WWOOF Mexico

Lezlie Renee''s Comments

Messages Box (142 messages)

At 7:40pm on December 7, 2013, Diego Villaseñor de Cortina said…

Hola Lorel, soy del D.F., tengo 27 años y me gustaría trabajar y conocer tu granja.  Aquí en la ciudad tengo un huerto y he estudiado algunos libros sobre permacultura, pero quisiera adquirir más experiencia práctica.  Me gusta mucho el trabajo físico en el campo, y también colaborar con otras personas, especialmente si apoyan proyectos como el tuyo.

Tengo disponibles las primeras dos semanas de Enero. Ojalá puedan recibirme.


Pd: también hablo inglés.

At 9:03pm on December 7, 2013, Sage-Marie said…

Hola Lorel!

My name is Sage, myself and my boyfriend Jean-Nathan are traveling down from California through Mexico and WWOOFing along the way. We like to work hard and have fun too! Im a permaculturalist and the both of us do garden and farm work back home and we want to spend time wwoofing in Mexico to meet people, learn about each place, work hard, share food (we love to cook), share laughs, make friends and make music!

Hablamos espanol, podemos entender mejor que hablar, pero estamos mejorando nuestro espanol con este viaje. 

We would like to come later this month if possible! Let us know if you have room at your farm for us later in december!

Muchas Gracias! Thank you so much,

~Sage & Jean-Nathan

At 8:34pm on December 8, 2013, Ana Paulina Murillo said…

Hello My name is Ana Murillo. I speak and can write in both English and Spanish. I'm sorry for such a short notice but i would love to do some wwoofing at your wonderful abode.If possible starting the 14th of this month. I would return to school in january. I really want to learn and be able to apply what i learn in other environments. Im an artist, musician and educator as well as a student. I have a small garden of my own and work at various gardens with a non profit organization. Im a youth organizer in Los Angeles,Ca. I would love beyond anything right now to reconnect to my roots and work hard to restore mother earth. thank you ill be eagerly waiting your response.

At 4:25pm on December 9, 2013, Paolo Serioli said…

me llamo Paolo Serioli soy un joven italiano de 20 años de viaje en mexico.

Las unicas experiencias de cultivo que he tenido han sido en la huerta de mi familia. Tengo muchas ganas de aprender sobre la permacultura y metodos de cultivo sustentables. tambien la eco costrucción me atrae mucho. Me gusta la musica y toco el clarinete, tambien aprecio el silencio.Me encanta leer y conocer nuevas cosas. hablo español y ingles. 

me gustaria quedarme uno, dos meses, entre febrero y april. gracias por su atención, que tenga un bonito dia!

At 4:50pm on December 9, 2013, Paolo Serioli said…

Hola me llamo Paolo Serioli, tengo 20 años y vengo de italia. Estoy en mexico para un largo viaje, me gustaria mucho aprender sobre la permacultura, metodos de cultivo horganicos y tambien bio costrucción.
Me gusta la musica y toco el clarinete. Me encanta leer y aprender cosas nuevas, mi objectivo diario es vivir en armonia con la naturaleza y quien me rodea.
me gustaria partecipar de uno a dos meses, entre febrero y abril. gracias por su atención que tengas un buen dia :)

At 9:37pm on December 10, 2013, Ashley Giordano said…

Hi Lorel!

My husband Richard and I are traveling through Mexico on our way to Panama and would love to do some organic farming and learning more about sustainable agriculture.  I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Richard is a photographer and Mechanical Engineer Technologist.  We are from Vancouver, BC, Canada.  If you would like to check us out a bit more please visit our blog www.desktoglory.com.  We are currently in Mazatlan but do not have a specific timetable or itinerary yet.  Looking forward to hearing from you!  Many thanks.

Ashley & Richard

At 4:52pm on December 12, 2013, Oliver Copeley-Williams said…

Hi my name is Oliver.

I'm a British National travelling in the America's. Currently I am with my sister in Gunnison, Colorado. I have travelled independently for many years. Staying in hostels and camping, even sleeping in my car on occasion. So am quite used to staying in different situations.

I have volunteered for an organic small holding in England. Where the ethos was Working for Health. The farm helped unemployed and disadvantaged people gain more self esteem through gardening.

I look at WWOOFing as a great way to meet people and experience different countries and cultures.

I really enjoy working with my hands. I particularly like the challenge of building work.

I have my own pretty reliable transport and plan to be in Mexico before Christmas. However if that timing is not convenient for you? I can delay my arrival to suite yourself.

I am flexible as to how long I stay with you.




At 5:19am on December 14, 2013, Lonnie Paul said…

Greetings Lorel,

My name is Lonnie Paul from Washington, DC and your farm sounds like a wonderful and enchanting place to visit. I am an earnest seeker of knowledge hoping to contribute to our planet Earth and to further develop my skills in agriculture, sustainable living, organic farming, etc. I have been practicing meditation for over 7 years and have done extensive research in regards to spirituality and the universality of religion and other forms spiritual awareness. I am a practicing vegan as well and an amateur raw vegan chef. I am a very hard worker and I consider myself more of a student than a teacher because if one becomes too crystalized in the idea that he knows "everything" about "something" than its quite naturally impossible for him to learn "anything" else. However, I do have "gifts" that I hope to share with you and your community! It is my goal to be a good steward to the Earth and to my fellow man and I hope to share a mutually benefitting experience with you on your farm hopefully in the near future! I will be in Mexico beginning of 2014! Please contact me at my email lonnie.paul@yahoo.com and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Peace and many blessing to you!

At 3:55pm on December 15, 2013, Sage-Marie said…

Buenas dias Lorel, my name is Sage Marie myself and my boyfriend are traveling through mexico wwoofing along our path! We are goning to be in the area of Guanajuato on monday the 23rd of december, we would really love to work and stay on your farm for a week or two if that would be possible. Were just traveling musician craft folk with a love for the land and of meeting good people, and we do farm work & permaculture back home. We would be very grateful if we can work and stay with you. Hope to hear from you soon, muchas gacias! Sage & Nathan

At 3:57pm on December 15, 2013, Sage-Marie said…
Buenas dias Lorel,

my name is Sage Marie myself and my boyfriend are traveling through mexico wwoofing along our path! We are goning to be in the area of Guanajuato on monday the 23rd of december, we would really love to work and stay on your farm for a week or two if that would be possible. Were just traveling musician craft folk with a love for the land and of meeting good people, and we do farm work & permaculture back home. We would be very grateful if we can work and stay with you. Hope to hear from you soon, muchas gacias!

Sage & Nathan
At 3:57pm on December 15, 2013, Sage-Marie said…
Buenas dias Lorel,

my name is Sage Marie myself and my boyfriend are traveling through mexico wwoofing along our path! We are goning to be in the area of Guanajuato on monday the 23rd of december, we would really love to work and stay on your farm for a week or two if that would be possible. Were just traveling musician craft folk with a love for the land and of meeting good people, and we do farm work & permaculture back home. We would be very grateful if we can work and stay with you. Hope to hear from you soon, muchas gacias!

Sage & Nathan
At 3:58pm on December 15, 2013, Sage-Marie said…

Buenas dias Lorel,

my name is Sage Marie myself and my boyfriend are traveling through mexico wwoofing along our path! We are goning to be in the area of Guanajuato on monday the 23rd of december, we would really love to work and stay on your farm for a week or two if that would be possible. Were just traveling musician craft folk with a love for the land and of meeting good people, and we do farm work & permaculture back home. We would be very grateful if we can work and stay with you. Hope to hear from you soon, muchas gacias!

Sage & Nathan

At 5:43am on December 28, 2013, Lucas Farias said…

Hey, Lorel!

I'm from Brazil and I was studying in Mexico last semester (Autumn 2013). Now that I have vacations I really would like to spend some of my available time learning, working and helping on your farm. In fact, I don´t have much experience with agriculture/sustainable development projects, but I always appreciate to be in contact with nature; I'm not afraid of hard work; and I am really interested in participating in this area of work because I believe that health and simple life is indispensable in these days. So, if you have a place for me, please, contact me!


Lucas (lucasfarib@gmail.com)

At 4:27pm on January 7, 2014, Eduardo Anaya said…

Please  I want to join in your farm, what can I do?

Thank you

Eduardo Anaya



At 7:12pm on February 8, 2014, Mark Wolf said…

Hi Lorel,

I'm from the U.S. but am currently living in Guadalajara where I teach biology at a high school.  I'm interested in volunteering on a farm during my spring break the week of April 20 to 27. Your farm looks like a special place and I was wondering if you might need some help during that week. I have no farming experience, but I'm eager to learn and do some manual labor. Let me know! Thank you!

At 12:30pm on February 18, 2014, alexis cote potvin said…

hola! quetal wow,ca parece realmente agradable !soy alexis un frances de canada . mes gustaria venir de voluntario en su granja para trabajar con ustedes y tener nueva experiensa
ya conosco el agricultura ,es me travallo,
yo puedo llegar en fin de febrero todo mars diga me lo que le parece .
mucho gracias

At 11:28am on February 19, 2014, Phil Garozzo said…

G'day Lorel, como va todo!?

Firstly, the vibe of your farm sounds like a perfect fit for me. I have been travelling since november all the way from New York city, wwoofing and crashing on couches where I can. Currently I am in Monterrey, Mexico, and plan to head south in the next few days.

I am extremely interested in organic vegetables and herbs, permaculture design and meditation, and you seem to fit in all three quite nicely. I have solid experience with soil preparation and planting, although one can always learn more, however my main asset is my work ethic. It is just not in me to slack off. 

I hope at this time you have the ability to host this wandering soul. Here is my email:


Ojala que nos veamos pronto!


At 12:35pm on March 8, 2014, Fiona Lerski said…

Hi there my name is Fiona and I am a nurse working in Brighton, UK. I want to come to Mexico for one month in June. Please can you let me know of any opportunities at your farm.

Thanks fifilerski@hotmail.com

At 9:46am on April 26, 2014, manuel sanz said…

hola muy buenos dias, me gustaria ser parte de sus trabajos. estoy muy interezado en contribuir con uds. en cambio de aprender algo. me describo trabajador, de echarle muchas ganas esto para mi de la agricultura organica es un gran meta que quiero lograr. me facinan los trabajos del campo, cuando estoy con la naturaleza me conecto facilmente! tengo algo de experiencia con unas frutas y flores hasta con animales como los pollos. estuve trabajando 5 años en el campo sembrando granadillas y duraznos, haciendo ingertos, regarlos, podarlos, ralearlos. pues hacer los trabajos con el durazno para mi fue un arte. pero me intereza mas de la agricultura organica, y estoy dispuesto a trabajar el tiempo con uds. disponible en cuanto me acepten! espero que les pueda servir algo con lo que se.

At 2:35pm on May 4, 2014, Jackie Greer said…

Hola Lorel,

Me llamo Jackie. Puedo hablar poquito espanol pero quiero aprender mas.

I am looking for a farm to stay and work on in June!
I am half Mexican but mostly gringa. I love the Mexican culture and want to learn more about the country my Mom and Grandma are from.

I am a hard worker and eager to learn the ways of organic farming and sustainable agriculture.

I especially just want to learn a healthier way of living.
I need to get away from the chaotic way of life in Los Angeles, and be more in tune with nature.
I feel that this experience will open my eyes to the sustainable and healthy ways that our world will eventually become completely accustomed to.
I speak basic spanish but want to be fluent!
Please consider me to be a member of your farm family!

I am completely available after June 9th!


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