WWOOF Mexico

Stine Liengaard Jensen
  • Female
  • Uldum
  • Denmark

Stine Liengaard Jensen's Contacts

  • Roberto Lepe
  • Leonardo Pelayo López

Stine Liengaard Jensen's Farms


Stine Liengaard Jensen's Page

Profile Information

What is your previous experience with Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development?
Our dad used to do organic agriculture on the farm, where me and my brother live
What are your reasons for joining WWOOF Mexico?
Learning about sustainable living and agriculture, Getting to know Mexico better
What do you want the farms and fellow WWOOFers to know about you?
We (my brother and I) are new in this network but we are openminded and hard working young people from Denmark

Stine Liengaard Jensen's Photos

Messages Box (4 messages)

At 4:53pm on August 31, 2015, Roberto Lepe said…

Hi, yes, you are wellcome. We ask for Woof less than 1 month 80 pesos per person for meals per day..

Is that ok to you?

Saludos, R

At 9:57am on October 6, 2015, Roberto Lepe said…

Hi, this is my mail: robertolepe@gmail.com   yes, arrive in Puerto Escondido, and came to Hotel Santa Fe, and here I tell you how go in public transport.  OK?

I check everday my email in my cell.


At 6:25pm on November 15, 2015, Braydon said…

Hola Stine & Christian,

Did you guys make it to Guatemala and Lake Atitlan? Where else will you go?

I would be interested in seeing those fotos from the cafe farm, and the rainforest where we stayed those long rainy nights. my email is braydon_99@hotmail.com if you have a connection to send them.

At 2:39pm on January 6, 2016, Ben James Slatky said…

Hi Stine,

I'm considering working at the coffee farm in San Juan Lachao. It looks like you were as well. I was wondering if you ended up visiting the farm, and, if so, how was your experience?


Ben Slatky

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