WWOOF Mexico

Avery Kott
  • Male
  • Missoula, MT
  • United States

Avery Kott's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Grew up on a farm with a large garden and animals. Worked on ranches growing up, helping with horses, animals, building fences, etc.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I'm a university student taking time off to learn more about sustainability and conservation. I want to learn skills that I can take home with me and hopefully utilize in the future.

Avery Kott's Photos

Messages Box (2 messages)

At 10:59pm on December 20, 2017, James Vitale said…

Hey, that looks like some of the fish you caught here (in your profile pic.) I hope you're enjoying time with your family. Coco missed you and just laid around in the sun for a couple of daze...until the two French boys came. Now all the dogs are riled up with playing and exhausted by evening. Thanks for al your fine work! It rained a lot after you left but now we'll have to weed the gardens and start watering again. Ciao, Jim 

At 1:49pm on January 16, 2018, Avery Kott said…

Hi jim! I'm glad the French boys were able to get Coco out of his funk, I miss all the dogs a lot. Thank you so much for everything, I really really appreciated my time at El Encanto. You were the best host I could've asked for and I learned a lot. I hope the garden is doing well and that all the recent visitors have been good! I'll never forget my experience there it was truly amazing. Your friend, Avery

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