WWOOF Mexico

Julie Demeulemeester's Comments

Messages Box (14 messages)

At 6:47pm on February 25, 2010, Rafael and Alison Hernandez said…
Hola July:
Gracias por escribir ahora estoy en espera de respuesta de dos wwoofers pero si hay lugar en la granja en Marzo ,
At 2:38pm on February 26, 2010, fabri said…
Hola July
I'm Fabri and i work with Renato.
U are most welcome, i just need to know the precise days u will stay here, because we are running out of places ;)
so hope to see u soon
At 10:24am on February 27, 2010, fabri said…
Hola July
we are really full until march 15th
if u want u can come around these days
let me know what u think
At 5:32pm on March 1, 2010, Julie Demeulemeester said…
Hola Fabri,

Gracias por su repuesta! I'm very interested in the practices you do at your farm. I could come around the 17th of march, but I read that there´s only camping space provided and I have no tent with me. Are there tents to borrow or not?

kind regards

At 11:18am on March 2, 2010, fabri said…
Hola July
We have room, with 5 beds and 1 hamaca, and a camping space.
the thing is that is going to be full, so i would like to know how long u will stay around here. That's it.
So see u on 17th
At 10:40am on March 3, 2010, fabri said…
great...more info
we can provide water, not food; things to know....mmmmm, well, we work in the morning and afternoon...we don't have a time schedule, just do what we have to do...at least 6 hours a day, but there is people that works 8 h and others works 3 h. It's very free space.
I coordinate the works here, and there is a lot to do
so we wait for u
At 8:33am on March 12, 2010, Renato Dorfman said…
we are situated in zona urbana of puerto morelos, ask for "esquina calle 8"
we wait u there
At 9:13pm on March 14, 2010, Rafael and Alison Hernandez said…
Hola Julie:
si quieres venir estas bienbenida yio saldre el dia 17 si llegas antes muy bien para conocerte si llegas despues esta otra persona en la granja escribeme y asi dejare informacion para que te reciban , Saludos Rafael
At 9:44am on March 17, 2010, fabri said…
Hi Julie
Yes take the bus from cancun to puerto morelos, and from puerto to the farm with taxi, we wait u there
At 9:45am on March 17, 2010, fabri said…
oh the bus is "ADO"
At 1:30pm on July 2, 2010, Daniel Trigo said…
Hi Julie
We have a smal eco hotel www.casablatha.com and a property in a small mayan village www.ecopueblitomaya.com. We are developing organic orchards on both places. The hotel is located in holbox a small island in the caribbean very much preserved and where we want guest to discover the beauty of harvesting their own food. In the small village we are helping them adopting organic practices and creating a small comunity supported agriculture scheme. Let me know if you are interested?
I work in an agriculture businessyou can take a look at the site as well www.guayabe.com

Best Daniel
At 12:06am on July 17, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Julie, Aviseme si vas a estar en Chiapas en septiempre. Por ahora tenemos buenos voluntarios, pero gracias por ofrecer tu ayuda. Saludos, kippy
At 12:24am on July 28, 2010, Kippy Nigh said…
Hola Julie, Tenemos espacio para tí a partir del 23 de agosto. Si esto es bueno para tí, avíseme. Gracias por ofrecer tu ayuda, kippy
At 12:52pm on July 28, 2010, Terresa Beck said…
Hola Julie, My native language is English so everything is conducted in English here at Flora de Luna when possible. As it is the rainy season now the accomodations are wet. If you'd like to join us here the second week of August, que bueno. Let me know and I'll send you the questionaire.
Mine is a totally off grid situation , a real back to the basics way of daily trivial. Natures Cradle Collectivo is a small family affair . Guidiance, Dance, Sing and be Merry, Terresa repond via naturescradlecollectivo@yahoo.com please

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