WWOOF Mexico

Melissa McNell's Comments

Messages Box (200 messages)

At 9:04pm on March 25, 2009, Shane Mc Manus said…
My name is Shane Mc Manus.I am 24 years old and I come from Ireland.I am currently staying iin Mexico City.I will be here in Mexico for six months.
I have worked on my uncles farm in Ireland.I have a great interest in horticulture and sustainable living.I am a hard worker and an enthusiatic learner.I am very capable of adapting to changes in the workplace.Im also good fun!
I am very intersted in working on your farm.I am available to start work immediately.You can contact me on shaneomac22003@yahoo.co.uk.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

At 8:07am on March 27, 2009, Daniela Reil said…

I am interrested in working on your farm for about 10 weeks, starting from the beginning of july.
I need an internship as I am studiing Environmental ressource management. Your farm sounds like the perfect place to do my internship!
I love nature and everything connected with farming. My intend is to learn as much as possible about permaculture, be productive and do all this with people, who got the same interrests.

Looking forward for your reply!

Daniela Reil
At 11:59am on April 5, 2009, Audra Grady said…
Looking to spend a month in June/July on your farm! I have started studying biodynamic farming, permaculture, strawbale building, etc and would like to learn more. I have spent time in other countries working with my hands and I am a hard worker. I would like to strengthen my Spanish language as well. Please let me know what type of information you may need.
Thank you
At 12:18pm on April 5, 2009, Riley Jack Evans said…
Hola Melissa, I'm interested in working on your farm at the beginning of june, for about 5 weeks. I have a great interest sustainable living and agriculture, and permaculture. I have have always had an innate connection with nature and have just started with obtaining knowledge on how to live a self sustainable life, so I may one day live sustainably. I have been an avid gardener and constructor, I would love to led a hand on building an adobe, if the project is still in construction in june. Please let me know, if we can arrange for my stay and any other information you may need about me.
At 6:16pm on April 14, 2009, trish baldwin said…
I am very interested in working with you when I am down there in Cuernevaca in June/July. I've sent an email and look forward to hearing from you!
At 2:25pm on April 22, 2009, maria paz herrera said…
hola, me encanto tu granja y me gustaria poder ir en julio, a partir del 10 por mas o menos 3 semanas....soy estudiante de arquitectura y me gustaria aprender mas sobre lo que hacen....muchisimas gracias!
maria paz
At 2:24am on May 26, 2009, ralf said…
hola melissa mc neal,

su rancho me parese todavia mui interesante.
ya le envie un mensaje hace algunas semanas.
tengo mucha gana a llegar por alla para
trabajar y compartir la vida con ustedes.
para mi seria mui bien llegar en julio o agosto.
espero con alegria su respuesta !

At 10:38pm on June 1, 2009, ralf said…
helou melissa,
thanks a lot for inviting me !
my plans are to stay here in
jalisco for one or two month and then to
travel to chihuahua
i´m gonna write you again when i now
more about the date for arriving there
i´m looking foreward to pas by for not less than
three weeks.
gracias y un
At 12:28am on June 15, 2009, Nieves Perez Marquez said…
Hola, me gustaria mucho llegar con uds. a trabajar, no tengo experiencia pero tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo, soy maestra de yoga y traigo muchas disposicion para trabajar en lo que sea. Estoy dispuesta a partir de septiembre. Gracias.
At 6:45pm on June 21, 2009, ralf said…
hellou melissa,

thanks for giving me the oportunity to
visit you´re farm !
i´m looking foreward to work and share the live with
all there for not less then three weeks.
my plans are to stay here in jalisco for some more
weeks and visit you probably middle or end of july .
i will send you a new message when my plans are
clearer !

have a nice time
At 3:07pm on June 23, 2009, b gwendoline said…
Hello Melissa,
we are 2 girls from France, and we'll be near Chihuahua in the second part of august.We are interested to learn about organic farming and to discover your region.
Can you please give us information about your possibilities.
Thanks for your answer :)
Lauriane and Gwen
At 5:28pm on June 23, 2009, Daniela Reil said…
I couldn´t reach you since a month now (left some mails at your adress) and I hope you haven´t forgotten that I will be in Yepachi on the 11th of june. It would be good to have some contact details from you, like phone number and adress.
hope to hear from you
Daniela Reil
At 4:23am on June 25, 2009, Nieves Perez Marquez said…
HOla melissa
Me gustaria mucho poder ir a trabajar a tu granja por el mes de agosto.
Tengo muchas ganas de aprender y de ayudar.
No tengo experiencia pero tengo mucha motivacion. Espero poder ponerme en contacto contigo lo antes posible.
Buena Vibra
At 6:21pm on July 9, 2009, Oliver Jason Terry said…
My wife and I will be travelling to Mexico in September/October and are very interested in WWOOFing as a means of seeing some of Mexico. We are from Canada, and are very comfortable with rural life. We have experience in organic gardening and farming, as well some experience with animals and in sustainable building. We speak English, French, and a bit of Spanish. We are vegetarian and don't smoke, and are very open-minded and hard-working.
Will you be needing any volunteers at that time?
Oliver Terry
At 10:39am on July 15, 2009, Oliver Jason Terry said…
Thanks for your reply, Melissa. We would probably be interested in volunteering in the winter, after having first volunteered at another farm. Remoteness is no problem; we're living on a small island right now and are used to that sort of thing. I also have skills in carpentry and am a bicycle mechanic, and my wife knows first aid and CPR and has lifeguard training. Is this the best means of contacting you, or is it better through tutuaca.org? Thanks!
At 2:29pm on July 31, 2009, Forest Tanier-Gesner said…
Hola Melissa,
My partner and I are looking to work in a positive community in Mexico arriving sometime around the end of September/ Beginning of October. I am quite handy with a background in the building trades mainly focusing on electrical work and Margret is artistic, inspired and hard working.We are both easy going yet productive and we are looking to grow and have a positive impact on our surroundings. As of now we would be looking to be there for 2-4 weeks depending on availability and the type project you may be working towards.
Thank you and take care,
At 9:03am on August 6, 2009, Minerva Rosas said…

Me llamo Minerva soy de Barcelona y estoy interesada en tu granja. Tengo disponibilidad apartir de octubre/noviembre hasta...Dios quiera! Tengo ganas de aprender, colaborar, ayudar con la comunidad, además de viajar a México. He estudiado naturopatia he realizado cursos de masaje, reflexologia, etc con lo cual podría poner un granito de arena. Se inglés aunque no me defiendo mucho, pero muchisimas ganas de poder aprender-lo de una vez!
Gracias por todo!
Espero recibir noticias...
At 11:58am on August 7, 2009, ralf said…
hola melissa,
te envie un mensaje hace algun tiempo y
todavia querro llegar por alla y trabajar y
yo me voi a chihuahua en casi una semana asi
que podria visitarlos en casi 10 dias si seria bien para ustedes !
espero con alegria tu respuesta
At 3:43pm on August 7, 2009, b gwendoline said…
hola melissa
i just want to know if it is possible to work in your farm as soon as possible,we are in chihuahua for the moment.
thanks to give us an answer quickly
see you,
gwen and lauriane
At 8:15pm on August 14, 2009, ralf said…
hey melissa,
quero llegar en casi una semana y como me
acuerdo por lo menos quedarme tres semanas .

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