WWOOF Mexico

Terresa Beck's Comments

Messages Box (140 messages)

At 9:56pm on June 12, 2011, Connie Kroon said…

Hello Terresa.  I'm wondering if you got my message at the personal email address you gave me.  It took me a bit to get back to you (our lives get busy this time of the year!) but I was very excited to talk to you.  My telephone information is in that email but I would be happy to give it to you again if you didn't get it.  Just let me know.  I would also be happy to call you when it is good for you. 

Hope you are doing well.  We would love to meet you and work and learn with you.  Happy evening.


Connie and girls

At 4:22pm on June 17, 2011, Hannah Husain said…

Querida amiga! I would love to come stay with you on your farm next week. Do you have space for one, with positive vibes and good intentions?


I volunteered on a WWOOF farm (tending olive and grapes and making olive oil, grapes and wine) in 2009 for one month, near the mediterranean coast of Turkey. Also, in my hometown of Oakland, I currently volunteer on an "urban farm" project which offers farmers markets and help constructing backyard gardens for low-income families in the city.

I am hardworking, independent, and don´t need much besides food-shelter-instructions. I can be at your farm as early as next Friday, 6/24. I can only stay for two weeks, unfortunately, because my flight home is already booked out of Mexico City on 7/7.


Please let me know if you can host me. My email is hannah.husain@gmail.com




At 11:43pm on July 2, 2011, Sarah Anne Kulla said…

Terresa I want to thank you so much for corresponding with me... Unfortunately my time in Mexico has flown by and I am already about fly.

You obviously are a wonderful person and I send you blessings and joy on your path.

Sarah Kulla

At 12:56pm on July 11, 2011, Martin Rheaume said…
Hola, me llamo Martín. Soy estadounidense de 30 años, pero llevo 6 meses aquí en México. Me interesa su granja y me gustaría aprender más. Tengo experiencia con mi propia huerto http://indiancreekgardens.blogspot.com/ y experiencia trabajando en huertos comerciales de manzanas. Hablo español, pero estoy aquí en México para mejorar, así que es importante que tendría oportunidades de practicar mi español en su granja. Estoy buscando una oportunidad de trabajar por algunos meses. Podría empezar en septiembre.
At 7:17pm on July 16, 2011, Emma-Helen Seal said…

Hi Terresa,

I am a young English part-time student living in SMA. I am hard-working, energetic and versatile and am very interested in the project you describe here. I would be back in the area from september onwards.

What are the hours usually worked by volunteers? 

Do you have any part-time availability?

What is the location of the project?

Apologies for the number of questions!

I will email in Spanish if that is preferable.

Muchas gracias,

Emma Seal


At 4:26pm on July 29, 2011, Leah Janet Delmer said…
Hello!  I am so thrilled to find you! I am arriving in San Miguel on September 17th and will be starting spanish classes at Instituto Allende on the 19th for one month but will be staying longer to study silver smithing as well.  I am looking for a way to work/trade/live and I love what you are creating with your homestead.  Do you have space for me?  I am working towards cultivating a life which is very in line with what sounds like you have created and I would love to help you with your vision.  I am a hard worker and I am ready to be fully immersed in Mexican culture and simple living connected to the earth.  I have worked on my parents organic farm as well as a farm in hawaii.  I work at a nursery propagating plants and would love to learn more about all that you do. I look forward to hearing from you.  Thanks!  Leah
At 8:39pm on July 29, 2011, Sylvia Brenner said…

Hi Terresa,

 Hi! Thanks for your response. Where are you? I am interested! But in San Migue...probem with some of the etters on this emai...as you can figure out!!



At 12:55pm on August 8, 2011, Hannah Webb said…

Hola Terresa,

I am a 24 year old Canadian and I am working now in Canada on a Sustainable food growing project. unfortunatly our seasons are extremely short and I know that soon everything will be turning white with snow. As such I am hoping to Head south and learn more about everything that your farm is about! I am a hard worker and I speak fluent spanish. Please let me know if there is any possibility of me coming for a month or two in November to stay and work and learn. thanks.

Hannah Webb

At 1:11pm on August 9, 2011, Vania Michelini Castillo said…

Dear Terresa,

 I am coming to Mexico to travel and I was wondering if you had any space or the beginning of September. I am 22 years old and have recently graduated from College. I am originally from Guanajuato, Guanajuato!!! Despues de vivir mas de la mitad de mi vida en EUA  me gustaria regresar y educarme viajando por Mexico. Mi correo electronico es vaniamichelini@gmail.com

At 10:47pm on August 9, 2011, Vania Michelini Castillo said…

Dear Terresa,

My name is Vania. I graduated from University and recently returned from traveling in India and Nepal. I am originally from Guanajuato, Guanajuato. I am returning to Mexico to travel. I have little experience with organic farming but I am an eager, active and quick learner. I am looking to start late August/early September. My email is vaniamichelini@gmail.com

Looking forward to hearing from you, vania

At 11:58am on August 20, 2011, Fernando Romero said…

Hola Terresa,


Soy de Queretaro y acabo de inscribirme en el WWOOF, me preguntaba si tuvieras espacio en donde pudiera ayudarles y a su vez poder conocer de esta experiencia?


Gracias y saludos

At 9:59am on August 24, 2011, Fernando Romero said…

Hola Terresa,


Me preguntaba si tienen espacio para poder ir con ustedes?





At 2:02pm on October 30, 2011, Susan Mandy Hillel Mckelvey said…
really interested. i am in SMA.
At 11:58am on November 4, 2011, Kinga Margarita y Kudra Mariposa said…
Hola Terresa my name is kaiser and i wood like to work on your farm.I am in kansas now plan on being mexico by the end of November so if you coud use my help that wood be grate.Just a 40 year old farm boy loocking to help .Hope to hear from ya soon.K
At 8:43pm on November 8, 2011, Toni Bruno said…


Myself and a friend are interested in wwoofing on your farm for the months of February, March and April 2012. We both speak spanish and are very hard working!


Toni & Aaron


At 2:25pm on November 10, 2011, Jakob Schenk said…


I am Jakob, a student from Germany on a gap year. I am planning to travel to Mexico this December and I am very interested in working at your farm.

I became a fan of woofing when I worked on a organic farm last year in New Zealand. I would like to get to know more about organic gardening and sustainability. As I am a big fan of nature and every living creature on our amazing planet!

I would like to come in the middle of December if possible for at least 6 to 8 weeks, please let me know if you have some space, I can be pretty flexible with the dates.

Yo aprendo Espanol ahora tambien y quiero mejorar mi idioma y conoco las personas de mexico!

I am looking forward to hear from you,

mucha gracias!


At 11:51pm on November 13, 2011, Anna C Walker said…

Hola amiga,

Mi novio y yo estamos interesados en trabajar en su finca. Soy de los Estados Unidos y mi novio, Ramiro, es de Monterrey. Ambos somos recién salidos de la Universidad y estámos planeando viajar por México por seis u ocho meses empezando en Enero. Esperamos visitar varias fincas en el sur de México.  Nos gusto mucho tu finca y nos gustaria trabajar con ustedes por lo menos un mes.   Podriamos ayudar a principios del anyo entrante? Tenemos un calendario flexible por lo que nosotros podemos ajustar a sus fechas.

 Estudie biología en la Universidad y quiero aprender más sobre agricultura ecológica. Tengo poca experiencia trabajando en una finca orgánica, pero tengo mis propios vegetales en mi jardín afuera. Tambien he trabajado con gallinas, cabras, y cerdos. Ramiro estudio geología y biología en la universidad y quiere trabajar en una finca para aprender métodos para vivir sustentablemente.

 Estamos dispuestos a hacer cualquier proyecto que tengas para nosotros. De hecho, si existen algunos libros, semillas o cosas por el estilo que serian buenas para traer lo podríamos hacer con muchísimo gusto.   

Esperamos saber de usted pronto,

Anna y Ramiro


At 2:03pm on November 18, 2011, Susan Mandy Hillel Mckelvey said…

hi.  do you have work for a week or two?

At 11:36am on December 2, 2011, Jonathan Shifflett said…

Hi Terresa,

I'm traveling in Mexico until february and was hoping to work on your farm for a couple weeks in January. I've been teaching English but I also wanted to get some experience with organic farming while I am here. I'm easygoing and willing to work hard. I've had some experience with gardening and beekeeping but this will be my first time WWOOFing. Please let me know if you would be able to accommodate me for a couple weeks during the month of January or even into the first week of February. Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon.



At 10:57am on December 27, 2011, Adrienne Deshaies Aguirre said…

Saludos!  Yo me llamo Adriana y soy estadounidense.  Voy a estar quedandome in Cuautla, Morelos por la navidad y el nuevo año, y despues me gustaría trabajar en una granja por un mes, empezando a mediados de enero.  No tengo mucha experiencia con la agricultura, pero me gusta hacer trabajo fisico y estar afuera, y tengo experiencia dando talleres y clases a los niños y tambien a los adultos.  Me interesa aprender más sobre la agricultura organica y sostentable, y tambien la cultura Mexicana.  Si les parece la idea de invitarme a trabajar con ustedes, por favor contactame.  Mi correo electronico es apdesha07@gmail.com.

Gracias y que pasen un bonito nuevo año!  :)  


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