WWOOF Mexico

Terresa Beck's Comments

Messages Box (140 messages)

At 4:00pm on October 17, 2010, Antoine GILBERT said…

Soy muy interesado por sus granja. Tenia un huerto en Francia y me gusta trabajar la tierra. He trabajado ya en un proyecto similar en el sur de España, en una comunidad (Sunseed: tecnología del desierto) utilizando principios de la permacultura, tecnología apropiada (bombeo de agua, paneles fotovoltaicos...) y bioconstrucción.

Tengo una diploma y una experiencia profesional sobre la gestión de agua, entonces podría también trabajar sobre la potabilisación o el tratamiento de las aguas fecal. Estoy trabajando con un carpintero sobre casas en madera, no tengo mucho experiencia en este campo pero soy muy interesado para trabajar mas en la construcción.

Me gustaría mucho de trabajar con vosotros para encontrar personas de diferentes culturas, descubrir tu región, aprender mas sobre la permacultura y la vida sostenible y mejorarme en español.

Sera en Mexico en noviembre por lo menos tres meses y pienso quedar en sus granja un mes.

Hasta pronto, esperando su repuesta,

At 8:50am on October 19, 2010, emily majewski said…
Hi Terresa,

This is Emily again - my husband and I are WWOOFING with you in Feb 2011. Please let me know if you receive this message, otherwise I will get a phone card to call you and confirm! Thanks so much - Emily
At 9:31pm on November 5, 2010, Justine Faust said…
do you have a link for your farm?
At 5:40pm on November 6, 2010, Matt Adcock said…
los nombres de nuestros loic (32 de Francia) y mate (21 de Canadá). Ahora estamos viajando hacia el sur en biciy en Jalisco. Tenemos Expirience finca y disfrutar de la cultura, el aprendizaje de la ecología y español

nos gustaría trabajar en su granja, por favor, envíenos un coreo a mattadcock@hotmail.com si necesita ayuda o tiene alguna preguntas

gracias, Matt y Loic
At 11:39pm on November 23, 2010, Hannah Webb said…
Hello Terresa, I am interested in Wwoofing at your farm. I am 24 and I have Wwoofed once Before in Mexico. I am Hoping to help with a sustainable project in Canada this summer but I Would really like to learn some more and hold out the Winter here in Mexico Untill it is a little less snowy in Canada.. I am looking at starting the end of December and I would like to stay for a month or two. Please let me know if you need any volunteers for the months of Dec Jan feb and March. Thanks Hannah Webb.
Bananahannahrama@gmail.com 473-118-3974 (Tel Cel) De GUanajuato. Gracias
At 5:30pm on November 28, 2010, Scott Sellwood said…
Estimada Terresa,

Somos una pareja Australiano. Buscamos la oportunidad a trabajar con ustedes desde 10 de diciembre hasta 22 de diciembre esté año (entonces, solo 12 días). En este momento estamos estudiando español en la UNAM, en Taxco, entonces podemos hablar y escribir español a un nivel intermedio.

Nosotros dos ambos hemos estudiado permacultura (agro-ecólogia) en Australia y, además, hemos trabajado en algunas fincas orgánicas en Australia y las Estados Unidos, mas recién en Corvallis, Oregon. Emma es maestra de educación ambiental. Soy abogado de derechos medioambientales.

Nos interesamos en la agricultura sostenible, la seguridad alimentaria, justicia social y la vida sano y divertido.

Estamos felices a trabajar cinco días a la semana, por seis horas diariamente.

Sin más por el momento, esperamos con ilusión a su respuesta por correo electrónico.

Que tengan un día lindo,

Scott y Em
At 6:39pm on November 29, 2010, emily majewski said…
Hello Terresa! This is Emily and Brandon, the wwoofers arriving in Feb 2011. I have been trying to get a hold of you with some news - we are pregnant! I will be 7 months along by the time Feb arrives so it won't be the best time to volunteer. We would love to reschedule. Please let me know you got this message. Thanks!

At 1:17pm on December 3, 2010, Alexandra Cicoli Seim said…
Hola Terresa, soy una chica de 21 años, fui viajando en Mexico los ultimos 6 meses y en latin america el ultimo año. No tengo experiencia con farming organico, pero soy muy interesada y tengo mucho ganas de aprender como se puede vivir organicamente. Soy sociable y tambien fisicamente fuerte y acostumbrada a trabajar. Quiero mejorar mi español y encontrar nueva gente con los mismos intereses. Seria bien si podria trabajar desde la segunda semana en enero 2011 hasta el fin de febrero.

Saludos y gracias,
At 8:50am on December 4, 2010, Amelia Lacasse said…

My name is Amelia. I am 19 years old. I graduated from high school a year early, did some college for holistic health and then continued on to an intensive class in Arizona for my masters in NLP, Hypnotherapy and many other things. I am a very hard worker. I have worked on an island off the coast of Maine for five years tending to the gardens and doing landscaping. I have my own organic vegetable garden, and have worked with local farmers in theirs. I have experience working on an organic meat farm for rabbits, turkeys, chickens and eggs. I have experience with draft horses harnessing and pulling. Beekeeping is a HUGE interest of mine although I have no experience with it. Along with all the agriculture I have a very big interest in holistic health. I have my masters in Reiki, hypnotherapy, and NLP. I am a certified NLP life coach, timeline therapist, ordained minister, spiritual healer, and earth steward. I want to live as holistically as possible and one day open my own holistic health practice/ farm. I practice the simple and beautiful Native American red road tradition. I live and work for Mother Earth. I use to speak Spanish well but have lost a lot of the fluency over the years. I feel like I could pick it up quickly again though. I am available early January. I would like to stay for an extended period of time, a month minimum. Thanks.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Amelia- .
At 3:58pm on December 13, 2010, luke frost said…

Hola! my names luke frost and me and my girlfriend kelly are travelling in mexico were currently in Zamora and looking for farms to work on in the michocan area.We are very interested in learning about green sustainable living techniques. As we'd like to put these into practice when we return home to england.We would be very gratefull for oputunity to work and learn on your farm.We'd like to wwoof for two weeks and were free from now untill early january.Please email back if you have any space at the momment.Thanks.

At 1:10pm on December 27, 2010, Justine Faust said…
perfecto, enviare ti un mensaje
At 7:46pm on January 4, 2011, Megan Louise White said…

Hi Andy and Dorothy,


My friend Ali and I are planning on coming to Mexico for about 3 weeks, most likely in late May and early June and are looking for places to Wwoof. We are very interested in organic and sustainability and would love to work with you. We are also very hard-working, responsible and friendly. Are you looking for volunteers at that time?



At 5:43pm on January 12, 2011, Jackie and Bill Robson said…
hello there,
we are a couple in our 50's, strong, in good shape and in love with latin culture.........we've worked and traveled through Central America and Mexico for several years, mostly as volunteers in various farm, ecovillage, permaculture settings. we usually work and sometimes teach when asked, for about a month or more if everybody is happy. (so far, so good);)
I've been teaching organic growing for about 12 years here in BC, Canada (i'm a plant nerd). Bill is most interested and experienced in helping with construction, in particular using alternative building materials.
I'm asking about your community because we're considering visiting Mexico in the winter of 2011, about a year from now....(boy, am i organized or what?) I almost forgot -our Spanish is passable but too slow to write a letter in Spanish.

are you interested in hosting volunteers? And if so, what are your expectations?

jackie and Bill Robson
At 3:49pm on January 15, 2011, zaba luna angel said…



i am currently an intern on a permaculture education site until march.  i would love to come to mexico between march and june. i have experience in organic gardening, farming, landscape, natural building and carpentry.  i also identify as a musician, artist, healer and nomad.  i have interests in learning more about herbal medicine, healing, horses, primitive skills, natural building, carpentry and sustainable community living.  i speak little spanish and am definitely open to learning more!!


muchas gracias,


At 6:50pm on January 17, 2011, Lindsey and Kyle said…


We are a couple in our late twenties, from Portland, Oregon, and we will be traveling in Mexico for several months starting in late February.  We both speak a little Spanish and are dedicated to learning more during our travels.  We don't have much farming experience but are experienced with small organic gardens in the pacific northwest and are very excited to learn more about farming, especially in Mexico.  We are hardworking, responsible, and enjoy working with our hands.  We also know a little about natural, sustainable building and are very interested in participating in an off-the-grid intentional community.

Please get in touch if you have space and an opportunity for us to work in late February or early March.  We are flexible on dates and length of stay.  Let us know what you need.



Lindsey and Kyle

At 9:35am on January 22, 2011, jean christophe said…

My name is Jean Christope, I am from france.
After several jobs in my country I have decided to live differently, in other words
close to nature and far from the new technologies and at the same time to discover
new people and new cultures. Doing wwoofing in Irlande had been a very good experience.
I would like to continue my trip  in mexico and south america.
I love music and I am mad about dancing, particulary salsa.
So when I am not dancing, all my time and energy can be available to help you in any task, I am not afraid of hardworking
I think I will be available from february and for several months.
I just have some notion of spanish but I speak english.
I do not smoke.

If you want more information you can send me an email : jc.jacquet83@yahoo.fr

All the best

Jean Christophe

At 10:09pm on January 22, 2011, Daniel Londoño said…
Hola les escribe Daniel Eduardo un amigo de David

yo vivo en Medellin-Colombia estudie Tecnologia en Agroembiental y he tenido experiencia en fincas, organizaciones y ecovillas en Brasil y en Colombia por algun tiempo, ultimamente he conocido un poco mas de lo que es la Permacultura y me he interesado bastante en aprender mas de ello y por esto planeo para mitad de año (2011) viajar a Mexico para aprender//haciendo, algunos conocimientos de permacultura, agroecologia, biocontrucciones, alimentacion veg(etari)ana, herramientas sociales, supervivencia... les escribo entonces para que entremos en contacto y asi planear con calma mi viaje, les agradesco entonces que me den alguna informacion basica, enviandomela al e-mail rizoma.nativo@gmail.com aqui dentro de poco se cerrara el acceso:

de lo que trata el proyecto y las actividades que podrian hacer los voluntarios
el lugar donde estan ubicados (estado, municipio)
jornadas laborales (horario)
actividades culturales y/o recreativas
tipo de alimentacion (natural-organico, omnibora, ovolactovegetariana, vegana, crudivora...)
capacidad maxima de voluntarios al mismo tiempo
permanencia minima en el proyecto
implementos para llevar en el alojamiento, a menos que ustedes provean de todo (cobertores, colchon, almohada)
alguna otra cuestion que deseen agregar

con gratitud y buena vibra, me despido
At 5:28pm on January 26, 2011, Elizabeth Levine said…

Hola! My name is Elizabeth. I am 23 years old. I am from the states, and am traveling in Mexico to work on spanish, immerse in culture, etc. I am currently in San Miguel de Allende, working on spanish. In the states, I worked for an organic community garden and an olive orchard. I miss working outside and on a farm. I would like very much to WWOOF for this farm. Different practices of sustainability are very important to me, and I would like to learn much from the operations of this farm. I am looking to work, starting the 28th of february. I would like to stay at least a month, if not longer. I enjoy using my hands, and living outside of the city. Thank you so much,



At 1:37pm on February 9, 2011, Linda Gardener said…

Hi Teresa, I'm planning on traveling to your area in Mexico around the first week in March and would love to work on your farm for at least a month.  I grew up on a dairy farm and have extensive experience in organic gardening, livestock care and basic construction skills. This past year, I designed, fabricated and helped install and care for a vertical garden in New York City (http://inwoodgardeners.wordpress.com/).  I have a vehicle and camping gear as well as a few tools, so am able to be very self sufficient.  


Best Regards,


At 6:08pm on March 3, 2011, Maria Serourian said…
Hello there,
I am an English teacher from California, and I am looking for some opportunities to learn about sustainable living in Mexico for the month of March. I have already wwoofed in Franch for a couple months on different farms and different seasons, and I absolutely love working with my hands and learning something new while discovering a new country.

I have many passions in life including cooking, learning languages, and outdoor sports. My biggest passion at the moment is tightrope walking, and I would love to share and teach my skills with others.

Please let me know if you'll need someone in March.

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