Right now we aren't doing very much cultivation, although we always need help in other areas of maintenance here at the Tashirat ashram. If you and your wife would be interested in coming for a month as part of the volunteer program we would be happy to have you. Visit our website www.tashirat.com, there is a volunteer section, and in there is a questionnaire to fill in and return to us if you are interested in the program. Thanks so much for contacting us and hope we hear from you! Thais
Thanks for writing.
Please ad our farm to your favorites, this will make communication easier for us.
Yes we have room for you from September 21st, on. Wwoofers stay with us for a period of 2 weeks basically, if you want to volunteer more time we can talk it out.
Please tell me if this date fits your schedule so we can make the arrangements.
Oliver--we are booking Fall and Winter now but do require a month-long stay since we are in the wilderness. Let me know if that is what you are looking for..Melissa
Oliver--melissa@tutuaca.org or email the director cindytolle@yahoo.com either one..just let us know as your plans unfold--we will have a interesting science projects happening this winter as well as permaculture/gardening..Melissa
Messages Box (12 messages)
Right now we aren't doing very much cultivation, although we always need help in other areas of maintenance here at the Tashirat ashram. If you and your wife would be interested in coming for a month as part of the volunteer program we would be happy to have you. Visit our website www.tashirat.com, there is a volunteer section, and in there is a questionnaire to fill in and return to us if you are interested in the program. Thanks so much for contacting us and hope we hear from you! Thais
Thanks for writing.
Please ad our farm to your favorites, this will make communication easier for us.
Yes we have room for you from September 21st, on. Wwoofers stay with us for a period of 2 weeks basically, if you want to volunteer more time we can talk it out.
Please tell me if this date fits your schedule so we can make the arrangements.
We will stay in touch.
Hope to see you soon,
we will have space for you in sept.
tenemos un espacio.
la estancia es de 2 semanas y para hacegurar un espacio
hay que confirmar tu visita con un mes de anticipacion.
para ampliar la informacion escribe a
buen dia
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