WWOOF Mexico

Terresa Beck's Comments

Messages Box (140 messages)

At 9:11pm on January 7, 2012, Leah Janet Delmer said…

Hola Terresa!! I am living in San Miguel, staying on a ranch right now that is in development, and I really want to help out by starting a veggie garden for my friend here.  I was wondering if I could come visit your farm and talk to you about the land, what grows well, how the soil is, what your experience as a farmer here has been, and hopefully when I leave here I can come put in a month or more with you.  Your projects sound very interesting and just what I am looking for, however since I have a commitment to some schooling here in SM I want to be as useful as possible.  I have experience with growing food and plant propagation.  I am strong and deeply connected to the earth, and love love love to grow my own food to eat and share and cook for others.  looking forward to hearing from you.  

Leah Janet

At 11:20pm on January 8, 2012, Aimee B. Jones said…

hello Terresa!

I am from Upstate New York, am 34 years old, and am staying in San Miguel from March 15th until April 1st in a rental unit. I am attending a meditation/writers retreat in March also, but I am looking to do some wwoofing before my rental and retreat begin. I wwoofed in New Zealand and Australia for six months, one year ago, and loved the experience so much that I am craving for more! I have never been to Mexico, and have found that for me, the best way to learn about a new culture is to immerse yourself in it completely; this is what i have found through wwooofing. Would you have any availability between the dates of Feb 26th through March 14th?? Please let me know, as I would love to come work with you. Cheers! Aimee

At 3:32pm on January 18, 2012, Jonathan Shifflett said…

Hi Terresa, just wondering if you´d have any availability toward the end of this month for a couple of weeks worth of work. At the moment I´m working on a farm on the coast of veracruz, but I was hoping to head over to San Miguel de Allende soon. I don´t have a lot of experience, but I´m hardworking and, for what it´s worth, good at cooking. Please let me know if you´d be able to accommodate me. Sorry for the late notice! my email: Jshifflett112@gmail.com. Thanks and all the best! Jonathan

At 12:26pm on February 16, 2012, Victor Klassen said…

Hello Theresa.......

We are a couple of mexican artists,my name is Graciela and my boyfriend,s name is Erik.We are both very interested in green construction and organic farms.

We are visiting San Miguel de Allende for the moment,and we are very interested to meet you and to know more about your farm proyect.

Can you contact us:044 55 40 60 11 45

Graciela y Erik

At 6:51pm on February 16, 2012, Verónica Govea Loyola said…

Hola Terresa, mi nombre es Verónica Govea y yo y mi amiga Lorena Briz (también miembro de WWOOFMEXICO), nos encontramos interesadas en trabajar por un tiempo en tu granja, tenemos tiempo disponible para trabajar del 23 de marzo al 16 de abril de 2012, si no es posible en estas fechas hazme sabes cuándo hay disponibilidad para ver si podemos ajustar nuestras agendas. Somos mexicanas, trabajadoras, ambas tenemos 26 años, somos easy going y tenemos muchas ganas e interés de aprender y relacionarnos más con la agricultura sostenible y proyectos parecidos a los de tu granja, ya que somos personas que se preocupan por el medio ambiente. Espero tu respuesta.


un saludo :)

At 7:24pm on March 4, 2012, Landon Jones said…

Hi Theresa!

My name's Landon. Im 21 years old and I currently am living with my family in Montana in the US. I am hoping to wwoof in Mexico soon, and am interested in your farm. I have 6 weeks experience from last fall on an organic farm, and 3 months working for a gardener last summer. I am very passionate about learning to tend to our Earth and livie in a sustainable way. I am open to coming and helping when you would need me, and I would most likely like to stay between 6 weeks and 3 months. Thanks for readin and hope all is well!


At 8:56pm on March 18, 2012, Emily Frankel said…
Hi Terresa,
My boyfriend and I have been on a bicycle tour for the last five months and we're ready to stop and spend time on a farm. Your description of being a family affair and homestead particularly jumped out at us as an ideal spot. We'd like to spend at least two weeks with you and your family and we could arrive there as soon as Thursday. This will be the first WWOOF experience for both of us so we're really excited to work, learn, and share! Neither of us have much farming experience, but we've spent years doing seasonal work and thoroughly enjoy working outside. We would happily work on any of your current projects. If you want to know more about us take a look at our blog at www.wegoslow.com. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
At 9:18pm on March 21, 2012, Emily Frankel said…
Hi Terresa, just wanted to check in and make sure that you received my direct email. if not, my email is erfrankie@gmail.com and I'd love to answer your questions. Talk with you soon, emily
At 8:35pm on April 1, 2012, Nicole Sklar said…

Hi Terresa,

I have been in Guanajuato for a little over a week now... Ive enjoyed my introduction to the city and now i'm ready to learn something else and get my fingers in some dirt too!! I'm stationed in Guanajuato, Guanajuato for a while. Are you now taking woofers?

At 7:47pm on April 25, 2012, Andrea Serra said…

Hi! My name is Andrea and I’m a 21 year old student from California. I have been studying Spanish and I’m planning on WWOOFing in Mexico this summer. I am looking to stay at a farm for 3 weeks to a month. I would love to stay at your farm if you have room for me during June-July. I will arrive in Mexico city the first week of June. I have very little experience in organic farming but I’m very eager to learn. I’m a very hard worker, in good shape and speak basic Spanish. My email address is jposg@yahoo.com. Please get back to me and let me know. Thanks!
Hola! Mi nombre es Andrea y soy un chica con 21 añios de California. Yo soy esudiando Español en colegio y planio visitar en Mexico por este verano para ser WWOOFing. Yo quiero quedar en un granja por 3 semanas o por un mes. Yo me gustaría mucho quedar en tu granja si tu tienes espacio per mi. Llegare a Ciudad de Mexico en primera semana de Junio. Yo tengo muy poco experiencia en organico granja pero soy muy entusiasmada per aprender y soy muy fuerte trabajadora. Tengo buen condición física y yo hablo Español básico. Mi dirección de email es jposg@yahoo.com. Por favor escríbeme de vuelta y diceme si puedo ir a tu granja. Gracias!

At 6:27am on May 19, 2012, McKenzie Angelo said…

Hola Querida!

My name is McKenzie. I am 22 years and have been living in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil for the last year, but I am originally from NYC. I have a strong passion for sustainable living and I think that it is extremely important to learn and apply these practices as much and as often as possible. I speak English and Brazilian Portuguese, and I am currently learning Spanish and Japanese. I am a visual artist and a student of many things. I love to skill share and cannot wait to assist in all projects. I will be in Guanajuato from July 14th to August 3rd. My preference would be to stay with you for that entire time period, if you have space. Please contact me with any and all questions. My email address is ashley.mckenzie@trincoll.edu and you can add me on facebook: McKenzie Angelo. If you need or would like anything from Brazil, Japan or NYC, please let me know. I will be in these locations before I arrive in Mexico. Thank you so much and I look forward to meeting you and building with you. Please contact me at you earliest convenience. 



At 6:08pm on May 21, 2012, Marie Baran said…

Hi Teresa,
I'm a 22 year old wwoofer from France and I'm currently in Guadalajara. I've been gardening with my Mom a lot in France and love earth and nature. I'd like to come spend 2 weeks to help you on your land starting May 28th (next Monday) til June 10th (it's a Sunday.
Please let me know if you have room available for me or not!
Thanks a lot! Hope to see you soon!

At 7:02am on June 3, 2012, Saoirse McHugh said…


I posted on the farms site also. My name is Saoirse McHugh. I am aware that you have said over 23 is preferable. I will be 22 when I begin my travelling. I will be travelling alone. I am familiar with organic farming as all of our own vegetables are grown at home (in Ireland)but I would be extremely interested in learning about the crops and soil in such a different climate. I am currently working as a horse handler. I love the satisfaction after a hard days work and I love to meet new people and laugh. I would love to be at your farm in mid-July. I am beginning to take Spanish lessons and hope to have at least the basics by the time I begin to travel. If there is anything else you would like to know about me please feel free to email me at


I hope to hear from you soon,


At 2:25pm on June 13, 2012, lydia.blackburn said…

Hi there,

I am in San Miguel currently and am here for 3 months. I arrived on June 1st and will be here until August 31st. I have experience working on a farm. I am very passionate about environmental issues of sustainability. I am hard working and reliable! I do not need a place to live as I am house sitting a house near Cieneguita. Please email me at lydia.blackburn@smfa.edu or contact me here if you would like some help on your farm! 

Thank you,


At 9:01am on July 4, 2012, Boyer Martin said…


We are a french couple traveling through central and south america. We began our trip last week and we have until the 13 of May 2013 to reach Buenos Aires.

During our trip, we really would like to meet people and that is why we are on the wwoofing website. We want to live with people giving them a hand back.

For the moment we are in San Miguel de Allende and we are going to leave to Guanajuato this morning for 2 days. We know that it is a bit short to contact you, but if you would need a hand very soon for 10 days, we would be verry happy to come to your place and put hands in the dirt with you!

If you are interrested, you can contact us at marlinetinpo@gmail.com, or by the wwoofing website.

Hopping that we will meet you!


At 3:00pm on July 10, 2012, WWOOF Mexico said…

Hola, la semana pasada les enviamos el siguiente mensaje por email. Es muy importante que respondan a wwoofmail@yahoo.com lo antes posible.
Hello, last week we sent you the following message via email. It is very important that you respond to it ASAP to wwoofmail@yahoo.com

Con la finalidad de mantener nuestras bases de datos al día y seguir mejorando nuestros servicios, les estamos contactando para verificar que permanezcan activos como parte de nuestras granjas de WWOOF Mexico. Quisiéramos también recordarles que todas las granjas pertenecientes a WWOOF deben cumplir con lo siguiente:
1- Los administradores de granjas deben comprometerse a responder a TODOS los emails un tiempo máximo de DOS SEMANAS. Deben responder a todos los correos que reciban de parte de los WWOOers, aun cuando sea solamente para rechazar una solicitud.
2-Como ya saben, uno de los principios básicos de WWOOF es que las granjas deben proporcionar alimento y hospedaje sin hacer ningún cobro. No se permitirá bajo ninguna circunstancia pedir dinero a los WWOOFers (cuota, colaboración, donativo, etc.). Todas las comidas y alojamiento adecuado deben brindarse de manera gratuita y a cambio únicamente de su trabajo en la granjas.
Les pedimos que respondan a este correo para asegurarnos que quieren seguir siendo listados y que estén enterados y de acuerdo con los requisitos. De no responder en un lapso de 2 semanas asumiremos que su granja se encuentra inactiva. Por favor tomen en cuenta que aquellas granjas que no deseen o no puedan acatar estas condiciones no serán listadas.
Quedamos a la espera de su respuesta y agradecemos su cooperación.

In order to keep our database up to date and keep improving our services, we are now contacting you to verify that you remain active as part of our WWOOF Mexico host farms. We would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to confirm your compliance regarding the responsibilities and rules of being a host farm.
1- We would like to remind you that all host farm managers must commit to answering ALL emails within TWO WEEKS at the most. Every email must be replied to, even if it is to turn them down when all spots have been filled.
2- As you know, one of WWOOF’s basic principles is for farms to provide food and a place to stay without charging WWOOFers. Please remember it is against our policy for farms to ask for money from WWOOFers under any circumstance (fees, contributions, donations, etc.). All meals and suitable accommodation must be provided free of charge and in exchange only for their work at the farm.
We ask that you please respond to this email so we can be sure you still want to be listed and that your farm will abide by these requirements. If we do not receive a response within 2 weeks’ time we will assume your farm is no longer active. Please note that those farms which are unable or unwilling to comply with these two conditions will not be listed.
We await your reply and thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Ernesto Garcia
WWOOF Latinamerica

At 11:51pm on July 10, 2012, Bodil Signe Wedele Rasmussen said…

Hola Terresa!

Soy Signe de Dinamarca y tengo 24 años. Ya terminé mi semestre (de intercambio) en la UNAM en el DF. Y ahora quiero conocer el campo y la gente. Tu granja/proyecto suena muy interesante y me gustaría quedarme dos semanas. Sé que escribo un poco tarde - podría venir este proximo martes, el 17, y quedarme hasta 29 de julio.
Sostenibilidad me interesa mucho (es mas o menos lo que estudio) y mis padres también tienen una granja orgánica, y por eso tengo experiencia con el trabajo, aun creo que sea muy diferente aquí que en Dinamarca. A lado de mis estudios tambien estoy haciendo trabajo con huertos urbanos cuando estoy en Dinamarce. Además fui a granjas de wwoof en España.
Hablo también ingles, y me puedes con contactar por bswedele@gmail.com
Espero tu respuesta!
Saludos, Signe

At 10:53am on August 13, 2012, Ariel Wills said…


My name is Ariel, I am a student from the US. I am 21 years old and go to school in Oregon, where I am active in many Organic farms. I would love to come work on your farm!

I am very interested in traditional methods of agriculture, homesteading, cooking, art, music, dance and yoga, food networks and food justice, and living in an active, conscious community.

I have been going to school in Querétaro, and have been looking into WWOOFing and other farming opportunities in Mexico. I would love an opportunity to come and work at your farm.

I am able to communicate verbally for the most part in Spanish, on a fairly intermediate level, though I am excited to learn more, and am a fast learner.

I am interested in staying for a duration of 3 days to 2 weeks. Hopefully during this month of August. I wish I could stay longer but my time left in Mexico is very limited. Is there enough space for more guests?

I very much look forward to your response!


my email is arielhome@mac.com

At 11:21am on August 13, 2012, Ariel Wills said…


My name is Ariel, I am a student from the US. I am 21 years old and go to school in Oregon, where I am active in many Organic farms. I would love to come work on your farm!

I am very interested in traditional methods of agriculture, homesteading, cooking, art, music, dance and yoga, food networks and food justice, and living in an active, conscious community.

I have been going to school in Querétaro, and have been looking into WWOOFing and other farming opportunities in Mexico. I would love an opportunity to come and work at your farm.

I am able to communicate verbally for the most part in Spanish, on a fairly intermediate level, though I am excited to learn more, and am a fast learner.

I am interested in staying for a duration of 3 days to 2 weeks. Hopefully during this month of August. I wish I could stay longer but my time left in Mexico is very limited. Is there enough space for more guests?

I very much look forward to your response!


my email is arielhome@mac.com

At 3:46pm on September 2, 2012, Monika Goforth said…

Hi Terresa!

Your farm and your style look like absolutely what we're looking for! I'm traveling with Christina Balint, who is a holistic nutritionist and teacher from Canada, I'm Australian/Oregonian with a Masters in Social Change and rural development focusing on permaculture for subsistence farmers. We'd love to come work, learn and exchange with you starting early october. Let us know if you have any availabilities. you can email me at: monikagoforth@gmail.com.

All our best!

Monika and Christina

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