we liked farming better than destroying the world.  

I have been working at meat farms and being an active arborist for 4 years and am currently an orchard manager in the Milwaukee area.  My girlfriend has been vegetable farming for  other farmers to get experience for 6 years now and was a field manager for Growing Power Milwaukee for 2 years.  

We both love farming, homesteading, and the benefits that these activities afford us very much and, after a lot of hard work to get to this point, will be starting our own farm.  We will be starting up our own operation next spring on her 40 acre piece of land and are looking to do what we love together before we settle down and won't have time to travel due to caring for the farm.  

I hope to hear back from you soon!

- Andy and Kat.

At 7:23pm on February 9, 2015, Jorge Tarin said…


I was wondering if you will be receiving any volunteers in May and onwards?  I don't have any experience in farming, but I do have experience in land surveying and southwest archeology thus no stranger to working long hard hours.  You are the first farm I contacted through WWOOF so I don't know what more info you need from me so if there anything else I need to provide please let me know and thank you in advance.


At 11:19am on April 23, 2015, fernando gonzalez chacon said…

kiubole Melissa!


I am writing you from Chihuahua, starting on July a learning journey across America’s lands, I have worked on a greenhouse and have hardworking experience from living in a ranch. If you have any space available during the year I will love to volunteer, I am eager to help and learn. This will be my first woofing experience.


Hablo español y tambien ingles.


Muchas gracias.


At 10:11pm on May 17, 2015, Clint Shannon said…

Hola Melissa,

I am a college student from the United States, and I plan on WWOOFing in Mexico starting around the third week of June. I am looking for a 1 to 2 month stay.

I am very interested in sustainability and the environment. I have some gardening experience from working in my own and collaborating in community gardens. Despite this, I am not that experienced. However, I am very excited and ready to learn about sustainable agriculture!

I am learning Spanish and would look forward to getting to speak it with your ranch manager and others. Language immersion is part of the reason I want to WWOOF in Mexico instead of the U.S.

I see one of your projects is Adobe Building. I do have some experience with this from doing Habitat for Humanity in New Mexico, and I may have even more experience with it by this summer.

Overall, I’d love the opportunity to volunteer on your ranch in the backcountry. I’d get an intrinsic benefit from knowing my work is contributing to organic farming, and I’d be overjoyed to learn your ranch and take what I learn with me to apply in other places. The knowledge of sustainable farming is like a gift that keeps being passed on because of ranches like yours that are willing to take volunteers and interns.

I look forward to hearing back from you if you feel obliged, and I hope everyone at your ranch is having a wonderful spring so far!

Best regards,


At 11:05am on June 21, 2015, Jorge Tarin said…

Hi Melissa,

Just wondering if you received my resume.



At 7:24pm on December 11, 2015, Victor Mazutti Said said…

Hello Melissa!

I'm looking for a place to have my first experience WWOOFing, I read all the description of your farm and I think is fabulous. I grow up in a dairy farm, and I enjoy the hard and productive work. I have work the last two years in North Dakota and Montana in grain farms, during 8 months seasons. I love mountain hiking, and outdoor activities. I studied Agronomy, in a Mexican University, and also last summer I took a class in a University in ND when I was working there, I'm always open to learn new things. 

I could go between February and March 2016, and stay during one month or month and a half. If this sounds interest for you I would love you contact me at: victormztt@gmail.com

You can also check my full profile in my wwoof profile page. Thanks

At 5:24pm on April 1, 2016, JESUS RICARDO RIOS PACHECO said…

hola soy wwoofer nuevo, vivo en chihuahua, chih. y su granja es perfecta para comenzar mis viajes, me gustaria muchsimo ayudarlos en sus proyectos y aprender permacultura en el camino, me puedo comunicar bien en ingles, he trabajado en construcción y tengo muchas ganas de trabajar en el campo. me gustaria estar con ustedes del 23 a abril al 23 de mayo aprox. espero con ansias su respuesta.

At 11:10am on February 15, 2017, Josue Mendez Michel said…

Hola Melissa!!

Buenas tardes!!

Mi nombre es Josue Mendez, tengo 27 años, soy Mexicano y estoy viajando por varias regiones del país para aprender sobre gastronomía tradicional y sustentabilidad, estuve viviendo en Inglaterra por varios años y ahora estoy buscando aprender mas sobre mi país, por ahora estoy en el sur (Quintana Roo) pero mi fin es culminar el viaje en la zona norte estría muy interesado en hacer un voluntariado pues lei que trabajan con diferentes tipos de maíz criollo, he tenido experiencia en dos granjas en diferentes regiones y he aprendido mucho sobre agricultura principalmente sobre ingredientes nativos de las regiones, si están interesados, con gusto podría estar con ustedes a mediados de Abril y trabajar con ustedes desde dos semanas hasta un mes. Cualquier pregunta no dudes en marcarme o contactarme.

Mi mail jmendezmich@gmail.com

Telefono +521 4434718735

Muchas gracias y un saludo!!


At 11:42pm on May 29, 2017, Pam Bradbury said…

I'm very interested in working at your farm this coming summer. I have read through your farm information page and it looks like it would be a fabulous fit. I would be traveling with my children, ages 10 and 8. Both are strong workers on their farm in the Pacific Northwest. I speak fluent Spanish and teach English at our local Elementary so I am available during our summer break, basically anytime between the last week of June and the beginning of September. My goal would be to work with your farm for a week or two as you have availability. Please let me know if you have space for us and when during those months might work best?

At 5:31pm on October 19, 2017, Pitzer Wwoofers said…

Dear Melissa, 

My name is Olivia Howie, and I am 22 years old. I am interested in learning more about this school, and the work wwoofers do. I see that the work is hard, but I am guessing extremely rewarding. I would love to talk to you to see if this is something I am capable of doing. I would like to understand my role as a wwoofer a bit better.

I am a student, artist, and dancer. I study environmental analysis and cultural studies. I lived in Ecuador for 6th months and so I speak spanish well, although I would like to practice more. If you are interested in having a worker from december- january, please let me know.

Thank you! I hope everything is coming along there.


At 8:44am on October 26, 2017, Bridget McCarthy said…

Hello Melissa,
Our names are Katherine McGaha and Bridget McCarthy, and we are inquiring about your farm's capacity to host us for about one month: November 26- December 26. We both have some gardening experience. Bridget is an experienced WWOOFer, who worked for several months on a 600 acre farm. Katherine worked on a nonprofit farm during her last semester of college- and has now WWOOFed for four farms, during the span of four months. Although we have gardening experience, we would like to help you with whatever needs doing on your farm. We would love to help you all with any sort of permaculture or farming related tasks.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!!
Katherine and Bridget

At 11:20am on December 11, 2017, Catherine Cazayoux said…


My name is Catherine Cazayoux, and I'm from Vermont, USA, where it is unfortunately cold and snowy right now, so I’m excited to come to Mexico and to hopefully get some farming done! I'm a freshman in university studying crop and soil science, and I have a strong interest in ecological agriculture and seeing how different farms go about practicing it. I don’t have much hands on experience farming, but that’s why I’m doing this! I'm looking for any opportunity to gain some experience/wisdom, and am eager to learn and contribute what I can! I love being outside, getting my hands dirty, and working hard! I'm going to be flying into Mexico City on December 30th and will be staying in the country until January 20th. I read about your farm on the WWOOF website, and it seems like you've got a really awesome thing going, and are doing some amazing work! If you're accepting people on the farm, I would love to come spend a couple of weeks there. Let me know if you think this might work out! I’m excited to be able experience Mexico and Mexican culture, and hopefully your farm too!

At 2:37pm on February 6, 2018, Evandro Patricio said…

Hi Melissa! I loved your description of your farm/school. I would love an opportunity to spend some time at your farm. I am looking to spend from 3-6 months as to really learn and enjoy the day-to-day of a place such as yours. I am looking to start my experience around the 25th of February. Would you be happen to be interested? Please let me know. Many thanks!!

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