WWOOF Mexico

Roberto Lepe's Comments

Messages Box (148 messages)

At 10:18pm on October 19, 2014, Auberon Niyol Tsinhnahjinnie said…
Hola! I am interested in wwoofing at your farm. I am interested in your rehabilitation project. I am currently in Oaxaca, with my dog. Do you allow pets? I have 4 years experience of part time farming in New Mexico.
At 1:49am on October 21, 2014, Dimitris Lambros said…

Hello Roberto,

In parallel to my industrial engineering studies, after a short term at the Athenian University of Agriculture (that I decided not to complete for ideological reasons), I developed a very strong interest in permaculture techniques and worked in several organic farms, some of them following Massanobu Fukuoka principles (such as Panagiotis Manikis).

Planning to travel next December in Mexico following my interest for zapatism movement and community, this trip would be such a great opportunity to join and volunteer in an organic farm for a month.

Could I join your community to work as a volunteer? 

Meanwhile, I stay at your disposal for further information.

My e-mail address is:  Dimitrislambros@live.be


Many thanks and best regards, 


Dimitris Lambros

At 12:30pm on October 21, 2014, Andrew Leonard said…

Hola David,

My girlfriend and I are traveling to Mexico in January and are looking for a farm to work on for about a month.  In the summer we are tree planters in northern Canada, and just finished apple picking in the Okanagan valley.  I have my PDC certificate and have worked on farms in Peru and Nepal.  I am interested in learning more about soil dynamics and composting.  Although we are not fluent in Spanish, we look forward to practicing it during our travels.  We can both cook well and are both happy people.  Looking forward to hearing from you.


Andrew and Marjorie Jade

At 1:52pm on October 21, 2014, Jonathan Serna Tamayo said…

Hola Roberto

Nos encantaria formar parte de su proyecto y trabajar con usted para ayudarle a realizar los sueños que tiene para su granja. Somos una pareja joven (Jonathan  y Rachael ) de 28 y 31 años de edad respectivamente, que viene desde frias tierras europeas (Reino Unido) para viajar y conocer  latinoamerica durante un periodo minimo de 1 año. Nuestro plan es quedarnos en varias granjas por Mexico durante una estancia minima  de un mes en cada lugar. Nuestro sueño es tener algun dia nuestro propio hogar autosostenible y con alimentacion organica. 
Somos dos personas jovenes, trabajadoras y con muchas ganas de ayudar y aprender. Estamos en muy buena forma fisica ya que a los dos nos gusta el ejercicio. Rachael es entrenadora persona de fitness, practica masaje tailandes y es Profesora de Yoga. Ha tenido varias experiencias en distintos retiros de yoga como voluntaria y maestra y estaria a su disposicion para dar clases de yoga y practicar masaje tailandes como parte del intercambio. Yo por mi parte creci en una casa finca donde cultivabamos nuestras propias frutas, verduras y hortalizas. Tengo experiencia profesional tanto de jardineria como de construccion, ya que trabaje en varias empresas dedicadas a estos sectores. 
Hablamos Español e Ingles.
El motivo principal de nuestro viaje es, ademas de viajar y conocer lugares nuevos, hacer una especie de viaje espiritual. Nos encontramos en un momento de nuestra vida en el que necesitamos desconectar del mundo "real" y "materialista" para reencontrarnos con nosotros mismos en un entorno en el que sea mas facil y natural conseguirlo.
Es por eso que nos interesa tanto hacer de voluntarios en diferentes granjas durante nuestro recorrido. Tenemos ganas de convivir con diferentes comunidades de distintas regiones, de aprender y ayudar en todo lo que sea necesario para sacar adelante los diferentes proyectos que se esten realizando.
Estaremos en Oaxaca desde mediados de Mayo de 2015. Nos interesa trabajar maximo 1 mes en cada granja.
Somos flexibles en cuanto a fechas y semanas de estancia. Todo es hablarlo
Estamos a sus ordenes
At 4:38pm on October 22, 2014, Rory Batt said…
Hola Roberto

I would greatly enjoy an opportunity to work on your farm! I am particularly interested in furthering my knowledge in composting through practical work. The conservation of the land is highly important to me, and I would like to help be a part if this. Intriguing the rehabilitation of the coffee plantation does sound!
I have been a groundskeeper and gardener in my adolescent years and enjoy working as a team. I jump at any opportunity to get my hands dirty! Give me a job and I will do it, no problem. I speak good spanish and French.

I will be in Oaxaca from December ~15th and can do 2 weeks (flexible)

My name is Rory and my email is Rory181@googlemail.com
At 3:59pm on October 24, 2014, Boris OSIOWSKI said…

Hi Roberto !

My name is Boris. I am 28. I come from french. In this time i am in mexico.

I like travel and i think that the best trip is with the local. That is why i will come in your farm. I am one week into mexico and i like speack with people. I speack in spanish but i don t no write this langage. That is why i write in english.

I ve worked in some farm with wwoof in canada. I work with sheep and vegetable. The last year I stay seven month in this sheep pen. I was in charge of roots of the lambs. I work to in the vegetable garden. In another farm i built a green house and extension at home. In other job i built house in wood and stone. En Francia soy trabajando social con gentes minusvalidos.

Ilike nature and go for a walk. I like work and the simple life.

I like live with many people. I have some joy of life. I would be happy to meet you, work in your farm and speak spanish.

I play accordeon and like coocking.

I am available now and for two or three week

See you later !

At 1:30am on October 26, 2014, Lisa Cervantes said…

Saludos Roberto,

Mi nombre es Lisa Cervantes y soy estudiante de ecología. Me interesó mucho saber de los proyectos que están haciendo en la granja en San Juan Lachao, Oaxaca. Especialmente sobre las diferentes formas de composta que hacen. Apartar de mis estudios dedico mucho de mi tiempo en un edificio comunidad que se llama EcoCentro. Hacemos muchas cosas sobre la sostenibilidad. Tenemos un cuarto dedicado a la incubación de los lombrices (red wiggler worms). En tal cual usamos composta y caca de caballo para sus camas. También estamos construyendo un jardín comunidad y a favor de lo bueno que estaría listo para la primavera. Ayudo a mantener los jardines limpios, y dar les agua de lluvia de la sistema de captación que puede captar más de 3,000 galones de agua. Si hay espació en Enero para dos personas y posiblemente una más. Nos encantaría ayudar le empezando el 5 de Enero hasta el 14 de ese mismo mes. Si se puede hacer por favor de contactarse conmigo vía email: Lisaclisa@gmail.com
Estamos orgullosos y listos para trabajar con ustedes. Estamos al pendiente de escuchar su respuesta.

Muchas Gracias,


At 3:01pm on October 27, 2014, Jannel Anderson said…

Hola Roberto! Espero que todo está bien con Usted. Pues, al presente, mi novio y yo somos trabajadores en una finca de hortalizas orgánicas en los estados unidos, pero vamos a pasar los meses del invierno en México. Estamos interesados en trabajando con Ud. en febrero (o, posiblemente, empezando en el fin de enero) si Ud. necesita ayuda durante este tiempo. Por favor, si Ud. quiere, lea mi perfil de aprender más acerca de mí y mi experiencia. Gracias, y tenemos mucho interés de tener noticias de Ud. Que le vaya bien!

At 6:50pm on October 28, 2014, Roberto Lepe said…

oK, favor de decirme cuando estén cerca de Oaxaca, muchos saludos, R.

At 9:46pm on October 29, 2014, Lisa Cervantes said…

Hola Roberto, no mas para confirmar que vamos a ser dos, mi amigo y yo. Estamos muy interesados en ayudarle en su proyecto Finca Las Nieves durante el mes de Enero. Estariamos en Oaxaca por dos semanas. Si nos podia acomodar en es tiempo estariamos listos para empezar trabajando el 5.  Esperamos su respuesta.


At 9:44am on October 31, 2014, Jenna McLeod said…


My boyfriend, Ernesto, and I are hoping to have our first time WWOOFing experience at your farm in early February for at least 2 weeks. Your farm sounds like a great place! We are eager to learn more about coffee growing and different methods of composting. We both work at a vegetarian restaurant in Boston, Ernesto has a lot of experience cooking and prepping, while I make smoothies and juices. We are diligent workers, who enjoy getting to know the community that surrounds us. 

Here is Ernesto's profile http://www.wwoofmexico.org/profile/ErnestoBotello

Looking forward to hearing from you! Here's my email: jenna.marissa@gmail.com

All the best,

Jenna and Ernesto

At 9:20pm on October 31, 2014, Kiva Stevens said…


My name is Kiva Stevens and my partner Zach and I are looking to WWOOF at a farm in the Oaxaca área. We are both from the USA and are recent graduates in ecology/biology. We are hard workers and love to be outside. I have wwoofed in Guatemala and Hawaii and have worked on numerous farms previously. We are currently in Puerto Vallarta and would be available whenever you need us.

My email is kivasteve@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Muchas gracias!

Kiva and Zach

At 4:19pm on November 1, 2014, Kiva Stevens said…


My name is Kiva Stevens and my partner Zach and I are looking to WWOOF at a farm in the Oaxaca área. We are both from the USA and are recent graduates in ecology/biology. We are hard workers and love to be outside. I have wwoofed in Guatemala and Hawaii and have worked on numerous farms previously. We are currently in Puerto Vallarta and would be available whenever you need us.I speak convesational spanish and my partner speaks a little spanish. We are both in our mid 20s.

My email is kivasteve@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Muchas gracias!

Kiva and Zach

At 1:00pm on November 3, 2014, Benjamin Lilly said…


Me encantan las fotos y la descripcion de su propriedad. Trabajar en la selva, con plantas de cafe... que romantica! Estoy seguro que no siempre es, pero viajo a Mexico este invierno tambien para trabajar, conocer la tierra y aprender nuevas cosas. Si hay lugar para un Woofer en su granja durante esta mez de enero, porfavor avisamelo. Me encantaria compartir su vida de la montana unas semanas y ayudarle con cual que sea.

Mantengo que este mensaje sea corto y directo, pero si tiene mas preguntas sobre mi, me gustaria discutir mas. Claro que se ve que mi espanol no es perfecto (ye que ya escribo con una computadora sin n~), pero tengo ganas de amejorarme. Espero aprender mucho de Vds, y ayuderle mucho tambien!

Gracias de leer y hasta su rispuesta!

Ben Lilly


At 12:30pm on November 5, 2014, Mitchell Ahmann said…

Hola Roberto,

My name is Mitch Ahmann and my brother Robbie and I are going to be traveling to the Oaxaca region in mid to late November. If you have availability on your farm at that time we would love to work with you for a couple weeks.  

We are from the United States and recently graduated from college. We have decided to take a road trip through Central America to explore the wonderful cultures, improve our Spanish and work on farms in the regions we are traveling to. We have a love for nature and are motivated to learn and share experiences.

My email is mahmann1023@gmail.com. Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.


Mitch and Robbie

At 4:05pm on November 5, 2014, Shota Suzawa said…

Hola mucho gusto!!!!
My name is Shota Suzawa, 20 years old and from Japan.Id love to do volunteering in your place.

Actually, I dont have any volunteering experience in farm yet but Im earger to do it and get new great experience. I want to stay there 2 or 3 weeks but if we both agree I could stay more as I wont be restricted by time. 

I'v done my spanish clase in Guatemala and now Im in San Cristobal, in Mexico. If you allow me staying at your place I can go there even tomorrow. I want to start volunteering as soon as posible.

This is my email: shota.suzawa@gmail.com

 Im looking forward to hearing from you.....

Thank you so much!!!!

At 5:04pm on November 6, 2014, Jannel Anderson said…

Roberto, gracias por su mensaje.  Pues, llegaremos en Oaxaca en el 30 de diciembre, y estamos planeando a quedarnos en la ciudad hasta que el 28 de enero.  Por eso, estamos disponibles a empezar con Ud. el 28 o 29 de enero, como Ud. quiere.  Somos flexibles!     

At 11:57am on November 9, 2014, Jessica Wishart said…
Roberto Lepe

Hola! Me llamo Jessica. Mi Amiga Susie y yo estamos viajamos en Mexico. Estamos en San Cristobal de las Casas. Buscamos una lugar para trabajar alfuera con la naturaleza.
We would love to come help you out with your coffee. We are both Canadians in our late 20s, easy going and hard working people with some Spanish.
I have quite a bit of experience helping out on organic farms both at home and in European and African countries. Susie has some gardening experience and an interest and desire to learn.
We are available at the beginning of December. Please let me know if there is anything we can do.
My email is Jess.wishart@gmail.com. Susie's is susandoucet@gmail.com.
Jess y Susie.
At 9:20pm on November 10, 2014, Benjamin Lilly said…

Gracias por la rispuesta, ya me estoy dando cuenta que le contacte muy muy temprano segun los costumbres del wwoofing. Pues sere en contacto cuando tengo fechas mas exactas. Que le vaya bien :)

At 9:31am on November 26, 2014, Frida Losciale said…

My Name is Frida. I have been travelling in mexico for 2 months and are now looking for a opportunity to work with Organic farming. Organic farming is something I have been interested in for a long time, specially the coffee farming. I ve been working with specialty Coffee Shop/Roastery in Ireland for one year and would love learn the farming part of the process to. I have experience with gardening and animal care. I love to live close to the nature and I always want to learn new things. I speak a little bit of Spanish and good English.
I am flexible and can start whenever there is a possibility, but I would mainly be interested to work in December or January. I would like to stay for 3 weeks or more.

This is my email: frida@losciale.com

Hope to hear from you soon!

Hasta luego,

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