WWOOF Mexico

Hannah Webb
  • Female
  • Okotoks
  • Canada
  • Blog Posts
  • Farms (9)
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Hannah Webb's Contacts

  • Krystal Frost
  • Kenn and Sandra Quinn
  • Edward  Briseno Mills
  • Terresa Beck
  • Wally Carlson

Hannah Webb's Farms


Hannah Webb's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I Have Wwoofed Once before and also have a Garden During the summer at my home. I have worked on a farm for 5 years.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I am very easy going I love to Cook and learn and Sing!

Messages Box (14 messages)

At 11:12pm on November 26, 2010, ISrael said…
Hola Hannah!
Nos da mucho gusto de recibir tu escrito y tu interés de venir a nuestra granja. Desgraciadamente no tenemos la capacisdad de recibir a más de tres personas de momento y hasta finales de enero tenemos ya tres y por algùn momento, con un poco de esfuerzo, cuatro invitados que han solicitado venir. Ojalá la oportunidad se presente, ya sea en febrero o después. Es una pena decirte esto, pero es asì.
Recibe nuestros mejores deseos en tu viaje y de verdad, buena vida.
Hasta luego, ojalá!!

At 8:49pm on December 14, 2010, Terresa Beck said…

please e mail directly naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com

At 5:13pm on April 25, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…

Greetings Hanna! Where are you these days? We have a space for you during May at Tlachichilco if you are available.

Sandra and Kenn

At 10:57am on May 1, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…
Hanna, how are you? We understand you left Mexico a while ago as you were not well. Are you still in Canada?  We are in need of someone during May to assist with vegetarian cooking and gardening.  If you are interested, please contact us.  Or if there is someone else you can recommend, that would be helpful.  Sandra and Kenn
At 7:54pm on September 27, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

Hello Hannah, We'd be glad to have you come work with us.  We ask that our volunteers agree to a 3 to 4 week stay.  We are a farm and iit takes a bit to learn the routine.  We're interested in people who plan to make the things they learn here a part of their lives.  When in November will you be coming?  Bye for now.  Wally

At 3:02pm on September 28, 2011, ISrael said…

Hola Hanna. 

Disculpa la demora de la respuesta. Hemos estado muy ocupados con tantas cosas que poco tiempo restaba para atender el correo. Claro que estamos interesados en recibirte en nuestra casa. Por favor dinos con certeza tu fecha de llegada. Nosotros podríamos venir a recogerte al pueblo Tonaya. 

Queremos que tengas un excelente viaje. 




At 8:07pm on September 28, 2011, Wally Carlson said…

Please write us a hwallycarlson@hotmail.com


At 10:34am on October 29, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

We are review applications now for NOV 10-Dec 20th.

check our website www.organic-select.com for info

you can send it a application letter with contact info/travel dates to oranic-select@hotmail.com


Krystal Frost..we are in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco.

At 7:54pm on December 15, 2011, Krystal Frost said…

Hi Hannah,

we will have an opening for ladies who work in gardins to help out in our experimental garden and bakery in March. Pleaes contact us directly at info@hotmail.com

take care Hannah,

Krystal Frost

At 5:40pm on December 17, 2011, Kenn and Sandra Quinn said…

Dear Hannah, awaiting your response to know whether you can come for January, as you requested, so we know how to respond to other applicants for that period.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sandra and Kenn

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