WWOOF Mexico

Laurel Sebastian
  • Female
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • United States

Laurel Sebastian's Contacts

  • Lino Carlin
  • Marie-Douce Dorion
  • Cristobal Guggenbuehl
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Leonardo Pelayo López
  • salvador montaño arambula
  • leon shlejter
  • Javier Zamora Rios
  • Victor Klassen
  • Levi Rios

Laurel Sebastian's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
I have kept a garden at home for roughly ten years. My personal interest has led me to attend several workshops on permaculture principles including composting, sheet mulching, crop rotation, rainwater collection etc.
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
I speak spanish fairly well and am a very hard worker. I'm knowledgable about a lot of plants and permaculture practices, including composting, cob earth buildings, plant cultivation, and some seed saving.

Laurel Sebastian's Photos

Messages Box (6 messages)

At 2:53pm on December 13, 2014, Cristobal Guggenbuehl said…

Hellow   laurel, im sorry but currently we are out of mexico, in till spring begins, 

if you wish to go to tapalpa, write to Gustavo Rodriguez, who also has a beutifull farm, gustavo@malabares.com.mx     

best of luck!


At 8:52pm on December 14, 2014, Anand Dílvar said…

Ello Laurel:

It would be great to have you at our farm. But, we close from december tll the end of february. If your travels bring you back around here please contact us again.

The best of luck and lots of love.

Anand Dílvar and the Vision Quest Family

At 5:25pm on December 15, 2014, Lino Carlin said…
Hello Laurel, thank you for your message, we do have space in January, please write to ecowaye @ gmail.com for further info.

Thanks again,
At 8:40pm on December 15, 2014, salvador montaño arambula said…

Hola Laurel,mi mail es iglookokolo@hotmail.com y mi telefono es el (045) 3334930164,



At 2:58pm on December 21, 2014, Victor Klassen said…

sorry for the late reply but I should have place in January. gaudesco@gmail.com

At 4:18pm on December 23, 2014, Rogelio y Nievska said…

HI laurel,

Let me check...I believe that february we have full for the moment...I´ll get back to you in case we have space. Saludos!

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