WWOOF Mexico

Miguel Marquez-Tavella's Comments

Messages Box (116 messages)

At 11:46am on July 30, 2014, Chon Chung said…


This is Cielo, bike traveler from Jeju island South Korea. I started from San Francisco, USA, and going to south. I am going to be near your location in 10 to 15 days.  I have done WWOOF before.  Could I join your WWOOF?


Cielo - (Chon D. Chung)

At 7:47pm on July 31, 2014, BLAKE GRIFFITH said…

Hola Miguel, Your ranch sounds wonderful!

I'm 25, and I'm with my girlfriend (http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/CANDACEBEHRLE). We can start a week from
now since we are currently in Tampico. I can stay until September
18th, she can stay until August 21st.

We both lived in a housing co-op where we worked in the garden and the
compost. We grew food for the house. I also have worked "off-the-grid"
as a commercial salmon fisherman in Alaska (but this was not a very
sustainable job). We are both from Austin Texas where we are/were students
in math and physics.

A little more about myself. I have a lot of experience with manual and
mildly skilled labor. I've been a mover, fisherman, machinist, and I think
sailing experience might count although I've never been paid for it.

More skilled labor:
I have graduated with a physics degree and I feel comfortable working
with home wiring and electronics. I've also worked a lot on
motorcycles recently so I know my way around engines. And most
recently I was employed as a programmer.

We were originally planning on sailing a small sail boat along the
atlantic coast of mexico this summer however our boat had problems
that were too expensive to fix so we have decided to go wwoofing
instead. We are currently couch surfing in Tampico, but we are going
to Mexico city in a few days.

We hope to hear from you soon!

You can email me at blake.a.griffith@gmail.com

Blake y Candace

At 12:33pm on August 14, 2014, Chon Chung said…

Hello Miguel,

I did not get your emails.  Could you send me your cell number and direction to your farm to these emails:





Cielo - Chon D. Chung

At 8:14pm on August 31, 2014, Labisse Gregoire said…

Ola miguel!

Me and my girlfriend are traveling by bike from Seattle to patagonia.

we will be in la paz in probably less than 22 days (I can't be more precise)

We would like to work for you for something like 2 weeks (or more if we bike fast :) ).

We are french so we really like cheese (bread too:) ) and friends of me do their own (but they buy their milk). I learned very fast and you'll not have to be behind me at anytime, i'm very social and never refuse to do something. In France I was working for a compagny that repair appartments (plumbry, eletrecity, etc etc). I was also a sailing and canoeing instructor.

I hope that you'll agree to give us the opportunity to work at your farm.

Regards, Gregoire et Marion.

At 10:05pm on September 2, 2014, Oliver Jason Terry said…

Hi Miguel:

My name is Oliver. I have prior experience WWOOFing, as well as living an alternative, do-it-yourself style lifestyle. I ferment, I cook, I bake, I love the outdoors. As well as this, I am a Mechanical Engineering Technologist, and am very handy with both carpentry and other mechanical devices etc. I am a hard worker and no stranger to working with my hands, and like animals.

I am planning to be in Mexico for approximately three months starting this October and was wondering if you were looking for WWOOFers during this period?

Please email me at oliverjterry@gmail.com if you are interested in having me as a WWOOFer.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Oliver Terry

At 12:31pm on September 4, 2014, y said…

Hello Miguel,

Your farm sounds quite lovely. I hope to visit it on my visits to La Paz. I have an unusual request too and I don't know really where to turn. My father loved and lived in La Paz for nearly 25 years. He raised geese, birds, and had dogs. He passed away last month. :(  I found homes for the birds he raised, but I need to find a good home for his dog, a lovely smart guard dog, weimaraner. He is used to being around other animals on a large lot and does not bother them. I would like to find him a good home where he may be around other animals and enjoy running around. I'd be happy to help with his costs just knowing he has a good home to be in with company. I will be in La Paz in a few days, and need to find him a home as I don't live there.  I would love to also visit your farm, & help when possible. I cant promise lengthy stays, but can help occasionally when in town which will be every few months. I do have farming in my blood too, we had a ranch raising alfalfa, chickens, & angus when I was a child in San Luis Obispo, for nearly 10 years, so I know what it's like with things on the land. It's all good :). I hope to hear from you. I may be reached at ymgalvez@hotmail.com. very kind regards, Yvonne Galvez

At 6:26pm on September 10, 2014, Labisse Gregoire said…

Ola Miguel,

It's me again.

Due to the hurricane we took a bus to Santa Rosalia. As you asked me, I recontact you now that we are closer.

We are now at Loreto and we planed to be in La PAZ sunday or monday (depends on the wind and your preference).

Tell me if you are ok to receive us. And give us the direction, we have a map (1cm/10km scale) and a small GPS to find our way.

Thanks again

Hasta luego!

At 7:16am on September 11, 2014, Wallon Maxime said…


We are Grégoire Tison and Maxime Wallon, we come from Belgium, and we are two new WWOOFers. We are 18 and 19 years old. We speak fluently english and we have some bases in spanish.

We are really interested in your eco-project.

We are ready to help the others and to change utterly our lifestyle in profit to your organisation ( to live self-sufficiently and promote local agriculture and products, to participate to sustain your habits). Especialy the fact that you live only with the sun to give you your energy, the cheese production and the great variety of animals.

That’s why we would like to join you in your farm in Baja California.


But we have some questions to ask :

Firstly, is it possible to join you between the 12th november 2014 and 28th april 2015 (so approximatly 6 month) ?

Secondly, as we said above we come from Europe, so is it possible to have one room for two because it’s impossible for us to take a tent in the plane and to camp in your farm ?

Thirdly, we will surely arrived at the Manuel Marquez Leon international airport ( La Paz ), from there to your farm (20km), do you take care of our transport or do we need to take public transport ?

Fourthly, are there  frequent public transport (coaches, taxis) and any stores nearby ? That bring the question about : what do we need to take with us such as : walking shoes, farming clothes, soap, washing materials, rain clothes … etc

Finally, is there any mobile and internet connection in your farm to communicate with our family in belgium ? And do you have a little idea about the budget of pesos that we need during our journey in Mexico.


We are already enjoyed by your answer.

Buenos dias.


PS : bobcat.tyson@yahoo.fr


Grégoire Tison

Maxime Wallon

At 4:54am on September 15, 2014, Wallon Maxime said…

Hola Miguel !

Nous restons en contact avec vous, nous vous prévenons que toutes nos questions sont dans le précédent mail.

Grégoire et Maxime

At 9:14am on September 26, 2014, Jenna McLeod said…

Hola Miguel,

My boyfriend, Ernesto, and I are hoping to WWOOF at your farm in January 2015 for at least 2 weeks, at most 3. Your farm sounds like a great place! We are traveling down the Baja to La Paz, and then continuing to travel through Mexico. Love it if you could host us, as this is our first WWOOFing experience and we are really eager to learn. Ernesto has avid bread making experience in his own vegan kitchen, and cooking in general. We both work at a vegetarian restaurant in Boston. We are interested in cheese making and taking care of animals (especially those dogs!), or whatever you may need.  

Here is Ernesto's profile http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/ErnestoBotello

Looking forward to hearing from you! Here's my email: jenna.marissa@gmail.com

All the best,

Jenna and Ernesto

At 5:15am on October 3, 2014, Yoan Blanc said…

Hi Miguel,

I'm aiming at spending November in Mexico and would love to experience it in a meaningful way. I've worked in the swiss alps with cows where we were making cheese. I loved so much that I did three full summers up there. I'm not much of a hunter but can bake bread or cook a meal.

Please let me know if a hand would be of any help in November or if you have any questions. In advance, many thanks!


At 7:55am on October 6, 2014, Grégoire Tison said…

Hola, nous nous permettons de remettre le message car nous n'avons toujours pas de réponse.

We are Grégoire Tison and Maxime Wallon, we come from Belgium, and we are two new WWOOFers. We are 18 and 19 years old. We speak fluently english and we have some bases in spanish.

We are really interested in your eco-project.

We are ready to help the others and to change utterly our lifestyle in profit to your organisation ( to live self-sufficiently and promote local agriculture and products, to participate to sustain your habits). Especialy the fact that you live only with the sun to give you your energy, the cheese production and the great variety of animals.

That’s why we would like to join you in your farm in Baja California.


But we have some questions to ask :

Firstly, is it possible to join you between the 12th november 2014 and 28th april 2015 (so approximatly 6 month) ?

Secondly, as we said above we come from Europe, so is it possible to have one room for two because it’s impossible for us to take a tent in the plane and to camp in your farm ?

Thirdly, we will surely arrived at the Manuel Marquez Leon international airport ( La Paz ), from there to your farm (20km), do you take care of our transport or do we need to take public transport ?

Fourthly, are there  frequent public transport (coaches, taxis) and any stores nearby ? That bring the question about : what do we need to take with us such as : walking shoes, farming clothes, soap, washing materials, rain clothes … etc

Finally, is there any mobile and internet connection in your farm to communicate with our family in belgium ? And do you have a little idea about the budget of pesos that we need during our journey in Mexico.


We are already enjoyed by your answer.

Buenos dias.


PS : bobcat.tyson@yahoo.fr


Grégoire Tison

Maxime Wallon

At 1:09pm on October 11, 2014, Phil Garozzo said…

Miguel, que tal !

El proyecto que están llevando a cabo me llama mucho la atención. Como van después del huracán? Les efecto mucho?

Me imagino que de una forma u otra les habría atrasado, y por eso les quiero ofrecer mi chamba si les hace falta. Aparte de que la posibilidad de aprender mucho del lugar y lo que están haciendo me emociona mucho, ya se que probablemente necesitarán manos a la obra.

Soy Australiano pero he vivido aca en Mexico por casi un año. Me he dedicado a aprender de la permacultura y cosas así. Mayormente me enfoco en la construcción y preparación de composta. Sin embargo, me puedo aplicar sobre cualquier trabajo como que aprendo muy rápido.

De momento estoy en los Mochis, Sinaloa con destino La Paz. Me encantaria conocer el proyecto que tienen y a ustedes también. Me dispongo estar por ahi inmediatamente, por eso estoy pendiente a su respuesta.

Me pueden contactar por correo: phil.garozzo@gmail.com

Ya no tengo telefono.

Espero escucharles pronto!

Mucho Animo!

Phil Garozzo

At 3:34pm on October 13, 2014, Tim Eaton said…

Buenas! Your farm sounds amazing!

My wife Chloe and I are in Baja California right now, with our truck, to do some camping and exploring, and we would love to work on a farm for a while. We love Mexico and the desert and we want to learn more about the way farms operate here. Do you need any extra hands?

Both of us have experience with animals and plants, and also working in volunteer environments. We’ve been traveling full-time for a few years now, and speak English, some Mandarin, and decent Spanish (although I’d welcome the opportunity to become more fluent in my Spanish). I’ve worked at a plant nursery, the forest service, the Red Cross, a web design company, and a wolf rescue ranch in the desert for several years, and Chloe is a tattoo artist that has worked at greenhouses, animal care taking spots, and herb stores. Both of us would be happy to learn whatever we could at a new farm! We’re also quite used to living outdoors with limited resources, and cooking new meals around camp fires - we’ve lived in our tent in the US for years, with trips to Mexico, Colombia, and Asia in between.

As far as timing goes, we’d like to work for a month to start, and perhaps longer if it works out. We’d be ready to start soon if you have an opening (or whatever timing works out - we have a six month permit for our truck in Mexico, and plenty of spots to camp at). 

Do you have a spot for us?

Que te vaya muy bien!
Tim (tim@yakbrother.com)

At 8:02am on October 20, 2014, Wallon Maxime said…

Hola Miguel,

Nous vous rappelons donc que nous sommes disponibles et prêts à venir vous aidez au plus vite comme convenu (fin novembre - début décembre jusqu'au 31 mai).

En attente plus que pressante de votre réponse, nous devons être fixé sur ce projet dans les plus brefs délais.

Grégoire et Maxime

At 2:41pm on October 20, 2014, Kyle Wolfe said…

Hola Miguel

My spouse and I will be down by your area

in late January and February if you need any help. We're both experienced wwoofers and are available for what ever you need.


At 3:50pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

Hi Miguel !

My name is Boris. I am 28. I come from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I play accordeon an dlike coocking.

I am available now and for two or three week

At 4:22pm on October 28, 2014, Aimee Marciniak said…

hola miguel,

que tal?

i live on a 30 acre organic homestead with a small goat dairy...i have been making cheese for 4 years and would like to learn more...

my partner and i would like to spend some time - at least 2 weeks - at your place helping out, learning your ways, practicing spanish...

your land project sounds great!

how many residents are there?

is the community's first language spanish?

do you have internet access?

can we come in mid-december?

look forward to hearing from you!



At 11:35pm on October 31, 2014, Christopher Angelo Ponzi said…

Hola Miguel!

How are you? My name is Christopher, I am a 27 year-old writer and semi-experienced wwoofer that speaks Spanish, here is my page http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/ChristopherAngeloPonzi

and my personal website (www.ponzidream.co)

I lived/worked on an organic vineyard in Argentina for 2 months wwoofing. I would love to discuss potentially staying from Nov 9/10th for 3 weeks to a month at your farm. I have some knowledge in gardening/agriculture but love to learn, I am strong, love the outdoors and working with animals. Como dije que yo puedo hablar espanol, por lo menos mejor que la mayoria de los gringos :). Ahora estoy en california y tengos planes a visitar Mexico en cualquer manera.

I would love to talk further details and have a few questions. Please feel free to e-mail me at caponzi@gmail.com, skype me at christopherponzi, or call me at 310-525-8125. Thank you!

Christopher Ponzi

At 12:04pm on November 3, 2014, Benjamin Lilly said…


Estoy empezando un viaje hasta Mexico, probablamente al fin de Noviembre, y me gustaria explorar la Baja California. Yo vengo de Alta California, en los EEUU, pues quiero explorar y mejor conocer mi tierra vecina :) Me encantan los animales y me encanta cocinar, pues me alegro de ver que estas son dos cosas mencionadas en su descripcion. Me gustaria aprender cualquiera cosa mas que se necesita, y compartir la vida surena con Vd y sus otros huespedes un rato! Mis fechas son muy inseguros, pero aviseme si podria tener lugar para un Wwoofer en diciembre, y vengo a usted!

Gracias! Espero avidamente su rispuesta :)

Ben Lilly


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