WWOOF Mexico

J.R. Dodge's Comments

Messages Box (11 messages)

At 7:15pm on May 27, 2014, Carlos Rodriguez said…

hello my name is carlos and I own a farm in Chiapas, and if interested you can visit our page on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/RanchoElJardin 

for any information do not hesitate to ask for request
At 1:04pm on June 12, 2014, Lino Carlin said…

Hola J.R.

thank you for your message, there are a few requests for the months of october and november, but none has confirmed the exact dates, so we will give priority to people who confirm with the most anticipation.

here is a link to a pdf file which explains our activities in more detail and should answer some of your questions.


feel free to contact us at ecowaye at gmail dot com for any further inquiries.

Thanks again...


At 11:36pm on June 12, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

Hi J.R.!

Yep, we can always use help, and there´s room for you in our dorm in September. The food is great, the work is hard, and the dorm in La Casa del Pan is small but friendly, and there´s hot water in the shower!

September is rainy in the afternoons. You should bring rain gear so you stay dry. We don´t expect you to work in the rain, but you can get caught in it!

Please keep in touch, to confirm your dates. ¿Hablas español? Es requisito.

Saludos, kippy

At 11:37pm on June 12, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

Hi again,

i see you are a cyclist! Great! Will you be cycling down from Arizona?

At 11:39pm on June 12, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

We had a cyclist from Oregon a couple of years ago, and before her, a couple from Switzerland who were on a 5-year cycling trip around the world! They stayed with us for two months.

At 2:42am on June 13, 2014, J.R. Dodge said…

Si, lo hablo.  "Bastante" es que yo prefiero decir.  No he practicado mucho en los nueve anos pasados, pero tengo confidencia que puedo usarlo de nuevo cuando es necesario.  Pero, en ingles...

My bike only gets me around Tucson right now, not so much between cities.  I will be arriving by good, old-fashioned bus.  Please pencil me in for on or around the 1st of September, and you can put it in ink as soon as I let you know I've purchased my flight tickets in the next week or so.  Thanks so much for getting back to me.  I'm looking forward to this opportunity.


At 8:13pm on July 21, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

Hi J.R.,

September 7 to October 20 or so would be great. Like i said, there is always lots of work to do here, and you will be most welcome!

Mornings are generally sunny all year, so i recommend a hat, and the sun is really strong at 7000 feet elevation, so be warned. Garden work can be muddy, and sometimes you might get caught in an afternoon rain, so plan for it. The work is varied: digging, raking, planting beds,harvesting vegetables, sorting seeds, making compost, and weeding, for example. Experience is not necessary, but willingness to work hard is much appreciated. You will be working with local people, Tzotzil maya-speakers who also speak Spanish. They are great people and work hard. We will feed you and house you in La Casa del Pan. Look it up. It´s on Trip Advisor. Great vegetarian food, and really nice staff.

Any questions?

Hope it´s not too hot there in Tucson. It´s perfect weather here!


At 7:31am on July 23, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

Great, J.R. Your stay with us is confirmed! Yes, come to La Casa del Pan when you arrive in San Cristóbal. Real de Guadalupe 55, which is in the middle of the 3rd block from the "zocalo," (Parque Central), of the walking street ("El Andador de Guadalupe"). On Sundays we close early: 4:30 p.m. Any other day: 10:30 p.m.

Ask for me or for Amalia, Sofia or Irma, and we´ll get you settled in the dorm and introduce you to the staff. It´s helpful if you let me know when you will be arriving!

Enjoy the rest of summer. Looking forward to meeting you,



At 2:05pm on July 28, 2014, Kippy Nigh said…

Hi J.R.,

On Sundays we close at 4:30 p.m.

Amalia lives in the apartment shared by the Wwoofers. Her celphone is (967) 113-8394

Her email is amaiyamx@hotmail.com

My email is  kippynigh@mac.com

Please call her when you are nearby La Casa del Pan in San Cristobal, so she can expect you and open the door for you. 

Also, write us via email, so she can view our correspondence for any last-minute changes. Thanks! Looking forward to meeting you.


At 9:28am on October 9, 2014, Rogelio y Nievska said…

Hi J,

We would be happy to have you, but november would not be possible we are receiving a family and a couple! We have space for you form october 15 to november 2nd...let us know if this fits your plans. Saludos!!!

At 10:20am on October 11, 2014, jorge lezama said…
Hola jr dodge
There is people coming in november already i wont be able to meet ur demands.
we can try december if u like

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