WWOOF Mexico

Farms in Cardonal, Hidalgo


Farms in Cardonal, Hidalgo

Host ID: MEX0113

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Members: 52
Latest Activity: Oct 22, 2018

Email : nuhusehe@gmail.com seguimientonuhu@gmail.com   Direccion de la granja : Santuario, municipio de Cardonal, Hidalgo   Descripcion de la granja : We are a group of Mexican farmers who initiate a project of Demonstrative Center. We want to prove that it is possible to live according to the Nature, helping with ecologic construction and organic agriculture. We search spreading this way of life to others farmers of Hidalgo's region and further away. Today, we are construing a formation room with bale of hay, a kitchen with adobe, a dry toilet, and we are planting an organic vegetable garden, a medicinal garden and a nursery for reforestation trees. We are searching for a volunteer with motivation, who want to exchange with the local farmers, who are interesting to our way of life project and way of thinking. We need a volunteer who speak basic Spanish because all of us speak spanish and prehispanic language (named “hña hñu”). For other part, we have a project to develop a ecotouristic center, using an old stone farm. Exist a room, but it need to be improved. We think of construing a kitchen (with wood stove), a dry toilet and an other room. The volunteer will can be helping in the construction of the Demonstrative Center and the Ecotouristic Center (close to the Demonstrative Center), planting the garden, caring on the animals, participating in the community life... We can offer lodgings and 3 meals a day to the volunteer.

Members (52)


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